Breath of the Dead

Chapter 478: Surrender or not (please subscribe)

Chapter 478: Surrender or not (please subscribe)

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The incarnation of death rushed out of the black mist and was all brass-colored. It immediately threw the Blacksmith Stitch Monster to the ground, opened its mouth and bit the Blacksmith Stitch Monster's neck.

Blacksmith Suture Monster did not expect that Gu Xi would suddenly strike such a blow. He was pressed to the ground by the incarnation of death. He struck back with his hand, and the spell he had just prepared fell on the body of the incarnation of death.

Through his connection with the incarnation of death, Gu Xi also knew the spells released by the blacksmith's suture monster.


This is another gain-type spell that can enhance the defense of companions.

 This is obviously wrong.

What exactly does this blacksmith stitch the monster up to do?

 But the Blacksmith Stitch Monster did not give Gu Xi any chance to react. Ignoring the attack of the incarnation of death, four or five more defensive buff spells fell on the incarnation of death.

 Finally, the Blacksmith Stitch Monster roared, and a red line of blood came out from his body and fell on the body of the incarnation of death.

Gu Xi also sensed this spell.

 This is equal damage.

 At this moment, Blacksmith Stitch Monster finally took action seriously, and he hit the incarnation of death with one hammer.

Gu Xi saw at the same time that 10 points of life had been deducted from both the Death Incarnation and the Blacksmith Stitch Monster.

 You will understand after taking a breath.

 The Blacksmith Stitch Monster has done so much before, just to bring the enemy's defense to the same level as his own.

 Then use this move to divide the damage equally and fight for blood.

It's just that Gu Xi didn't quite understand why he had to do this. He could just kill the enemy in front of him and not fight him, so why bother?

 Actually, Gu Xi didn't understand that this was something that the blacksmith stitching monster couldn't do anything about.

 His set-up was a ritual, somewhat similar to war shackles.

 As long as both sides have the same defense, they can engage in a melee fight.

 Both sides can use their strongest moves to attack each other, but the damage suffered by both sides will be divided equally.

 This is a comparison of whose blood line is longer.

 The loser will automatically become the winner’s food and become a part of the winner.

The Blacksmith has been playing Stitch Monster for so many years, and his blood is so thick that he doesn’t even know how strong it is, so he has never been afraid of competing with others for blood.

When he encounters an enemy that cannot be defeated, he uses this technique to drag the enemy to the same level as himself to fight.

 Although Gu Xi was allowed to escape, the existence of the incarnation of death made the blacksmith stitch the monster quite satisfied.

 He took a fancy to the bones of the incarnation of death. In his eyes, the quality of this bronze bone was quite good.

 When the time comes, you can change it for yourself, and your life will be much longer.

As for whether the incarnation of death knew this, he didn't consider it at all. Anyway, the ceremony has already been carried out and it will not stop.

 He will win again then.

But at this time, Gu Xi saw that something was wrong.

He noticed that whether it was the Death Incarnation attacking or the Blacksmith Stitch Monster attacking, the lives of both sides were deducted by the same amount.

However, the vitality of the Death Incarnation is obviously not as good as that of the Blacksmith Stitch Monster.

 If this continues, there will be problems with the incarnation of death.

After thinking for a moment, Gu Xi quickly took out a bottle of miniature magic potion that could restore 100 points of mana and poured it into it.

 Then he raised the Cold Wind Staff.

Seeing Gu Xi want to take action, a smile flashed in the blacksmith's eyes.

 His ritual has already begun. Regardless of whether it is an attack from both sides or an external attack, the two of them will suffer the same damage.

 So it is useless for Gu Xi to attack again now.

 The one who dies last must be the incarnation of death. Blacksmith Suture Monster is quite confident about this.

But he never expected that Gu Xi didn't want to play with him at all.

 After replenishing his mana, Gu Xi Hanfeng's staff pointed outside, but did not issue any attack, but released a new incarnation of death.

 The re-recruited Death Incarnation does not have all the various buffs and blessings on it.

 The defense forces of both sides suddenly became unbalanced.

The blacksmith's ritual of sewing monsters was naturally ruined.

 The incarnation of death flew out of the black mist again and pounced on the blacksmith suture monster again.

The incarnation of death was not polite this time, and just sprayed the blacksmith's suture monster.

 Dragon Breath of Death!

 The Death Incarnation breathed out the normal death dragon breath, and the green light beam hit the Blacksmith Stitch Monster, rapidly harvesting his life.

Under such an attack, the blacksmith stitch monster didn't care about anything else and kept hitting the body of the incarnation of death with a hammer.

 But what does Death Incarnate care about?

Even if the body was blown to pieces, Gu Xi cast a spell and he came back.

So he didn't pay attention at all. When the death dragon's breath struck, his eyes widened and he released two rays of melting light.

  After letting all this go, the incarnation of death bit **** the head of the Blacksmith Stitch Monster.

 At the same time, the tail kept hitting the Blacksmith Stitch Monster.

 After taking a rest, the blacksmith stitched the monster's life back together.

I have to admit that this guy still has a long life, but after this wave, he only lost half of his blood.

 Gu Xi immediately repaired the demon again, and a new incarnation of death flew out.

At this time, Blacksmith Suture Monster also understood that Gu Xi’s incarnation of death was a spell.

 And just restrained himself.

His rituals simply cannot be used on the incarnation of death.

  As for Gu Xi, he has not been blessed with any buffs since the first time he jumped away.

It's impossible to use this trick against Gu Xi.

So the Blacksmith Stitch Monster immediately used another trick.

 The cracks on his body turned outwards, and many arms stretched out from his abdomen, trying to catch the incarnation of death.

When his abdomen was opened, Gu Xi also noticed that there was a furnace inside his abdomen.

It seems like this guy really put his blacksmith shop into his belly.

 Now he wants to drag the incarnation of death into it and melt it.

Gu Xi didn’t want his death incarnation to disappear like this. He was planning to give orders to the death incarnation.

 But he never expected that the incarnation of death would react faster than him. He lowered his head and got into the belly of the blacksmith stitch monster.

 Then Death Incarnate spit out a purple ball.

Gu Xi was shocked. Isn't this the ball left behind by the Nether Phoenix Cavalry after his death?

This seems to be the authority of Netherworld Phoenix in the academy.

Just when Gu Xi was about to speak, the ball exploded on the spot, blowing the body of the incarnation of death into pieces.

At the same time, the body of the Blacksmith Stitch Monster was also blown into two pieces, and its vitality dropped directly to the bottom.

At this time, Gu Xi did not release another incarnation of death, but raised the cold wind staff and pointed it in the direction of the blacksmith's suture monster.

 “Are you going to surrender or not?”

 (End of this chapter)

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