Breath of the Dead

Chapter 486: All three skills are ready! (Please subscribe)

Chapter 486 Three magical skills are ready! (Please subscribe)

Three magical skills are finally complete, please subscribe!


 When the knight took action, he was quite confident.

He has done this kind of thing countless times before, and every time he can hold down the dragon's neck and dodge the opponent's dragon breath.

 Next, as long as he returns his sword, he can chop off the dragon's head.

His title of dragon-slaying knight was earned in this way by using the dragon's corpse with sword after sword.

 Although he has become undead now, his ability has not been lost at all.

The incarnation of death in front of him looks like this, but it is obviously not a powerful bone dragon. He can kill the incarnation of death with just one sword.

But he never expected that the incarnation of death ignored the knight who fell on his back, but aimed at the bone dragon in front of him and sprayed out a blow of death dragon breath.

With this spray, the body of the bone dragon that had begun to transform into a ghost dragon turned green on the spot.

The knight did not expect that the incarnation of death would ignore him at this time, and he felt that he was being provoked.

So he turned the long sword in his hand and wanted to slash at the neck of the incarnation of death.

 This position is his best position, located at the seventh joint of the dragon's neck.

As long as this sword cuts down, the dragon will die no matter how strong it is.

 But just when he raised his sword, Gu Xi's magic arrow also happened to fly.

 The knight's attention was diverted, and he blocked the blow with his left hand.

 But just because he was distracted, the flame clone of the incarnation of death jumped out from under him.

 The blue flames hit the knight immediately, knocking him away from the incarnation of death.

Then the incarnation of death turned over, and the breath of the death dragon that had not finished spraying fell on the knight.

This time, the knight felt as if his soul was being pulled out and set on fire. There was no part of his body that was not in pain. Even the mid-air flip that he was usually best at could not be done.

Then, the incarnation of death and his flame clone rushed down at the same time, biting the knight's arms one left and one right. They didn't give the knight a chance to react at all. At the same time, they shook their heads and snatched the knight's arms. Bite it off.

 Then a heavy blow from the tail of Death Incarnation knocked the knight who had lost both arms into the air.

 And the flame clone rushed upward, turning into a large ball of flames and crashing into the knight's body.

This time, the flame clone directly swallowed the knight's body into his own body, and kept flying into the sky.

As the flame clone flew higher and faster, the knight's armor also began to melt, and his body smelled of burning.

This knight is still a little unwilling, and he still wants to make a comeback.

 Although he lost his hands, he still lowered his head and shook off the helmet on his head.

When the helmet fell, a not too long ghost dragon flew out of the helmet, trying to rescue the person.

But as soon as the ghost dragon appeared, it was targeted by the flame clone.

His flames are used to restrain all ghost troops.

 The ghost dragon is also included.

 The moment it was released, the ghost dragon's body was set on fire.

But this ghost dragon finally helped. Taking advantage of the last chance, it knocked the seriously injured knight away from the flame dragon.

 Although falling from a high altitude will result in death in the end, it is still better to have a chance of survival than being burned to death by flames. As long as the knight is not dead, he still has a chance.

But the knight never expected that the moment he fell, the bone dragon that had been his mount flew to his side, opened its mouth and bit his lower body.

As the bone dragon shook its head hard, the knight's body was torn into two pieces.

Then the incarnation of death added again, facing the knight's upper body were two melting rays of light.

 With a burst of impact, the knight's upper body disappeared on the spot. At the same time, Gu Xi also heard the notification sound from the system.

  【Death Incarnation (spell product) kills Dragon Slayer Knight Kargas (level 12), you get 3215 experience points (3215 points in overflow storage). 】

As this prompt popped up, Gu Xi discovered that the bone dragon that killed the dragon-slaying knight Kargas actually fell in front of Gu Xi.

It lay down on the ground, spread its wings, and put its head to the ground, making a surrender gesture.

  【There are undead souls who are impressed by your great strength and are willing to join your team. May I ask if you accept their surrender? 】

 Gu Xi glanced at the bone dragon on the ground, hesitated, and finally said: "Accept."

  【Ghost Dragon joins Qi's team. 】

[Ghost Dragon (level 11, summoned object): experience (0/9500), attack 25, defense 30, life 400, skills: undead creature, soul predator (whenever the target of the attack is killed, you can capture 1 enemy point The magic value is given to the player or hero of the team), the soul-stealing dragon's breath (long-distance dragon's breath, the farther the dragon's breath range is, the stronger it is, and can attack up to 100 meters away). 】

 Seeing the message from Ghost Dragon, Gu Xi also smiled.

It seems that this bone dragon has taken the first step of transformation.

However, his direction is obviously not the direction of the ghost dragon, but the direction of the magical dragon.

Perhaps as he moves forward, he will have a chance to become a dracolich.

While Gu Xi was checking the attributes of the ghost dragon, there was another ding in his ear.

【Ding! Temporary mission: The progress of the upper-level undead has changed, and three undead above level 10 have been killed and subdued (completed). 】

 【Temporary mission: High-ranking undead (completed)】

  【Task reward: Necromancer professional skill - Death Lord. 】

[Death Lord Level 1 (0/100), all neutral undead creatures in the wild (excluding black knights and mummies) will join the player's army. The original proportion of joining is 50%. For every level of the Death Lord's skill, the joining proportion increases. 2%. 】

  【Note 1: The Death Lord can target all undead. When used, a yellow mark will appear above the neutral undead. 】

  【Note 2: The effect of the Death Lord is affected by skill levels such as diplomacy and leadership. At the same time, if there is a large army behind him, materials needed by the undead, or an identity recognized by the undead, the recruitment effect will be improved accordingly. 】

  【Note 3: When the Death Lord faces a single undead, the recruitment effect is half the chance of joining. 】

  【Note 4: When the death lord fails to recruit, the neutral undead will not take the initiative to attack the recruiter. 】

  【Note 5: The Death Lord cannot affect the enemy undead, but can kill the opponent's undead hero or undead leader, and turn the opponent's undead soldiers into neutral or ownerless undead. 】

  【Explanation: As long as you master the skills of the Death Lord, you will be the strongest existence in the undead territory. 】

 Looking at the message that popped up in front of him, Gu Xi had a smile on his face.

 Three magical skills, the Death Lord has obtained them.

Three magical skills are ready!

 (End of this chapter)

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