Breath of the Dead

Chapter 58: Fairy tale books and libraries (Qiu Zhui Reading)

Chapter 58 Fairy Tale Book and Library (seeking for reading)

“I’m afraid I’m crazy, why would I bring you here to buy fairy tale books?”

 Listening to Sha Ya’s muttering behind him, Gu Xi smiled and didn’t pay attention.

After buying the elderberry, Gu Xi did not stop at the pier under the sewer. Instead, he followed Sha Ya around three times and came to a bookstore deep in an alley.

According to Shaya, this bookstore sells some professional skill books and employment books, as well as various books related to professionals and extraordinary people.

If Gu Xi wanted a professional skill book, Sha Ya would definitely not bring him here.

 Because the prices of these books are quite expensive, some are even more expensive than the small building that Gu Xi has not yet built.

 But Gu Xi just found some fairy tale books, and that would be fine.

The price of these fairy tale books is actually not high. After rummaging around here, Gu Xi found many interesting fairy tale books.

For example, The Three Little Pigs, Jack and the Pea, Jack the Giant Killer, etc. These are the most classic fairy tales in Britain.

However, in the process of reading these fairy tales, Gu Xi felt that these fairy tales contained too many bloody, violent and weird things.

 It doesn’t look like it’s written for children, but rather like a magic book that hides evil power.

 But the nature of these fairy tale books is different.

"The Three Little Pigs" (grey): A fairy tale book with illustrations. Because the description is too bloody, it is not suitable for children to watch. 】

"Jack and the Pea" (grey): A fairy tale book with illustrations, which is not suitable for children because of its rather unhealthy outlook. 】


If Gu Xi hadn't automatically generated a temporary task when he came into contact with these fairy tale books, he might not have even glanced at these fairy tale books.

  【Temporary mission: Weird library】

 【Task description: Collect enough books to enrich the library's collection】

 【Task requirement: Collect more than 10 books (0/10)】

  【Task reward: Library design drawing (medium size). 】

  【Note 1: Please try to collect books of the same type, as there will be different transformations when giving rewards. 】

  【Note 2: The library can be linked with the magic tower to produce linkage effects. 】

  【Note 3: As the collection of books in the library increases, the library's additional attributes can be improved. As for the increase, everything depends on the quality of the library and the collection of books. 】

It was precisely because of such a temporary mission that Gu Xi bought all these fairy tale books quite simply.

At the same time, Gu Xi also found the information he was looking for in these fairy tale books.

It is a fairy tale about three brothers dealing with a **** of death.

 There are elder trees, resurrection stones, and an invisibility cloak.

This fairy tale made Gu Xi suddenly realize that Shaya used an imitation of the Resurrection Stone to transform the undead, and her body carried the properties of the Resurrection Stone.

  It would be fine if you don’t meet the other two things, but naturally there will be different changes if you meet them.

This time Gu Xi got another elder tree. Coupled with Gu Xi's occupation, it naturally led to such a temporary task.

 After reading the fairy tale, Gu Xi also understood the situation inside.

He just needs to find another invisibility cloak. He doesn't even need an invisibility cloak. He just needs some special invisibility methods that can allow Gu Xi to gather the three elements of the Deathly Hallows.

The incarnation of death he will face next is the God of Death. This requirement is actually not difficult for Gu Xi.

  Gu Xi closed the fairy tale book in his hand and looked up at the shop owner.     “Is there any more?”

 “No more, all the fairy tale books are here.”

“Okay, let’s take these, boss. Look, I bought a lot of books from you. These books are not considered valuables. I wonder if there is any discount or something?”

“I’m afraid of you. I really don’t know what you are like. You came to me to buy fairy tale books. There are thirteen books here, so I’ll give you 10 pounds.

You are not too expensive yet. You have just browsed through these books. These books are all printed with illustrations, and some of the illustrations are even colored. They are quite valuable. "


Gu Xi didn’t refuse and agreed decisively.

Sha Ya stepped forward with tacit understanding and helped Gu Xi pick up the books.

After paying the money, Gu Xi had no idea of ​​helping Shaya, but took out a piece of parchment and read it.

 【Library Design Plan (Medium-sized): Use 500 resources, 10 units of stone, and 10 units of wood to build a library (medium-sized building) in the city.

After completion, each floor of the magic tower can research spell slots +1 (needs to be linked with the magic tower), the magic academy can train magicians (soldiers) +1 (needs to be linked with the magic academy), and mysterious books will appear randomly in the library (the collection of books reaches 100 books), fairy tale characters appear randomly in the library (more than 10 fairy tale books)...]

Looking at the contents on the parchment, Gu Xi discovered that although this library and the small owl building he had obtained before were both medium-sized buildings, this library had many more functions.

 Obviously the two are not on the same level at all.

 Putting the parchment away, Gu Xi reached out and took the fairy tale books from Sha Ya's hand.

 “Let’s go, let’s go back.”

 “Sir, are we not going to go shopping anymore?”

 Gu Xi paused for a moment, then finally shook his head, "Forget it, I have no money, and there are some things you just can't meet just because you want to."

Sha Ya didn't understand what Gu Xi was planning. Anyway, Gu Xi said so, so she stopped asking any more questions and quickly followed Gu Xi's footsteps.

 When they came, they were led by Sha Ya and took a small path or a shortcut.

 When he went back, Gu Xi was quite happy and went with the idea of ​​going shopping.

As long as there was no problem with the route, Shaya did not persuade Gu Xi to change direction.

And Gu Xi has been watching the situation on the road. Unfortunately, in Victoria City, professionals do not dare to talk openly about things like they do in the countryside.

In the shops on the street, there is no one that Gu Xi likes.

 Even though there are some shops that are engaged in professional business, the signboards on the shop fronts are always painted mysteriously.

  Just like the Destiny Compass that Shaya stayed in at the beginning, it was obviously a thieves guild that made a living by selling information, but it had a tavern sign.

In this way, who can know what the functions behind each store are.

Hand without asking, Shaya would not take the initiative to say anything. They missed many stores that were relatively famous among professionals.

After lunch, Gu Xicai wandered back to Greenwich Street with Shaya.

Before he reached the end of Greenwich Street, Gu Xi saw the original location of the ruins, which had been covered with green cloth.

A man wearing a strange style is watching every move in the ruins from a distance.

 Gu Xi thought for a while, then turned to look at Sha Ya. Sha Ya had a look of understanding in her eyes, stepped back, and disappeared from Gu Xi's perception.

 (End of this chapter)

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