Breath of the Dead

Chapter 55: The sewer black market (seeking for further reading)

Chapter 55 Sewer Black Market (please follow up)

When Luna returned to Alidovi City, Gu Xi was not idle either. He specially opened permission for Luna and Shaya to enter and exit the area in front of them, and then quickly left the ruins.

As he walked out of the ruins, Gu Xi looked back.

 Because the [Mirror of Magic Rules] has lost its function, when outsiders see this place, it is no longer the ruins that were originally set, but the original small building.

Of course, after being cleaned up by the skeleton soldiers, the ruins here are now completely gone, and there is only an open space left in front of you.

Maybe after daybreak, someone will see the situation here and be curious about what happened, and even want to come in and take a look at the situation inside.

However, Gu Xi does not intend for anyone to destroy the peace here. He has already deployed the [Mirror of Weird Rules]. Even though it is still an open space, the rules have been activated. If someone accidentally enters here, he will die in the open space. , then the trouble would be big.

 After leaving the open space, Gu Xi raised his head and glanced at the sky. Gu Xi turned his head and looked in another direction.

 “You’re back so soon?”

Shaya slowly walked out of the darkness. After some time of adjustment, Shaya had recovered her original fighting strength. When she walked out of the darkness, she was still wearing a red dress and high heels, but she did not make any sound. A hint of sound.

 She didn’t lower her head until she reached a position about three meters in front of Gu Xi.

"grown ups."

 “Have you met your mentor?”

 Gu Xi glanced at Sha Ya and found that her clothes had been changed. At the same time, Gu Xi noticed some less obvious changes in Sha Ya's movements.

“I’ve seen it. My mentor is very happy that I can come out. At the same time, my mentor has also allowed me to become a thief. I am now an official thief.”

Regarding this situation, Gu Xi was silent for a moment, "Your instructor treats you very well. Please visit him more when you have time in the future.

Now Shaya, there is something you need to take care of. "

 “Please give me your instructions.”

“You know Victoria City well, do you know where there is a construction team that can build houses quickly, preferably one that can build houses in a short time.”

"Yes." After listening to Gu Xi's request, Shaya responded decisively, "I heard that there are several goblin and goblin engineering teams over there in the black market. Their construction speed is quite fast, but their asking price is also high. It will be higher.”

"It's okay. We still have some unused goods on hand. If possible, we can use these goods to exchange for them."

As soon as Gu Xi heard the news about the engineering team, he immediately said: "Let's go there quickly, build this place as soon as possible, and finish the work as soon as possible."

 “This way, sir, please.”

Seeing that Gu Xi was determined, Shaya didn't refuse too much and headed in one direction with Gu Xi.

Following Sha Ya, Gu Xi quickly passed through a nearby alley, then opened the entrance to the sewer and moved forward along the sewer full of filth for about twenty minutes.

Finally, they jumped on a small boat docked in the sewer. Driven by the boat, they arrived at a small dock deep in the sewer.

 Gu Xi could tell that the dock in front of him was built with corpses and various garbage materials floating down from the upper reaches.

 But after stepping on it, you can clearly feel that the pier is quite strong.

“Sir, this is a black market. Anyone can appear here. Please don’t take action at will.”

 While Sha Ya was speaking, Gu Xi was observing the situation in the sewer.

Gu Xi noticed that although the sewer was still full of filth, it was still in order. People walked quickly with their heads down, and on both sides of the road, rats and cockroaches were lined up and moving continuously.

 Obviously, these inconspicuous little guys are the spies of the owner of this place.

 The most important thing is that Gu Xi felt the faint breath of death in the sewer.

At first, Gu Xi thought it was because there were too many corpses piled up in the sewer.

 But after observing for a while, Gu Xi discovered that this was not the case. In places where normal people would not notice, there were some details with skulls or other decorations.

It is obvious that the owner of this black market hidden in the sewers should be a relatively powerful necromancer.

 “Sir, come here.”

While Gu Xi was still looking around, Shaya had already walked to a store door and waved to Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi took a look at the shop and found that it was actually made up of several broken boats. A fishing net hung at the door served as a curtain. Standing in front of the door, you could even see the faint blue fire inside.

"What's happening here."

As Gu Xi spoke, he lifted the door curtain and walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, Gu Xi smelled a foul smell.

 Looking up again, a fat goblin like a hill was sitting in a pile of garbage.

 This goblin's hand is covered with various rings.

 “Time is money, my friend, I heard you have business and want to take care of me?”

"Yes, I have a piece of vacant land. I just acquired it. It is about 300 square meters. I want to build a three-story building with a basement in two days. Of course, it would be better if it has some magical effects. ”

“Time is tight and the tasks are heavy. This is what I like the most, but you also know that we goblins are not like fairies who can use some magic, so..."

 “How much more?” Gu Xi could see the nature of this goblin at a glance.

"At least double it. I'm not afraid to tell you that your request here is too much. To build a small building with 300 square meters, look at how much material is needed."

Moreover, you are in a hurry and want the magic effect. Even if you don’t add this magic effect, you are in a hurry..."

Before the goblin finished speaking, he looked at Gu Xi's hand, where Gu Xi was holding a crystal eyeball.

 “Is this enough?”

 “Can you show it to me?”

As soon as Gu Xi raised his hand, the [crystalized eyeball] fell into the hands of the goblin. The goblin took out a magnifying glass and looked up and down, and finally raised his head and said.

"The quality is pretty good. This should be the eye of a powerful creature around level 6. The crystallization was due to the influence of some strange force. When the headman was crystallized, it directly killed this powerful creature. Finally got something like this.

 It retains part of the power of this powerful creature, and also has the strange properties of crystallization. It is a very good alchemy material. At the current market price, it can be sold for at least about 5,000 pounds.

 But, this is not enough…”

 (End of this chapter)

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