Breath of the Dead

Chapter 480: The first undead to automatically join (more updates)

 Chapter 480 The first undead to automatically join (additional update)

 Praying mantis.

A tall mantis with a dark gray outer shell stood there, about the size of a normal human being. From the color of the outer shell that seemed to be solidified in the dark mist, one could tell at a glance that he had lost his life. breath.

It has a clear human face on its head, long tentacles and red compound eyes, which are the last stubbornness of him as a mantis.

 The decorations on his body are even more thrilling.

Those small ornaments made of human skulls and amber are densely covered on its body, and they will make a whining sound when blown by the wind.

Coupled with a pair of huge scythe hands, which are so sharp that they can easily cut off human bones, people can understand at a glance how powerful this guy is.

  He is the exact opposite of Xavier.

 A powerful undead with high movement and high attack.

When it saw Gu Xi, the mantis did not attack immediately, but stared at Gu Xi with wide eyes.

 Gu Xi was not sure what was happening with this praying mantis.

 But for being so big, I'm afraid it's the kind that Gu Xi remembers being able to slay a dragon.

 This guy is a fierce enemy.

Facing such an enemy, Gu Xi could no longer fly a kite.

 If you continue to play like this, you will definitely get yourself into it.

 Looking at his own mana, Gu Xi secretly drank a bottle of miniature magic potion that restored 100 mana.

 Then Gu Xi pointed the cold wind staff at the mantis and was ready to attack.

 The name of the incarnation of death was about to be shouted out by Gu Xi.

He never expected that at this moment, the mantis would take the initiative to speak.

 “Please do not attack, I am willing to surrender.”

Gu Xi was stunned for a moment, and the attack in his hand almost hit him.

 Fortunately, he suppressed the cold wind staff and looked up at the mantis with disbelief.

 At the same time, check the information that pops up in front of you.

  【There are undead souls who are impressed by your great strength and are willing to join your team. May I ask if you accept their surrender? 】

 Is there such a good thing?

Gu Xi thought that every undead soul would have to be beaten, even beaten to death before surrendering.

I didn’t expect someone to surrender so easily.

 Actually, Gu Xi has forgotten that he is actually a person with good diplomacy.

Even if there is no death edict, he can actually conquer some neutral troops to join him through money and other methods.

 It’s just that he has never encountered such a situation before, so he is not familiar with the matter in front of him.

Now that there is the first case, Gu Xi will naturally react.

"take over."

 As Gu Xi responded, a new prompt popped up.

    Rikar the Ripper joins your team. 】

  【Name: Rekar

 Occupation: Farmer

 Race: Mantis

 Level: Level 11 (0/25000)

Talent: Son of the Graveyard

 Status: Life (330/330), Magic Power (200/200)

 Attributes: Strength 9.4, Agility 11.6, Constitution 8.6, Intelligence 7, Perception 12.4, Charisma 6.2

 Skills: Extremely fast slashing, super-fast movement, dodge. 】

 Influence of occupational characteristics:

 Insect swarm cleanup: It has higher lethality against insect swarms and other pests. Death Farmer: Plant herbs and flowers with death attributes, increasing the output rate by 5%. 】

 College Farmer: In the college, you can cooperate with the farm to carry out basic work and increase farm output. 】

【Ding! Temporary mission: The progress of the upper-level undead has changed. Two undead above level 10 have been killed and subdued (2/3). 】

 Gu Xi raised his head and glanced at the mantis man in front of him, Ruikal, and then at this attribute. He asked with some confusion.

“Rikar, can you tell me what you think? Why are you willing to join my team?”

“You look friendly and your strength is pretty good. You are not a weakling. Is there any problem if I join?”

 “Of course not.”

 Gu Xi also didn’t expect that an undead would have such a mentality if he was willing to join him.

But this is actually good, at least he doesn’t have to consider the thoughts of the undead who are willing to join the team after acquiring the Death Lord skill.

 It seems that the Death Lord's skill is similar to diplomacy.

 The undead who are affected will have some reasons in their hearts that they are willing to join their team.

His skills only had an impact, but did not change their minds or force them to join.

“That’s good, what are your plans in the future?

 Should you follow me, go to my city, or stay in this college? "

Gu Xi will still take the initiative to care about the first few people who join him.

Just like when Gu Xi first became a necromancer, Gu Xi would take the initiative to form formations for the first few skeleton leaders under his command.

 At present, Gu Xi will be more tolerant towards the undead souls who actively seek refuge with him.

“Sir, I want to be a professional faculty member, the kind with a department.”

 Gu Xi was also a little surprised by this request. He did not agree immediately, but asked: "Then what will you teach?"


  Rikal raised his head and glanced at Gu Xi, finding that Gu Xi was speechless.

He immediately said: "This is the only one I can teach, but that doesn't mean we won't do other things. If you are willing to give me a position as a faculty member in the department, I can bring my friends over.

 We can form a team and teach something together. "

 “How many friends do you have?”

“Including me, there are seventeen in total, but don’t worry, we have been dealing with pests in farmland in the college for many years, and seventeen of us can be used as one person.”

 Gu Xi didn’t expect that there was such a way to play.

  But it has to be said that this is an idea.

"Okay, your suggestions are quite reasonable. You can find someone now. You don't need to find all seventeen friends. As long as there are more than twelve friends who are willing to join me, I will give you a position as a faculty member in the department. "

 Gu Xi said decisively.

Hearing Gu Xi’s words, Ruikal also became excited.

“Don’t worry, sir, I will definitely bring them back.”

  After saying that, Ruikal flashed in front of Gu Xi, and then Gu Xi saw a gray figure disappear in front of him.

Looking at the direction in which Rui Carl disappeared, Gu Xi couldn't help but sigh. This Rui Karl really dared to think of anything just for the sake of his position as a faculty member in the department.

 With his strength, if he really wants to be an enemy of Gu Xi, Gu Xi's men may not be able to withstand his attack.

The only one who can really compete with Rickard is Shaya, who also takes the assassin-killer route.

With Ruikal's help, Gu Xi did not dare to underestimate the undead in this world. When heading towards Zhu Li's direction, Gu Xi released the incarnation of death one step ahead to avoid any problems at the last moment. .

 (End of this chapter)

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