Breath of the Dead

Chapter 479: I have a friend who wants to join (please order more on Friday)

Chapter 479 I have a friend who wants to join (more updates will be added on Friday, please subscribe)

 It’s Friday. Please subscribe for more updates. I hope I can hit the 2000 average. Please help me!


Facing the question of Gu Xi, Blacksmith Suture Monster was quite speechless.

The fight has ended like this, and they still ask me whether I want to surrender. If I don’t surrender, what can you do to me?

 But he actually understood that if he did not surrender, the final possibility would be to be killed. After that, Gu Xi could use another spiritualism to get a reliable and believable undead soul.

Looking at Gu Xi's sinking expression, the blacksmith stitched up the monster and finally said something.

"I surrender!"

  【There are undead souls who are impressed by your great strength and are willing to surrender to you. May I ask if you accept the other party's surrender? 】


  【Blacksmith Xavier joins your team. 】

  【Name: Xavier

Occupation: Blacksmith

Race: Stitch

 Level: Level 10 (0/20000)

Talent: Life Multiplier

 Status: health (1/6600), magic power (50/250)

 Attributes: Strength 10.4, Agility 9.6, Constitution 20.6, Intelligence 8, Perception 6.4, Charisma 3.2

 Skills: random gain magic, equal damage, life duel ritual, melting furnace devouring, life reversal. 】

 Influence of occupational characteristics:

 Swordsmith: The quality of weapons such as long swords will be improved by one level.

Life Casting: There is more than 50% chance that the forged weapons will have attributes that increase life. 】

 College Blacksmith: When making weapons for students in the college, the consumption of materials is not considered. 】

【Ding! Temporary mission: The progress of the upper-level undead has changed. An undead above level 10 has been killed and subdued (1/3). 】

Hearing the pop-up sound, Gu Xi also had a smile on his face.

He glanced sideways at Xavier, pointed his hand back, and the evil coffin appeared next to Gu Xi, and the medical tent that had been dragged behind the evil coffin was set up.

 “Go in and recover.”

Xavier shook his head, "My blood is too thick. This thing is useless to me. It can't make up for it."

Xavier said as he worked hard to stand up.

Although he was blown off from the waist, Xavier didn't care at all. His lifeline was actually replenished by himself, and at the same time, he had begun to reassemble the broken leg back to his body.

As for the missing waist in the middle, you don’t need to worry about it at all. You can just eat some flesh and blood later to make it up.

While installing his body, Xavier also asked: "Sir, do you still want to attack and conquer some teaching staff?"

When asked this question, Gu Xi was stunned for a moment.

“Ah, yes, I need to conquer at least two more, and they must be level 10 or above. Why do you have any recommendations?”

Gu Xi glanced at Xavier.

  He knows very well that some people’s mentality is that I cannot be the only one who suffers.

Sure enough, Xavier proposed a candidate.

 “I have a friend who would love to join.”

Well, Gu Xi also wanted to get to know Xavier’s friend. In his opinion, Xavier should know his friend quite well.

Sure enough, Xavier immediately betrayed his friend.

 His friend is a ghost named Julie.

But his biggest feature is not the ghost. He and Xavier can become 'good friends' because he made a set of full-body heavy armor from Xavier.

  Yes, the kind without payment. Zhuli, who put on heavy armor and knew Xavier's abilities, ran away immediately.

 So Xavier has not yet recovered this account.

 Xavier, who was feeling quite unhappy, hoped that Gu Xi could take action to deal with Zhu Li.

If you can conquer Zhu Li, then conquer him. If you can't conquer him, it's okay to kill him.

 In Xavier's words, he is not short of such a friend.

 With the introduction and guidance of a dedicated person, Gu Xi’s goal for the second battle has been determined.

  Let Xavier have a good rest. Gu Xi has no intention of bringing Xavier back to Aridovi.

Similarly, in the department that Gu Xi is about to establish, there will be no place for Xavier. He will become a "neutral" and supportive faculty member who has been working in the college.

 No one will know that Xavier is Gu Xi’s subordinate.

Xavier didn’t have any objections to Gu Xi’s arrangement.

He actually didn't care where it was, after all, the furnace was in his belly.

Wherever he wants to go, he doesn’t even need to do the work of moving the blacksmith shop, he can just go.

  Even though Xavier is a stitch monster, his movement speed is actually not slow, almost the normal level of a zombie.

 Since the undead does not need to consider physical strength and time, he can really go wherever he wants.

It's okay to stay with Gu Xi, it's the same for him to enter Gu Xi's city, and it's also appropriate to support Gu Xi in the academy.

After arranging Xavier, Gu Xi said to him: "I will go find the man named Zhuli now. Don't worry, I will bring him back. If he is unwilling to surrender, he dares to surrender to me." If he fights back, I'll bring his head back."

Upon hearing this, Xavier raised his head, thought for a moment and said, "Bring his armor back. His armor is more valuable."

 Well, this is a guy who doesn’t really know how to joke.

Gu Xi shook his head and left quickly.

But he didn’t go very far. Although the Julie Xavier mentioned was named, he was still a little far away from here.

After all, if you think about it, you can tell that Julie is not stupid. There is no reason for him to cheat others and escape without knowing it.

 Gu Xi’s target this time was an undead who happened to be on his way.

 Killed, no, after subduing the undead, you can find the Julie that Xavier mentioned by walking a little further.

 So Gu Xi was not in a hurry to deal with Zhu Li, but instead focused on the poor undead.

Who made him so unlucky that he happened to be blocking Gu Xi's path forward?

This unlucky undead is not an important clergy member himself.

 He is responsible for dealing with garden pests inside the college.

 After all, the original Mystery Academy was almost equivalent to a huge city.

There are more than ten gardens and herbal gardens here, which is much bigger than the one where Gu Xi's Alydovi just started.

 Whether it is a garden or a herb garden, they will be affected by magic, producing some magical plants, and at the same time attracting some demonized pests.

 So in the college, there are some faculty members who specialize in dealing with these pests.

 But normal students won’t notice them.

Even after becoming undead, they became the best faculty members in the academy.

 At the same time, because they fight pests every day, their strength has also improved.

 The undead in front of me is a level 11 being.

 (End of this chapter)

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