Breath of the Dead

Chapter 489: Death Lord shows his power for the first time (please subscribe)

Chapter 489 The Death Lord shows his power for the first time (please subscribe)

 After digging out everything in the dragon farm, Gu Xi quickly left with his men.

This time, the ghost dragon didn't mess around anymore, and they arrived at Jason's hidden location smoothly.

 Gu Xi thought about it as soon as he started, but he didn't expect that things were delayed and he only reached this point now.

 The woods in front of you are somewhat different from the woods outside.

 It’s not that there is more life in this forest.

But there are actually several streams in the woods in front of us.

 This is quite rare in the mountains.

Walking along the stream, Gu Xi discovered a rather small lake in the woods.

There are many wooden houses and other buildings beside the lake.

Seeing this kind of wooden house, Gu Xi also frowned. The wooden house in front of him was not a cabin unique to forest rangers or lakeside residents.

Judging from the architectural style, this is clearly a wooden house used for vacation.

It was just a vacation at the college. Gu Xi couldn't help but shook his head. He didn't think anyone would live here.

At this moment, Gu Xi heard a burst of footsteps coming from behind.

 Gu Xi looked back and saw a chubby zombie wearing a white hockey mask with identical holes on his face and holding a long fire ax in his hand.

As the zombie walked out, Gu Xi's eyes widened and he noticed a light yellow light above the zombie's head.

 This is a neutral, ownerless undead.

Seeing this situation, Gu Xi became more pleased with the zombies in front of him.

 He stretched out his hand towards the zombie as a greeting.

“Hello, are you Jason? I am the new dean of the college. A new college will be built soon. I came here to check on the situation. You are doing a good job.

  Next, after the new college is built, I will also trouble you to be responsible for the breeding of small animals. "

As Gu Xi spoke, he extended his hand to the zombie.

Zombie Jason glanced at Gu Xi, handed the fire ax he was holding in his right hand to his left hand, and then stretched out his hand to shake Gu Xi's hand.

 “I believe in you, I can work for the college, and I will follow you from now on.”

Hearing this, there was a tingling sound in Gu Xi's ear.

  【You persuaded an undead to join your team, and the Death Lord gained 1 experience point. 】

  【Name: Jason

Occupation: Veterinarian

Race: Zombie

 Level: Level 10 (0/15000)

Talent: Infinite Resurrection

 Status: Life (3000/3000), Magic Power (350/350)

 Attributes: Strength 8.4, Agility 9.6, Constitution 10.6, Intelligence 8, Perception 6.4, Charisma 3.2

 Skills: Regeneration, superhuman strength, endurance, attack speed and perception, teleportation, mastery of weapon use, mind manipulation, possession. 】

Hearing such a voice, Gu Xi blinked. Is it over like this?

 As for the occupational effect, isn't it said that it is a veterinarian?

Then you must have professional effects.

And your skills are so strong, they are obviously combat skills, right?

 While Gu Xi was complaining in his mind, he could still communicate with Jason.

Jason was very polite to Gu Xi. He directly called Gu Xi "sir."

This has clearly shown that he is willing to fight for Gu Xi.

 For such a manpower, Gu Xi would naturally not refuse.

However, he is still more concerned about why Jason has no professional skills. Could it be that this is not his home court. "You are talking about little animals, I will take care of this. Don't worry, as long as they eat my flesh, no matter how serious the disease is, they will be cured."

Hearing this situation, Gu Xi was also speechless.

 He did not expect that Jason could treat small animals in such a way.

But this also shows Jason's ability. He should be regarded as a relatively powerful zombie.

This kind of person may not be able to do well in some positions, but on the battlefield, he is definitely a fierce general.

And Gu Xi also discovered something very interesting. This was obviously a melee-type zombie. Among his skills, there were abilities such as teleportation, mind manipulation, and possession.

 This shows that Jason's talent is quite good.

If possible, Gu Xi even had the idea of ​​taking Jason away and making him a hero.

 With Jason's joining, Gu Xi's next step will be much smoother.

 With Jason around, many undead that are not considered neutral have become neutral undead.

 When Sha Ya came back with the message, Gu Xi had already run around the area.

 From the top of the mountain near the 16th place, Gu Xi easily captured nine undead.

There are six of them carrying rice grains, and the rest are powerful undead soldiers above level 10.

 After joining Gu Xi’s team, not all of them were taken to Alidovi City by Gu Xi.

  But being placed in place.

 At this time, Gu Xi was quite confident. He believed that he could definitely capture all the neutral undead within three days.

 As for the enemy Kalimdor and the others initially asked Gu Xi to deal with.

This is not a problem at all.

Gu Xi doesn't even need to take action now. The six wise undead have a circle of friends with whom they can communicate. As soon as Gu Xi told the situation, they were willing to help Gu Xi find Nawedo's men.

Of course they are ambitious in doing so.

 Among Gu Xi’s subordinates, several are relatively high-ranking teaching staff.

 They now want a more stable job.

 Gu Xi’s appointment as department chair can only guarantee the positions of three professors and seven faculty members of the department.

 Now one of the three professors’ positions has been allocated, and one of the seven faculty members of the department has also been allocated.

 They are not particularly powerful undead, so it is a bit unrealistic to grab a position.

Now by fighting Navido's men, they can grab some new permissions, and then they will have a position in the academy.

 So these undead are all very excited. In their opinion, this is a good opportunity.

So the news quickly spread among the undead. If Navido was not still the head of the department and had high-level authority, someone might have come to the door by now, ready to give Navido's men a blow. .

 At this time, Shaya came back with all kinds of news.

As soon as she saw Gu Xi, Shaya said: "Sir, I have checked all the neutral faculty members, and those with professorial abilities have been marked. There are also some key ones marked with extremely strong abilities. He has strength, but his mind is not on the academy.

If we can bring them back to Alidovi City, they can help us a lot.

 The most important thing is that some buildings in Aridovi City currently have no controllers, and these people are just suitable for them. "

 Gu Xi took a look at the information and saw a name at first sight.


 (End of this chapter)

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