Breath of the Dead

Chapter 490: Winning over experts (please subscribe)

Chapter 490 Winning over experts (please subscribe)

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 “Sir, do you know her?”

"Yes, I have talked with her before. She has her own demands and her character is pretty good. I can't help her and I have no intention of embarrassing her. She just wants to be a doctor here."

As Gu Xi spoke, he and Sha Ya walked out together.

While walking out, Gu Xi also looked through the information about Isabella.

 This time, the information sent by Sha Ya was much more detailed.

 Just as Gu Xi had communicated with Isabella before and guessed.

Isabella stayed here to collect special blood that would not affect her husband.

 Promise that her husband will not accidentally transform from a wise vampire to a soldier serving as cannon fodder on the battlefield because of some battles.

Gu Xi can conquer Isabella now that he has gone there, but it is impossible to let her join his department or take her to Aridovi City.

 Others have stayed in this academy for so long and have already established their own base.

She stayed in the position of school nurse. No matter how the college changed, it would not affect her. But if she joined Gu Xi's department, she would not be able to get over anything that happened to Gu Xi.

 Isabella is smart, how could she not know what to choose?

The last time I saw Gu Xi, she communicated with Gu Xi and helped treat Gu Xi. That was what she meant.

This time when Gu Xi appeared in front of Isabella again, she took the initiative to come out.

“It turns out to be Mr. Gu, can I call you Director Gu now?”

"No, you should call me Professor Gu. Why does Director Gu feel so awkward?"

 Listening to Isabella calling someone else the director, it always feels like the First People's Hospital in New York City.

 Gu Xi is quite unaccustomed to such a situation.

“Okay, Mr. Gu, do you want to help the little girl behind you when you come here this time?

Her situation is much worse than yours. The knife on her body has a great impact on her. You'd better let her find some long-term nourishing methods. Otherwise, if this continues, even the undead will not be able to withstand the daily injuries. . "

 Isabella could see Shaya's situation at a glance.

 Shaya’s foundation is actually not as good as Luna’s.

 She really relied on her own body and some scattered materials Gu Xi had to piece it together.

If it weren't for the sudden change in the materials in Gu Xi's hands and the power of the contracted undead, Shaya might not even be able to get up from the ground.

The biggest feature of Jing Longyin's weapon is that it hurts your own people first, seriously injuring them once a day.

 From time to time, I have to **** blood or something.

 Although it can be made up for immediately, it is still harmful to Shaya.

 Over time, some fundamentals will be damaged.

 Shaya was also a little surprised when Isabella pointed it out like this.

"But since you're here, I naturally want to help you. Come in first, and I'll help you with a treatment. I'll make sure you don't have any problems for at least a year."

Hearing this, Gu Xi looked at Sha Ya.

Only then did Shaya understand what Gu Xi meant when he said that Isabella knew how to be a human being.

 “Thank you very much.”

After Shaya finished speaking, she walked into the blood cloud.

At this time, Gu Xicai said to Isabella: "I know what you want, and I have no intention of winning over you. I just want to ask if there is anything I can do to help."

 “I want a secluded house.”

 Isabella made her request.

Gu Xi looked at Isabella with some surprise. She didn't look like a vampire from a ghost house.

Perhaps seeing Gu Xi's thoughts, Isabella smiled helplessly and said: "We are vampires with a secluded style, but we have come out over the years, and we have become like this." Gu Xiyi After listening to it, I realized that the situation of vampires with a secluded style is quite special.

 They are really the kind that can be resurrected at any time on the battlefield.

This kind of battlefield resurrection does not belong to the necromancer's method of summoning spirits.

And as long as a person is still on the battlefield, he can be resurrected quickly with the blood of the enemy.

 This is a very powerful method of resurrection.

 But it’s also a big nuisance.

 Because he has been resurrected so many times, the vampire has no way of judging how he was resurrected.

 As long as they are just soldiers.

 But it’s different when you meet this kind of intelligent vampire.

 There is something wrong with the resurrection system. If you miss three opportunities to summon the soul, the person may really be dead.

 This is the situation of Isabella's husband now.

  After being resurrected by blood, he might just be an ordinary vampire soldier.

As for the resurrection of spiritualism, Isabella doesn’t dare to gamble on it now.

 It would be fine if there was a chance, but if there was no chance, Isabella would really cry.

When thinking about it, Gu Xi couldn't help but ask: "Youzhao is quite simple. I can provide you with architectural design drawings and materials, but where do you plan to build it?"

Moreover, if you really build a secluded house, how can your friend really do that? "

“No, I just want to give my husband a place where he can sleep peacefully.”

 Listening to Isabella's words, Gu Xi felt something was wrong.

 “What’s wrong, you don’t want to save anyone anymore?”

“I plan to, but the hope is too slim, and I don’t know how long I can support it.

 While I was here, his body could still be preserved and would not be stained by blood.

 But if I am gone, then he really is gone. "

 Listening to Isabella's words, Gu Xi couldn't help but say something.

 “Why don’t you send your husband’s body to the secret room?”

Isabella looked up at Gu Xi.

Gu Xi was also stunned for a moment, then he looked at Isabella's expression and finally said: "As you know, each department has its own secret room, and my secret room has not been built yet.

 Now if I point to any place and say it is a secret room, that can be considered.

I can give you this opportunity. Anyway, my department will definitely be in the direction of undead in the future.

  The aura of the undead is strong, which can ensure that there will be no problems if the corpse is placed inside.

 Coupled with some other means, just to prevent blood from entering. "

Hearing this, Isabella's eyes also lit up. She stared at Gu Xi for a long time and finally asked.

 “What do you want?”


 “Okay, I’ll help you.”

Isabella immediately understood what Gu Xi meant. Gu Xi was interested in her healing ability.

 This made him an offer that he couldn't refuse.

Hearing Isabella's answer, Gu Xi stretched out his hand and said, "Welcome to join. From now on, you will still be the school doctor in the college, but you will also have an identity. The guardian of the secret room of our department. Apart from me, there are only people you recognize. You can enter the secret room and get the...treasure hidden in the secret room!"

【Ding! You convince an undead to join your party, and the Death Lord gains 1 experience point. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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