Breath of the Dead

Chapter 59: Changes in Alidovi City (seeking for further reading)

 Chapter 59 Changes in Aridovi City (please follow up)

Then Gu Xi tidied his clothes, took out the Crushing Staff, held it in his hand like a civilized staff, and walked slowly towards his territory.

While walking forward, Gu Xi also put a piece of dried meat into his mouth. As long as the other party made any movement, the dried meat would turn into a corpse bomb and be thrown into that person's face.

 Regardless of whether the explosion can kill people, first use the sound to blow up the nearby guards.

 Fortunately, this weirdly dressed guy didn't mean to attack Gu Xi.

Instead, he glanced at Gu Xi. After confirming that Gu Xi was the owner of the land, he grinned at Gu Xi.

At this time, Gu Xi finally saw this guy's face clearly. This guy looked obviously very handsome, with a brown beard covering half of his face. His eyes were normal, and he was distorted from the two people Gu Xi had killed before. The magician is completely different.

 But for some reason, as soon as he opened his mouth, Gu Xi felt as if he was being targeted by a powerful beast.

However, Gu Xi was not a coward. Faced with such pressure, he took a step forward, raised the corner of his mouth, and showed a disdainful smile on his face.

That action was clearly mocking the guy in front of him.

This person was not angry, and just watched Gu Xi enter the ruins area, and then slowly left.

 After this person left for a while, Shaya disappeared and sneaked into the ruins.

At this time, Gu Xi was sitting in front of the unbuilt gate, holding a glass of boiling water and drinking it seriously.

"How about it?"

“We found the guy’s whereabouts and got some news. The person who appeared in front of our door today was a being called the White Devil. They belong to a semi-official magic organization in Victoria City and have their own exclusive academy and administrative system.

The White Devil is the most powerful being in this organization. I heard that he has even slain a dragon. "

“Wait a minute, you said this is a semi-official magical organization in Victoria City, and the Emperor of Britain doesn’t care about it?”

 Gu Xi interrupted Sha Ya's words.

“No matter what, Merlin, the founder of this organization, was King Arthur’s think tank and mentor. When James I exiled the Mirror City, he also used the power of these magicians in the name of the country.

 Do you think someone would still target them under such circumstances?

Believe it or not, every high-ranking aristocrat in Victoria has one or two powerful magicians in their homes. "

"It seems that this place was a node secretly arranged by those magicians. It's just a pity that now it belongs to us."

Gu Xi said nonchalantly that as long as he waited here for a day and his small building was built, he could quit the game.

 I don’t know when I will come back next time.

 So what if you offend one or two magic organizations?

Even if he offended the British royal family, he would not hesitate.

Sha Ya didn't know Gu Xi's thoughts, but Sha Ya had a character that was fearless, and now that she had become an undead, she didn't take this magic organization seriously.

Hearing what Gu Xi said, she didn't take the White Demon King and others to heart.

At this time, Gu Xi said to Sha Ya: "You have come back just in time. I will go to Alidowei for a while. You can guard here and don't let outsiders get close to my position."


Sha Ya knew that Gu Xi had a city that belonged to him, but Gu Xi never took her to the city that belonged to the undead.

Hearing this, Shaya also said with a serious face: "Sir, please don't worry, there will be no problem with me here."

 Gu Xi nodded his head and disappeared into the air. The next moment, Gu Xi returned to the meeting hall of Alidovi.

“Sir, why are you here?”

“Come and take a look, I’ll give you another one. Find time to build this library.”

As Gu Xi spoke, he took out the [Library Design Drawing] and ten fairy tale books.

After taking these things, Luna quickly looked through the [Library Design Drawings].

 “Sir, this is a good thing.”

At this time, Gu Xi was observing the changes in Aridovi. Although he had only been away for a few days, the city of Aridovi had completely changed.

 Some useless buildings and ruins have been demolished, and various furniture has been transported away.

 At the same time, the various materials and corpses brought in from the ruins today have also been sorted and sorted.

 Because there is currently no warehouse, most of the stones and wood are piled in the open space outside the meeting hall.

Even so, these materials are neatly stacked, and it can be seen that Luna has some obsessive-compulsive disorder in some aspects.

 All the corpses that were brought back have been sent to the cult church, and are now undergoing the final step of cleaning up.

 After cleaning up, these bodies will be sorted out.

Those that are still intact will be preserved, and when Gu Xi needs them, they will be actively released on the battlefield. Whether they are used as the source of corpse explosions, or used to cast bone shields or spiritualism, a large number of corpses are needed. .

 In the absence of other sources of corpses, these corpses dropped on the battlefield are equivalent to dropping ammunition on the battlefield.

Although it is a bit wasteful, it is also quite necessary.

As for the incomplete corpses, they were buried in the cemetery behind the cult church. These corpses will complete the corpses in the cemetery, which will ultimately increase the skeleton production rate of the cult church in the next few weeks.

After walking around the city of Alidovi for a short while, Gu Xi saw the newly built tavern and owl building.

The tavern was rebuilt from an original three-story building. The walls on the first floor of the building were demolished, so the inside of the tavern can be easily seen from the outside.

On the door of the tavern, there is also a wooden signboard. In addition to a wine glass filled with wine, there is also a small dagger drawn on the signboard.

 Gu Xi learned some common sense from Sha Ya and could tell at a glance that in addition to drinking and eating, the tavern in front of him also functioned as a thieves guild.

  【Building name: Tavern

 Level: Level 1 (can be upgraded)


 The tavern can provide five normal meals per day.

 Taverns can improve the morale of the garrison.

 Depending on the number and level of taverns, taverns can also provide corresponding information about nearby enemies. 】

Looking at the properties of the tavern, Gu Xi had a black face with a question mark.

Taverns can improve the morale of the garrison, which is a good thing, but the question is, do the undead need morale?

 The tavern can provide information about nearby enemies.

 But are there any enemies near Aridovi?

 Luna used up the location of a core building in exchange for five servings of food a day, which is somewhat of a waste.

Had he known this, he would have strongly asked Luna to build the warehouse first even if he was hungry.

 (End of this chapter)

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