Breath of the Dead

Chapter 488: Really dig deep into the ground (please subscribe for more updates)

Chapter 488 Digging deep into the ground (please subscribe for more updates)

  【Warning, you have entered the suppression range of the Space Pillar. Please show the corresponding permissions. If you do not have permission, please exit quickly. 】

【warn! …]

Hearing this sound and looking at the long sword that started to change from silver to black, Gu Xi knew there was something wrong here.

 He quickly retreated to a position where the warning sound did not sound.

  Then he seemed to think of something, quickly took out his notebook, and searched quickly.

 Finally, Gu Xi really found a hint of the pillars of space in the words of the three old men.

  It turns out that the space of this mysterious academy was not so big at the beginning.

But it was brought in by the dean of the college, or the tuition fees paid by the students of the college, or some combination of circumstances.

This situation is equivalent to the integration of Aridovi City into the land title.

It’s just that this space is not a dead city, and there is no elf who can control the dead city to operate it.

 In the process of integration, there will always be some squeezes and collisions.

 And the Mystery Academy is not like other cities, and cannot open a satellite city or the like.

If the Mystery College is divided like this, it won’t be called a Mystery College.

So the Mystery Academy will nail pillars of space at nodes that may crack at any time to suppress them.

The fewer people know about this kind of pillar of space, the less likely it is to destroy, the better.

The total number of spatial pillars that the three old men knew was only four.

Gu Xi thought that he would not be able to encounter such a pillar of space.

 Unexpectedly, when I came to look for the dragon tomb, I could find one.

Gu Xi really wants to pull out the Pillar of Space now and send such a large dragon tomb to Alidovi City.

However, Gu Xi suppressed the idea in the end.

 He put down the notebook and raised the cold wind staff in his hand.

The pillar of space cannot be moved, but he cannot let go of the dragon skeleton in front of him.

Moreover, these giant dragons live near the pillars of space. Even if they turn into skeletons after death, they have more or less received part of the aura suppressed by the pillars of space and are more or less attached to these dragon skeletons.

These are the best materials for making bone dragons.

 Gu Xi had no intention of missing the material in front of him.

Of course Gu Xi also understands that with his current level of spiritualism, he still cannot directly recruit the Bone Dragon.

 He raised the cold wind staff, and the main city gate with the bone dragon hovering appeared behind him.

Gu Xi moved the main city gate on the Amilka side.

As the main city gate fell, the ghost team rushed out immediately and began to clean up everything in front of them.

 Dragon skeletons, dragon egg fossils, and even dirt on the ground were all within the scope of what they packed away.

Especially all the soil here was dug out and sent to Aridovi City.

“Here, here, and this, all are sent to Alidovi City and to the Dragon Bone Laboratory.”

 So many dragon skeletons naturally attracted the attention of Luna in Alidovi City.

 She floated out from Alidovi City and appeared staggeringly in front of Gu Xi.

 “Hey, sir, this land is a little unstable.”

"There are pillars of space over there, which are used to stabilize the entire space." Gu Xi said a few words to Luna and explained the function of the pillars of space.

  Then Luna floated forward a few steps and glanced at the Space Pillar from a distance.

Then she said with some clarity: "Sir, they are very capable. Under the pillar of space, there are giant beasts used to carry this land. With this sword, they not only killed the giant beast, but also brought it to the ground." Nailed to the ground.

 This method is much more ruthless than ours. "

“I don’t feel the same way. The method of directly sealing a great king in a mirror image is better than the pillar of space in front of me.”

As Gu Xi spoke, he drew a pattern under the page of the Pillar of Space to record Luna's judgment.

From Gu Xi's point of view, this is a good piece of knowledge. Even if Alidovi City doesn't need it in the future, other places will always be able to use this kind of space pillar.

 After all, judging from Gu Xi’s current situation, he will definitely come into contact with many cities or land titles in the future.

 Not all cities or land titles can be integrated into Aridovi City.

 Finally, there may be a second or third city.

 Either have another dedicated space like the Mystery Academy.

This knowledge is earned once you learn it.

 At present, things are still being moved here, so Gu Xi can learn more.

  While drawing the pillars of space, Gu Xi still remembered what he said to Luna.

“When those dragon bones are placed over there in the Dragon Bone Laboratory, don’t use them yet. We already have a temple, and now we have an additional Blue Temple. I’ll take a chance to see if I can find the architectural design of the Dragon Tomb.

 When we build the Dragon Tomb, we will still need these materials. "

“Don’t worry, I will take care of it. By the way, my lord, the Soul-Calling Tower has been built. You can launch the Soul-Calling Tower during the battle.”

Hearing this, Gu Xi also smiled and said, "Okay, I have been waiting for this day, but Luna, you have to work hard, I have learned the Death Lord skill.

I believe that the road to level 5 will be opened soon. After the level is increased, the level limit of the dead city will also be increased.

 If the level of the death city has not been raised by then, it would be unreasonable. "

“Don’t worry, the progress on Dimi’s side is very fast, and new territory will be conquered. As long as the new city area is opened, the experience there can support Alidovi City to reach level 6.

 At that time, the level of the dead city will also increase accordingly.

 In addition, there will be many more empty plots. We have a complete set of architectural plans. As long as we are given enough time, the level of Alidovi City will soon be improved. "

 “Leave this matter to me, don’t worry.”

While talking, the ghost team had already carted away all the dragon skeletons in the open space.

Even as Gu Xi ordered, a lot of soil on the ground was dug away.

 Luna had no objection to Gu Xi's request.

She has long seen that after the dragons raised here died, their bodies turned into blood and water, and all the nutrients were absorbed by the soil of the earth.

 The soil here is now full of energy, and oil can drip out when you pinch it.

Not to mention Gu Xi, even Luna has taken a liking to such soil.

 The dragon skeletons and the like will eventually be piled up in the keel laboratory for preparation.

The soil has no special place to go, and it is not Luna's decision to decide where it will be arranged in the end.

Now Luna wished that there was more of this kind of soil, so how could she stop Gu Xi from sending people to dig the ground.

 (End of this chapter)

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