Breath of the Dead

Chapter 485: The dragon knight who can slay dragons (please subscribe)

Chapter 485 The Dragon Knight Who Can Slay Dragons (Please subscribe)


Looking at the giant bone dragon being pressed and beaten in the sky, Gu Xi didn't even think about it.

This is obviously a cannon-fodder bone dragon, of no use. If Gu Xi hadn't still lacked a level 10 or above undead to conquer, he wouldn't have even paid attention to this giant bone dragon.

However, under Gu Xi's order, the incarnation of death had not yet attacked, but the giant skeleton that had been following Gu Xi took action in advance.

The giant skeleton raised its hand in a spear-throwing motion, and struck the giant bone dragon in the sky.

With this blow, Gu Xi saw a bright lightning fly out like a spear and hit the giant bone dragon.

The giant bone dragon that was being beaten was knocked back a long distance by the lightning on the spot.

 At this time, Amilcar also discovered Gu Xi.

He quickly led his troops, opened the city gate closest to Gu Xi, and rushed towards Gu Xi.

"grown ups."

“What’s going on with that giant bone dragon? It looks so weak.”

The first thing Gu Xi said when he saw Amilka was.

After all, he can't even defeat a level 9 giant skeleton under his command. Such a big bone dragon is a waste at a glance.

But he never expected that Amilcar shook his head and said: "Sir, the enemy is not weak. That is the third wave of troops he sent, and the enemy is a dragon knight hero."

 When Amilka said this, Gu Xi became somewhat interested.

 “What’s going on? Tell me!”

“While your lord was away, I have been dealing with matters in the camp.

 Because of the high-profile construction of our camp, we quickly attracted the attention of some nearby undead.

 When they come over, we deal with them immediately.

 Turn these undead into materials needed in the camp.

 Until about three hours ago, a Bone Dragon Knight hero came.

 When he saw the bone dragons on the main city gate, he immediately made a request to me and wanted to take away these bone dragons.

If the Earth-bound dragon on the other side of the Iron City Gate was not an Earth-bound spirit, he might also forcefully demand it.

 I ignored him, so he sent troops to attack.

 In the first wave, twenty bone dragon cavalry were sent out, the kind of bone dragons that were built together on two-legged flying dragons.

 The level is definitely around level 8, I can guarantee this with my eyes.

 When it comes to knights, my vision is not wrong.

 After being defeated by us, he sent out two normal-sized bone dragons.

These two bone dragons are made of various bones. When they fly, the bones are falling down, but their strength is about level 9.

 The fight with our six bone dragons was back and forth.

 However, with the cooperation of our long-range troops, we still captured him.

That was just the third wave, just such a giant bone dragon.

 We don’t know how many enemies will come later. "

“Interesting, I happen to be worried about not having any enemies. It’s just a huge and useless bone dragon. I want to see this bone dragon hero.”

 “He is the Bone Dragon Knight hero.”

Amilka said seriously: "His potential is pretty good. Although he can't become a leader, he can go a long way as a hero." While Gu Xi was talking to Amilka, the giant skeleton was already flying towards the giant bone dragon. Run in the direction out.

  It can be seen that this giant bone dragon has an appetite for giant skeletons.

At present, although the huge bone dragon was knocked away, it did not die in the battle. Instead, it turned around in the sky and rushed towards Gu Xi again.

This made the giant skeleton very interested. He threw another bolt of lightning and hit the giant bone dragon again.

Then the giant skeleton jumped up and hit the giant bone dragon hard.

Then the giant skeleton dragged the giant bone dragon to the ground with a strong force of both hands. He turned over and climbed on top of the giant bone dragon. He held down the giant bone dragon with his left hand and formed a fist with his right hand, constantly hitting the giant bone dragon. .

 Every time he attacks, there is a trace of lightning in his right hand.

Each time it hits, an electric current will flash through the giant bone dragon.

These electric currents are quite destructive to the giant bone dragon. After only seven or eight punches, the body of the giant bone dragon began to collapse, and finally turned into a pile of broken bones under the attack of the giant skeleton.

After killing the giant bone dragon, the giant skeleton pulled out a dragon tooth from the skull of the giant bone dragon and pierced it hard into his shoulder bone.

After the dragon tooth pierced into his shoulder bone, it penetrated from his shoulder blade and merged with it, becoming a barb growing on the back of the giant skeleton.

 After completing such an action, the giant skeleton raised its right hand and roared silently at the sky.

 A bolt of lightning fell from the sky and landed in his right hand, and slowly solidified into a small electric ball.

 The giant skeleton’s movements made Gu Xi a little surprised.

But he soon realized that this was a giant skeleton undergoing a growth or some other special ritual.

 Slaying the Bone Dragon is a requirement of his ritual.

It seems that this giant skeleton is not a simple soldier, but a being with good potential.

Just when Gu Xi was about to check out the potential of the giant skeleton, another bone dragon appeared in the sky.

 This bone dragon finally looks good.

It is surrounded by gray mist, its body is more than sixty meters long, and its wings are covered with translucent wing membranes, like ghostly skin.

 Obviously, it has begun to transform into a ghost dragon, becoming more mysterious and weird.

On its back, sitting a knight wearing gray heavy armor and holding a two-handed sword.

This knight's heavy armor directly covered his face, making it impossible for people to see his appearance clearly.

When he flew nearby, he first glanced at the huge bone dragon that was broken into pieces, and then shifted his gaze to the incarnation of death following behind Gu Xi.

 “Give me the bone dragon behind you, or die!”

Hearing this, Gu Xi almost laughed out of anger.

 “You want to be the incarnation of death, right? Come on!”

Gu Xi didn't bother with the other party that much. He pointed his hand upward and a magic arrow flew out.

At the same time, the incarnation of death immediately rushed towards the knight sitting on the back of the bone dragon, opened his mouth, and sprayed out a stream of death dragon breath.

However, this knight obviously has experience in dealing with dragons. When the incarnation of death opened his mouth, he knew what was going on. When the blow of the incarnation of death fell in front of him, he jumped on the body of the incarnation of death.

 At the same time, he reached out and pressed the neck of the incarnation of death.

This position is the best position to deal with the dragon. As long as it is stuck here, the dragon will not be able to breathe out its breath.

 At that time he will be able to control everything.

 (End of this chapter)

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