Breath of the Dead

Chapter 63: Conflict when returning (please read more)

Chapter 63 Conflict on Return (please follow up)

 Chingfeng Territory, Lieyang Star, Bailian City.

In the White Disaster Trial Hall of the Netherbone Wind Academy, a silver-white skeleton hanging high in the air made a mechanical electronic sound.

“Graduation trial, employment mission, player 629SHD2S0FXC30 has withdrawn from the world of game number 629SHD2S0FXC30, please pay attention to receive it.”

“Repeat it again, graduation trial, employment mission, player 629SHD2S0FXC30…”

In the process of mechanical repetition of the silver-white skeleton, a man standing at the door of the White Disaster Trial Hall stood up unsteadily.

He was tall and thin, wearing a close-fitting and upright Chinese tunic suit. After standing up, he immediately changed his squirming attitude before, straightened his body hard, and strode to the Baiji Examination Center. Next to a green pool in the middle of the training hall.

At this moment, an arm stretched out from the pool, and then Gu Xi, whose whole body was covered with green liquid, crawled out of the pool.

Standing at the edge of the pool, hurriedly removing the green liquid from his body, Gu Xi continued to complain.

“I didn’t feel anything when I went in, but when I came out, it was so messy. Why couldn’t there be a better way to log in?”

The tall and thin man stood aside and watched Gu Xi, but did not go over to urge him.

 It wasn’t until Gu Xi finished handling the green liquid on his body that he took a step forward.

"Player 629SHD2S0FXC30, Gu Xi? Has the Necromancer been successfully installed?"

 “The inauguration was successful, are you?”

"Li Xinghui of the Chaoyang Rays Guild, a level 5 necromancer, we Chaoyang Rays have obtained your draft rights. You will serve Chaoyang Rays for three years. We have the priority to renew the contract and the right to trade with foreign countries.

Of course we will also make all-round investment in you, and we can guarantee that you will reach level 5 Necromancer level within three years. "

At this point, Li Xinghui stretched out a hand and said, "From now on, we will be comrades fighting together."

 Gu Xiyou had heard of things like draft signings after trials, but he didn’t expect that his whereabouts would be decided like this.

Gu Xi, who had not yet reacted, stretched out his hand in confusion and shook hands with Li Xinghui.

“Okay, let’s go get the rewards from your graduation trial. Although the rewards from the academy are not that great, they are still a piece of meat.”

 At this moment, Gu Xi reacted.


Li Xinghui looked at Gu Xi with some confusion, "What's wrong?"

“Didn’t you say that after the graduation trial, there would be a grand awards ceremony and graduation ceremony? Why did you just take the award and leave?”

 “Award Ceremony? Don’t you know what your level is?”

At this moment, a black-robed necromancer walked out from the other end of the White Disaster Trial Hall. Half of his face had turned into a skeleton. When he walked out, he was still surrounded by thick ghost fire and Yin Qi. .

As soon as he came out, he scolded Gu Xi in a condescending tone.

“It’s just an inauguration trial. It can be completed in three days at the earliest. How long did it take you? You stayed here for forty-six days. You thought everyone was as useless as you.

The graduation ceremony also ended a month ago.

  After all, you can't make all your classmates wait for you to graduate before you graduate. As for the awards, it depends on the time you graduate. Needless to say, you will definitely be in the worst category.

You'd better leave quickly. At least Chaoyang Guild is willing to wait for you. If you continue to delay, there won't even be a guild that wants you. "

 Gu Xi turned back and glanced at Li Xinghui.

Li Xinghui said with some embarrassment: "Our guild is relatively low in the rankings. The draft picks are hard-won. Every comrade cannot give up. Don't worry, we are a professional undead guild.

Whether you are a necromancer or a death knight, we have a special training plan. Even if you have no potential, we can still get you to level 5. Gu Xi understood what was going on as soon as he heard this, "Wait a minute, you don't think I'm good if you don't look at my results?" "

“What’s the matter? It took forty-six days to get the job. What else do you want? With the time you’ve been in the job, your score won’t be much higher.”

“I encountered some things in the game that delayed me for a while, but it was good. I got a good starting skill.”

 Gu Xi was also a little angry. What was going on?

 Graduation results were simply excluded and settled?

Then his efforts for so many days are nothing.

“Good starting skills? How good can it be? I’m not afraid to tell you. Among our graduates this time, one of them is a necromancer and gets the soul hunter skill at the beginning. As a student of the academy, you should know the meaning of the soul hunter skill.

Think about it seriously, can you really compete with the soul hunter skills?

Can you? "

  【Soul Hunter: Whenever a group of enemy troops are completely wiped out during a battle, a group of ghosts will be automatically summoned at their location to assist the heroes in combat. The number of summoned ghosts is equal to the hero level and is limited by the number of original troops. 】

 The skill of Soul Hunter can be said to be a relatively good passive skill in the battle.

Although it can only be activated when the enemy combat team is destroyed, the effect is quite good. There is no need for the necromancer to use any spiritualism, and the ghost troops can be directly replenished during the battle.

 With such skills, this necromancer is quite useful in big battles.

 Even when the level is relatively high, it can become a troop replenishment point for the legion.

Even the necromancer in front of him didn't expect it. After hearing his words, Gu Xi said definitely.


"What did you say?"

The necromancer looked at Gu Xi with some confusion.

 “I said I can match the skill of Soul Hunter.”

Gu Xi spoke word by word.

The necromancer also laughed when he heard this, "Are you kidding? Come on, hurry up, if you continue to make trouble here, believe it or not, I will deduct your graduation reward and even...deduct your diploma..."

As the Necromancer was talking, he couldn't continue because he saw the shadow of a city gate begin to appear behind Gu Xi.

As a necromancer, he naturally knows what this city gate represents.

 “Death...death city?”

“That’s right, City of Death. Do you think I spent forty-six days completing a series of tasks and switching to the skill Death City? Is it a wrong choice?”

 “No, it doesn’t count.”

All necromancers understand that when they encounter the three magical skills of the undead, they must find a way to obtain them. Not to mention forty-six days, even if it takes a year, the interest will be earned.

If other teachers in the Underworld Wind Academy, or even the principal, heard about Gu Xi, they would only say that he made a good choice and award him the award for being the first among this year’s graduates.

 It's just that something is wrong with the current situation.

The necromancer looked at Gu Xi with some embarrassment and said decisively.

 (End of this chapter)

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