Breath of the Dead

Chapter 487: The Dragon Farm Transforms into a Dragon Tomb (Updated with Millions of Words)

Chapter 487 The Dragon Farm Transforms into a Dragon Tomb (Updated with one million words)

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 Three magical skills have finally been achieved!

Although there were no fireworks to celebrate and no visions coming from the sky, Gu Xi still felt refreshed for a while.

 He jumped up immediately and wanted to run out.

After running for two steps, he finally stopped.

There is no use running around now. Almost one day has passed in the three days, but the scope of the college is so large. Without a reasonable plan and route, Gu Xi may not be able to take care of the entire college next.

 If something like that really happened, he would be at a loss.

 The three magical skills I just obtained.

 Such a good place to brush up skills may not be available next time.

So Gu Xi finally suppressed the excitement in his heart and took out the map again.

 After several revisions, the map in front of me has been filled with various things.

 Gu Xi even filled in various information himself about the places he had already been to, or the existence he had already beaten.

 Looked at the surrounding situation.

 Gu Xi set his sights on the position where Sha Ya had persuaded him to move down.

There was an undead man named Jason there, and Gu Xi almost beat him up before.

Later I heard Sha Ya say that he had a pretty good relationship with some of the undead nearby, so he didn't take action.

Now is a good time to go find this Jason.

 Gu Xi is also a person who likes small animals. I think for a person who likes small animals, even if he becomes an undead, it won't be that scary.

With this thought, Gu Xi turned over and jumped onto the evil coffin.

 He did not call for Amilcar to lead his troops out.

 Looking at Xi's strength now, as long as the incarnation of death is still there, he is almost invincible.

With the incarnation of death, he will not be attacked by others.

 And with the ability of the Death Lord, he is a friend everywhere.

Even if he has no one at hand now, he can still come back with a large number of his men if he goes out for a walk.

However, Gu Xi never expected that when he jumped onto the evil coffin, not only the incarnation of death followed, but also the giant skeleton and ghost dragon.

 Obviously they have determined their position and are following Gu Xi.

 For such undead, Gu Xi did not stop their thoughts.

 After all, they are all undead soldiers, not the kind of intelligent undead.

 Most importantly, Ghost Dragon’s skills are particularly suitable for Gu Xi.

 As long as you kill an enemy, Gu Xi can replenish 1 point of mana.

As long as Gu Xi has 1 point of mana, he can use the skill Death Incarnation again.

  It can be said that this is quite in tune.

 So when the Ghost Dragon followed, Gu Xi did not stop him.

In this way, two bone dragons were flying in the sky, a huge skeleton was running on the ground, and Gu Xi, who was sitting on the coffin board, suddenly looked a bit like a ghost king.

Seeing that it had run a certain distance, the ghost dragon circled in front of Gu Xi and then threw its head in one direction.

 Gu Xi understood immediately that this was a place the Ghost Dragon wanted to take Gu Xi to.

After thinking about it, Gu Xi took another look at the map. It was just a side road in that direction and would not affect Gu Xi's next trip. So Gu Xi patted the evil coffin and turned around to follow the direction of the ghost dragon.

The ghost dragon led the way, and Gu Xi also noticed that the ground nearby seemed to have changed. No matter how good the previous college was, the trees were still growing well, and there were no messy things on the ground. Even the undead worked hard to hide themselves.

 But the situation here is completely different.

Gu Xi directly saw a large number of white broken bones on the ground.

 Gu Xi had very good eyesight, and he could see at the first glance that all these broken bones were the bones of large animals such as goats and stags, but these bones had been bitten into pieces.

At a glance, you can tell that they are leftovers eaten by some larger creatures.

 This situation surprised Gu Xi.

 He raised his head and glanced at the ghost dragon flying faster and faster, and seemed to understand something.

So he patted Xie Coffin, causing Xie Coffin to speed up.

Sure enough, when he followed the ghost dragon around a hill, Gu Xi discovered a huge open space. The open space in front of him was no longer measured in terms of football fields.

The area in front of us is at least three thousand acres in size.

 In the open space, there were many dragon skeletons lying strewn about.

Gu Xi stood at the entrance of the open space and took a look, just casually. He already had an estimate in his mind that there were at least thirty dragon skeletons here.

What surprised Gu Xi the most was not these, but the fact that there were several fossilized dragon eggs in the dragon skeleton.

 It seems that this place was the academy’s dragon farm before.

It's just that something happened to the college, and the dragon farm became what it is now.

 The ghost dragon is probably coming from this dragon farm.

As for whether the previous dragon-slaying knight Kargas came out of here, I don’t know.

However, judging from the situation of the bone dragon brought by Kargas, I am afraid it has little to do with this dragon farm.

 He may have passed by here once.

That's not right either. Rather than trusting the integrity of the dragon-slaying knight like Kargas, Gu Xi believed that the ghost dragon had escaped on its own.

Anyway, this place has changed from a dragon farm to an open-air dragon tomb. There are so many dragon skeletons that no one has collected. The dragon corpses thrown here have turned into dragon skeletons. If the hardness of the dragon bones is not higher than the level of normal white bones, it may not be possible. When you come back to rest, you won't be able to see these dragon skeletons anymore.

The ghost dragon also landed at this time and looked at the center of the clearing.

 Gu Xi followed the ghost dragon's gaze and looked over there. He noticed that there was also a replica of the Sword of Leadership stuck there. When Gu Xi looked over, a silver light flashed.

 Seems to be showing off something to Gu Xi.

It seems that the students of Crocodile Academy are really everywhere.

But the next moment, Gu Xi realized that something didn't seem right.

Although he had obtained several imitations of the Sword of Leadership, they were all left behind by those students for various reasons.

 The students of Crocodile Academy do not have the habit of leaving their swords in place after killing the enemy.

 The situation at hand is very wrong. There must be something wrong here.

Gu Xi immediately drove the evil coffin in the direction of the sword.

 When Gu Xi came to the sword, he realized why he felt something was wrong.

Just now, Gu Xi was standing far away, and when he saw this long sword, he felt something was wrong.

Just now he was so far away from the long sword, but he could see the long sword clearly.

 This is the biggest problem.

When Gu Xi arrived in front of the long sword, he noticed that only the part of the long sword that was stuck on the ground was seven meters high.

 No wonder Gu Xi was so far away and could clearly see the existence of this long sword.

 (End of this chapter)

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