Breath of the Dead

Chapter 61: The Owl House that increases intelligence (seeking for further reading)

 Chapter 61 The Owl House with Increased Intelligence (please follow up)

After eating and drinking in the tavern, Gu Xi staggered out of the tavern.

Out of the door of the tavern, Gu Xi found that the wine girl only walked to the door and stopped going out. This clearly meant that he had no intention of leaving the tavern.

At this moment, Gu Xi's heart suddenly moved, "Drunkard, is there a function to issue or accept tasks in the tavern?"

"Yes, sometimes there is something missing and it is inconvenient for me to find it. I will always send out some tasks for people to help. Don't forget to come to my tavern from time to time. Maybe there will be some different surprises. Woolen cloth."

As the wine girl spoke, she covered her mouth with a bone-white finger.

 Gu Xi quickly turned his head away. Although he became a necromancer, Gu Xi was still not used to facing this type of skeleton.

If outsiders knew that Gu Xi looked at a skeleton and found him charming, they would definitely think that Gu Xi was crazy.

Seeing Gu Xi leaving in a hurry, the wine lady also laughed softly. After Gu Xi walked away, she turned to look at the three subordinates in the tavern.

“My skin is not painted yet. If I don’t put it on, it’s like I’m not wearing any clothes. I feel uncomfortable no matter what.”

 Gu Xi didn't know what was going on behind him. At this time, he was led by Luna to the vicinity of the Owl Building.

“I have already arranged for the library, because there are sufficient resources, and it can be built tomorrow. However, the medium-sized plots in the city have been used up. If there are any new buildings, we will not have suitable plots for construction.”

“I know that after the library is completed, the focus will be on small buildings and auxiliary buildings.

 As for the medium-sized plot of land, we will wait until we win the dock area. "

 At this point, Gu Xi paused for a moment before saying, "The wine girl in the tavern seems a little weird. Do you know her background?"

“This is a bit unclear. The managers in the core building are all created together with the core building, but as long as the building is on our territory, they are trustworthy.”

With Luna’s assurance, Gu Xi said nothing more.

At this time, they also arrived in front of the Owl House, and Luna began to introduce the Owl House to Gu Xi.

This was originally supposed to be a three-story small apartment building, but this small building has undergone major modifications and its style has become somewhat different.

 At least it doesn’t match the style of the surrounding area, but rather resembles the splicing style from the previous ruins.

 The small three-story apartment building was transformed into a five-story building on the spot. The walls on each floor were torn down and replaced with large and small windows, and some branches were stretched out from the windows.

It can be said that this kind of building looks weird in the whole block.

 【Building name: Owl Building

 Level: Level 1 (can be upgraded)


 The small building can provide 50 units of meat per week (including but not limited to owl meat, rat meat, snake meat, etc.).

 The small building can release five owls responsible for delivering letters at the same time, and ensure that the letters are delivered to the corresponding people.

 The person who enters the lobby of the small building for the first time has intelligence +1. 】

 Gu Xi actually doesn’t have much demand for owl delivery of letters. After all, he doesn’t have anyone to contact now. On the contrary, the amount of meat provided every week is more useful to Gu Xi.

Although Aridovi is a city of death, Gu Xi still comes here sometimes, and food is the key to how long he can stay in Aridovi.

Now that food is guaranteed, and there are pubs where the meat can be cooked, Gu Xi has nothing to choose from.

Nodding with satisfaction, Gu Xi pushed open the door of Owl House and entered the hall on the first floor.

As soon as he stepped into the lobby, Gu Xi discovered that the interior and exterior of the Owl Building were completely different.

This hall is not as cluttered as the outside, but has a quiet feeling.

There is a flashing pool of water in the middle of the hall, surrounded by blinking eyes.

"Luna, how much weird rat meat we brought back last time is still there?" "I think there are still four or five servings."

Luna hesitated for a moment, she really didn't care about such a small matter.

 “I’ll stay here for a while, and you go get all the weird rat meat.”


Luna floated out as soon as she heard this, while Gu Xi took a step forward and stood at the edge of the pool.

At this time, Gu Xi felt as if he was standing in a starry sky. The stars in the sky were eyes blinking in the darkness.

Every eye that looks at it is full of wisdom, but there is something different about it.

This feeling made Gu Xi quite comfortable. He took this opportunity to sort out the various knowledge he had learned before. Some things he had learned in school but had no use in the game were also attracted by Gu Xi. Turned it out.

At the same time, Gu Xi also thought about details that he had not noticed before, and he found that sometimes there was something wrong with his choices.

If he hadn't been lucky, the bones might have been disposed of.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Then his eyes lit up and there was a tingling sound in his ears.

  【Meditate in the Owl Building, Intelligence +1, Undead Knowledge +1, Magic Knowledge +1, Basic Science +1. 】

  【Name: Gu Xi

 Game number: 629SHD2S0FXC30

 Occupation: Necromancer

 Level: Level 3 (313/10000)

Talent: Not activated

 Status: Life (310/310, food bonus), Mana (650/650)

 Attributes: Strength 4.2, Agility 3.3, Constitution 3.1, Intelligence 6.5, Perception 3.7, Charisma 3.6

 Professional skills: Spiritualism level 3 (336/500), secondary corpse explosion level 2 (199/200), secondary bone shield level 1 (14/100), bone spurs (32/100)

 Active skill: Throwing Level 2 (131/200)

 Passive skills: Undead Knowledge Level 4, Undead Contract Level 1, Magic Knowledge Level 5, Basic Science Level 4, Basic Reading Level 2, Basic Scribe Level 2, Undead Dominance Level 1. 】

 Looking at his improved attributes and skills, Gu Xi laughed happily.

This little owl building was not built in vain, and the harvest this time is pretty good.

At this moment, Luna, who had gone out, floated back again, holding some strange pieces of rat meat in her hands.

Gu Xi took the strange rat meat and then threw it into the pool of light.

When these pieces of strange rat meat fell into the water, there was another tingling sound in Gu Xi's ear.

  【You put suitable food (rats, snakes, squirrels, etc.) in the owl building, which attracted the attention of some owls. 】

 In addition to this, Gu Xi could also see a percentage visible to the naked eye appearing on the pool.

“27%, Luna, if rats and other things are found in the city in the future, bring them all here. I want to see what will happen after this pool is fully satisfied.”

 (End of this chapter)

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