Breath of the Dead

Chapter 62: The anchor point is established and the channel is opened (seeking for further reading)

Chapter 62 The anchor point is established and the channel is opened (please follow up)

After seeing the new changes in Aridovi City, Gu Xi walked around here a few more times, determined the target of the next construction, and then exited Aridovi City.

This time his exit was no longer like the last time, where he was thrown directly into the Isis River.

This time he entered Aridovi City through a regular route. Based on the principle of exiting from where he entered, he appeared at the ruins again.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Gu Xi saw Shaya standing beside him with a calm face.

The ruins in front of us have changed. The appearance of the three-story building has been built, and now some goblins are putting the final touches on the appearance of the building.

Seeing Gu Xi disappear and reappear, these goblins paid no attention to him.

From their point of view, Gu Xi just sneaked out and sneaked back. They had seen this kind of thing many times. This was not the case in any of the big noble families.

However, Gu Xi was attracted by the actions of these goblins.

 He noticed that these goblins were small in size, but they could always come up with something to speed up the construction of the house.

These things can be big or small. Some of them can be seen by Gu Xi, and some can't be understood directly.

 The only thing that is certain is that anything related to technology is all steam style.

The goblins will use a black powder-like fuel. At first Gu Xi thought it was coal, but for some reason, when he saw the black powder, he felt like he was seeing a corpse.

 This is the instinct of the necromancer. He can even see the residual resentment on the black powder.

This is not the resentment of the miners who died digging for coal. There must be something different in it.

It's just that Gu Xi doesn't want to get involved too much. The water in Victoria City is too deep, and Gu Xi can't control it yet.

 Only wait until his strength improves before he can look back and consider things here.

I didn’t see that he didn’t even look for things like an invisibility cloak. He didn’t even think about going out to try his luck. He just sat at the gate of the ruins and watched.

Gu Xi didn’t know that his choice not to go out had allowed him to avoid a lot of trouble.

Under Gu Xi's supervision, the goblins were very fast. If there were some detailed problems, Gu Xi could directly put forward his opinions and make modifications immediately.

 In this way, some things do not need to be discussed and discussed, and the construction speed will naturally be much faster.

 About when it was getting dark, the construction of the small building had been completed.

The steam engine in the backyard has also been ignited, and the goblin even poured a large bag of black powder into it.

A goblin dressed like a foreman came to Gu Xi with a contract.

“Guest, the small building has been built. You can start the inspection now. When we evacuate, if there are any problems, we will not admit it.”

“Okay, please wait here while I look around.”

While Gu Xi was talking, Sha Ya had already gone to inspect it.

As a thief, Shaya has her own way of inspecting buildings. If there is any problem with a certain building, she can tell by turning around twice.

 Just leave it to Shaya to do such things as acceptance.

 Gu Xi then walked around the gate of the front yard, the pond in the backyard and the steam engine room.

These things with magical properties need to be handled by Gu Xi personally, at least to gain control.

Especially the gate and the steam engine room, which are the entrance and exit of the entire building. Without control, it is equivalent to opening the gate and letting outsiders in.

 The other place is the energy point of the entire building. If the control is not taken over, the lamps and various steam machinery in the building cannot be used.

 So these two are the focus of transferring permissions.

 The door is a little better. The decorations of the two lion heads are magic items. They just need to transfer the magic authority.

The steam engine room in the backyard is different. In addition to the control authority, the goblins also have to teach Gu Xi how to use this thing. “This is cinders. A small handful of it, poured in through this opening, can supply the small building’s steam consumption for a day, mainly hot water, steam lamps, and the energy required for each room.

If you have any special needs that day, pour an extra handful of cinders into it, but be sure not to pour too much. Two handfuls at a time is the limit. Too much will cause problems.

In addition, the price of this kind of cinder is relatively high, a handful is 1 pound, and this bag is 30 handfuls. You can use it sparingly for a month. It is a gift from our rich man.

There will be a charge for the cinders after that. If there is no cinders, the steam cannon and various pipe machinery in the room cannot be used, then don't blame us for not handling it properly.

By the way, when not in use, remember to soak the cinders in water and never expose them to the sun, as this will affect the effectiveness of the cinders. "

 Gu Xi looked up helplessly at the gray sky. Would there be any sun here?

 Shaked his head, Gu Xi reached out and picked up a handful of cinders, a message flashed in his eyes.

                                                    ? ? Cinder (grey): A popular fuel in Victoria City. No one cares where this cinder comes from, as long as a small handful can be used for a day, it is enough. 】


“Don’t ask me, we don’t know where this cinder comes from, but if customers want it, they can come to us to purchase it on their behalf. The minimum delivery is three bags, and thirty bags can be 10% cheaper than the market price.”

 Gu Xi put the black powder back and then clapped his hands gently.

 “Okay, I understand, I will definitely do it next time I have a chance.”

While talking, Sha Ya also appeared behind Gu Xi, and she nodded towards Gu Xi.

“That’s enough, the inspection of this house is completed, then I won’t keep you here.”

 “Okay, if there is no problem, please sign here.”

As soon as the goblin heard this, he immediately took out the contract, flipped it through quickly, and pointed at the items in it to compare them.

 “If there is no problem, just sign here.”

The goblins were so professional that Gu Xi would not put them in trouble and quickly signed the contract to be signed, proving that he had completed the inspection and acceptance of the small building.

 At this time, the goblins quickly packed up everything and quickly exited the area.

After the goblins left, Shaya whispered: "Sir, the security here is very poor. Do you want me to make some changes?"

“Okay, I’ll ask Luna to come out later, and you two will work together to arrange the security of this small building.”

As Gu Xi spoke, he opened the city gate behind him, and Luna quickly appeared in the small courtyard with the skeleton soldiers.

“Luna, you came just in time. The small building is already ours. This is the hearth stone. You can put it in the fireplace.

 After the anchor point here is set, I will leave first. Then I may have a day or two to deal with the things at hand. In the past few days, you and Shaya will set up the defense system of the small building. "

"Don't worry, sir, I will handle this matter clearly." Luna nodded affirmatively, then she took the hearth stone handed over by Gu Xi and flew towards the small building.

Gu Xi didn’t say much. He took Shaya and walked in the small courtyard, thinking about what to add to the small courtyard.

At this moment, a tingling sound suddenly came from Gu Xi's ear.

【Ding! After the hearthstone is successfully arranged, you can freely enter and leave Alidovi City and Victoria City through the fireplace at No. 12 Northumberland Avenue in Victoria City. 】

  【In view of the fact that Alidovi City is a player-exclusive city of death, player 629SHD2S0FXC30 has opened the world access channel of game number 629SHD2S0FXC30, and the anchor point review of the player is now carried out. 】

[Player independent anchor point requirements (complete any item to establish an anchor point): have an independent residence or building belonging to the player in the game (completed), have his own identity or status in the game (not completed), be Many NPC memories in the game (unfinished)…]

  【The player anchor point is established and the player channel is established. Player 629SHD2S0FXC30 can freely enter and leave the world of game number 629SHD2S0FXC30 through all game logins. There is no need to use a dedicated game login to log in. 】

  【Excuse me, do you want to exit the game now? 】

 (End of this chapter)

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