Breath of the Dead

Chapter 56: The design of a small building (seeking further reading)

Chapter 56 The design of a small building (seeking follow-up reading)

 Listening to the goblin's analysis, Gu Xi had already determined the prices on the black market in front of him.

 “How much difference?”

“If you want to build your small building in two days, it will cost at least 20,000 pounds. This is the starting price, and there is no upper limit.”

 The white weird rat skin is worth about 30 to 50 pounds, and the green crystal eyeball is worth 5,000 pounds.

 Various judgments quickly flashed through Gu Xi's mind, and finally he took out a ring and threw it into the goblin's hand.

 “What about now?”

 The ring thrown by Gu Xi is the [Transformation Ring].

 This is a good thing. The strange deer before was transformed from this transformation ring.

 The most important thing is that Gu Xi knows that this [Transformation Ring] has the characteristic of level +4 after transformation.

Even if this thing is taken out of the game, the price will be relatively high.

But Gu Xi just threw it out as if he didn't care.

This surprised the goblin. He hurriedly took the ring and studied it quickly. It took him a long time before he spoke.

“This ring can turn people into the monsters that exist in their hearts. If the transformation hadn’t caused loss of control, it could be sold for at least 100,000 pounds. Even now, 40,000 to 50,000 pounds is not a problem.

 Do you really plan to invest all in your construction? "

"Let's build it. If it doesn't work out, I'll buy some more things, but I think you can always spend the money, right?"

“Of course, there is no money that the Goblin Trading Company cannot make.”

The goblin said excitedly, "Let's calculate the budget based on fifty-five thousand pounds."

Gu Xi blinked and immediately understood that the goblin had included the crystallized eyeballs.

Before he could speak, the goblin scratched the ground, and a magic sandbox appeared in front of Gu Xi.

 “My friend, where is your clearing?”

 “You know the ruins at the end of Greenwich Street.”

"I know, that's not..." The goblin was also a well-informed person, and he understood it as soon as he heard it. Even if he had some doubts in his heart, all the doubts disappeared when he saw the [Transformation Ring].

 “I know that place, the terrain is probably like this.”

The goblin clapped his hands, and the magic sand table changed. When he took a look, wasn't this what the ruins looked like before?

At this time, Gu Xi said to the goblin: "I have cleared away those things on the ruins. There are two basements here and here. This one can be rebuilt, but this one must be preserved."

Hearing that Gu Xi had cleared away all the construction debris on the ruins, the goblin looked like he had lost a million dollars.

But fortunately, he still had some sense, and with a flick of his hand, he cleared away the construction debris on the ground, leaving only an open space.

 The goblins then began to add various things to it.

"My friend, you want a three-story building, right? Do you want a garden in front? How much area does the garden occupy? You need to build a gate. I have a lion head here that can open the door automatically. I wonder if you are interested. .

This thing is not expensive, 500 pounds for a pair, and they can be noticed by people as long as they pass by. Do you need a steward or something inside the gate? Oh, no, no. What about the garden?

 What kind of style is needed for a small building..."

Gu Xi, who was standing aside, looked at the magic sand table in front of him and felt that this thing was really useful.

The goblin kept adding various things he had on hand, and when Gu Xi made suggestions, the goblin could take things out of the magic sandbox at any time.

Soon Gu Xi and the goblin reached an agreement. The style of the new building will be a three-story stone and wood structure with a basement.

The small building covers an area of ​​200 square meters. The remaining part is the front gate and entrance garden, which covers an area of ​​nearly 30 square meters. The small garden, pond and a small steam engine power room behind the small building are all The total area is sixty square meters.

 The most important basement for Gu Xi, the entrance is just below the pond, and only a switch can open the passage below.

 Otherwise, if you want to enter, you must drain the pond of water.

Of course, this entrance method costs money. The goblins used steam technology, magic and some special means here. In short, apart from the small building itself, this is where the most money was invested.

 In addition, the interior decoration of the small building has also been determined.

The underground room is a warehouse area. There are six large and small warehouses and rooms in it. Two of them are cold storage rooms, one is a magic prison room, and there is also a special collection room and an important room. Library.

The security forces of these warehouses have been strengthened, but Gu Xi did not accept the recommendation of the goblins and arrange some goblin security here.

 Gu Xi really doesn't need this. If he has that need, Gu Xi can just arrange some undead in his small building.

The first floor is mainly the hall, living room, dining room, kitchen and other rooms. The second floor is five bedrooms with different styles. The third floor is Gu Xi’s master bedroom, plus a viewing balcony. Of course, the master bedroom has direct access due to the occupied area. It is about 150 square meters, so it is also subdivided into various functional areas.

Since these do not involve magic, the goblins did not increase the price. Instead, the goblins added more to the decorations in the front and backyard.

 Let’s not talk about the pond in the backyard and the steam engine power room. They are must-haves, especially the steam engine power room, which is the source of electricity and heat for the entire building. Most people will need it.

 The goblins were blowing around in the front yard, like some kind of wisdom tree, a door that could open and close automatically, nutrient-rich soil, etc.

The prices for these things are getting higher and higher, and Gu Xi is not polite to the goblins. He doesn't just pay as much as the goblins say. Instead, he bargains with the goblins there, or simply refuses some unnecessary things.

The goblin also saw Gu Xi's attitude, and did not overly introduce security and related things. Instead, he focused on how to close the door of the small building at the right time and live a good life.

The things he introduced naturally touched Gu Xi's mind.

 There were some things that Gu Xi couldn't think of a use for, so he bought them after the goblin's advice.

With this patchwork, Gu Xi's budget has been completely spent.

Just when the goblin was about to recommend something more, Gu Xi directly stopped the goblin.

 “Stop, that’s it, stop it, I don’t have any money for more.”

Hearing what Gu Xi said, the goblin also sighed. He still had many things he wanted to recommend to Gu Xi.

At this time, the goblin rolled his eyes and was about to speak, when Gu Xi spoke.

“Don’t say anything at this time. There are still very important things that haven’t been added. If that’s the case, then I will only need the small building and not the miscellaneous things outside. The budget will be just 20,000.”

The goblin quickly shut his mouth upon hearing this, not daring to recommend anything more.

 (End of this chapter)

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