Breath of the Dead

Chapter 54: Mirror of Rules (please read)

 Chapter 54 Mirror of Rules (please follow up)

 “This is a thief.”

Gu Xi took a look at Sha Ya's current attributes and immediately made a corresponding judgment in his heart.

 Strength and skills are okay, but with her talents and attributes, it would be great if she was a tank.

 But why is she a thief?

Although he was thinking this, Gu Xi still walked up to Sha Ya.


 “Well, I’m here, my lord...”

Sha Ya seemed to recall Gu Xi’s identity, hesitated for a moment, and then changed her words.

 “How did you become like this?”

 Gu Xi is still more concerned about Sha Ya's situation.

Sha Ya was also a little helpless regarding Gu Xi's question, "My mentor helped you to deal with the land deed. I thought I knew a few people, so I followed him secretly.

I originally thought that if the owner of this place didn't agree to change, I would give them a harsh blow, but I didn't expect that the situation behind this ruin would be like this, and I fell into it without paying attention. "

 At this point, Shaya raised her hand and looked at the looming magic lines on her skin. She also knew that she could not go back.

Even if the mentor of Destiny Compass loves her, he will not let an undead study there again.

Seeing Sha Ya's current state, Gu Xi thought for a moment and then said: "I know what you are thinking. It just so happens that we still have some time, so let's go back and take a look.

Your mentor's face is quite ugly because of your incident. This time you go back, even if you say goodbye to him. "

Sha Ya glanced at Gu Xi, nodded seriously and said, "Okay."

 While Gu Xi was talking to Sha Ya, Luna floated out from nearby again.

“Sir, come and take a look, I found something else.”

Upon hearing this, Gu Xi waved to Shaya and asked her to leave on her own, and then followed Luna to the back of the small building.

The building materials that had fallen down from the small building had been moved away. Gu Xi could see that there was also a basement here.

It's just that it's different from the basement where corpses were hung. The basement in front of me is obviously much smaller. Although it's not too clean, it's not full of corpses like the previous basement.

In this basement, apart from a crucible that has been extinguished, there is only a broken mirror on the wall.

As soon as Gu Xi came in, his eyes fell on the mirror.

 “Is this...a mirror of rules?”

Luna had never seen the Mirror of Rules, so she didn't know what Gu Xi was talking about, but she still said: "Sir, this should be the special power that affects the outside world."

While Luna was speaking, Gu Xi's hand had already touched the broken mirror.

  【Mirror of Magical Rules (white, broken): A mirror that can write down three rules, true or false, and influence others through the rules. Until the rules are broken, others cannot discover the secrets within the rules. 】

 【Rule 1: This ruin has no owner (broken)】

 【Rule 2: The ownership of this ruins location is undecided (broken)】

 【Rule 3: People who enter the ruins from the front must leave from the side (broken)】

  【Explanation: The Mirror of Rules is broken and cannot be used again. 】

Looking at the explanation in front of him, Gu Xi knew that this was where the Mirror of Rules was placed. Those twisted magicians before took advantage of the Mirror of Rules to occupy this place and turned it into their own territory.

These magicians don’t want to get the land deed, they just want to occupy it for free.

As a result, they met Gu Xi, and not only did they lose their land, but they also lost their lives.

However, this also made Gu Xi discover an interesting point. It turns out that the Mirror of Rules can still be used in this way.

Gu Xi thought for a moment, didn’t he have a mirror of rules?

Although it is in a weird direction and is different from the regular mirror used to hide the entire ruins, the situation is the same.

It happened that the [Mirror of Magical Rules] was also broken, so Gu Xi simply took out the [Mirror of Weird Rules] and removed the broken [Mirror of Magical Rules].

As the [Mirror of Weird Rules] was hung up, a ding sounded in Gu Xi's ears.

  【Whether to activate the Mirror of Weird Rules, please set the scope of influence and rules. 】

 Gu Xi looked at the mirror and found that there was a map looking down from the sky. Gu Xi drew the scope of the ruins and began to write three rules.

“Article 1: The person with the land deed is the owner of the land.”

After speaking, Gu Xi also took out the land deed of this place and showed it in front of the mirror.

“Article 2: Outsiders can enter through the gate only with the owner’s consent. Outsiders must leave when the owner sees off guests.”

"Article 3: Anyone who enters this place without the owner's consent is an enemy and will die in various means arranged by the owner. After death, the body and soul will be integrated into this place and become part of the servants of this place."

As the three rules written by Gu Xi were established, this [Mirror of Weird Rules] was fixed on this wall.

Then Gu Xi felt a slight vibration in the ground nearby, as if something had merged into the ground.

However, the new rules have no impact on Gu Xi’s undead men, who are still carrying various materials back to Alidovi City.

 Soon, the collapsed building was evacuated, and even the ruins that had been used to deceive the public were removed.

Luna, who had been paying attention to this matter, floated in front of Gu Xi.

“I have been paying attention just now. We have transported back a total of 35 units of stone, 29 units of wood, 4 units of metal, a corpse of a twisted magician, and three oil paintings for decoration.

By the way, we also dug up a large number of bones later, including those of humans and some large animals. Some of the bones even contained part of the magic power. We have transported them all back to Aridovi. "

"well done."

At this time, Gu Xi also saw that everything that could be seen here had been carried away by the skeleton soldiers. Now, where the ruins were originally, there was only a piece of flat land.

Even the flowers in the garden in front were pulled out and taken away. Seeing this, Gu Xi had to admire the meticulousness of the skeleton soldiers.

"You go back first. I'll find someone to build this small building in the next two days. After it's built, I'll ask you to come over and put the hearth stone."

“Okay, sir, are two days enough?”

“Before coming here, I might have been a little worried, but after coming here, I’m not worried anymore. There are magicians here, and it’s not impossible to have some other construction methods.”

After listening to Gu Xi’s words, Luna understood that there was a certain truth to it.

 She didn’t say anything more, and directly followed the skeleton soldiers through the city gate and returned to Alidovi City.

There are still a lot of things waiting for Luna over there. At least this time they need to spend time sorting out their harvest. At the same time, they also need to arrange the whereabouts of the corpses.

 (End of this chapter)

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