Breath of the Dead

Chapter 64: Gu Xi’s request (seeking for further reading)

Chapter 64 Gu Xi’s request (please follow up)

“Your grades are good, but the awards and graduation ceremony have been over for a month, and I can’t let others come back and hold another ceremony.

There is no such thing. After all, everyone has dispersed to various guilds for internships, and some have even entered a new game world.

It's unrealistic to call them back now, so forget it, take the reward and leave. "

Looking at the necromancer's expression of thinking about himself, Gu Xi's face became ugly.

 “What’s the matter, you want to steal what I deserve.”

"No, I just want to tell you that there is no way to deal with this matter. We can't drag all the students back, right?"

As the Necromancer explained, a trace of pride flashed in his eyes.

 He actually has a reason for doing this.

 As a graduate mentor of this year, he is very aware of the situation of this year’s graduates.

The chief graduate of this class is the son of the vice-president of the Third Guild in Bailian City. In order for his son to get such a chief position, he has made great efforts.

Of course, the vice-president also reached a certain agreement with the Netherbone Wind Academy to increase the chief's reward.

It can be said that the rewards for this term's chief are the best rewards given by the Wind of the Bones in the past fifty years. In addition, this term's chief was signed with the top pick in the draft by the third guild in the city, the Steel Ghost Claw.

 Let them come back and start over now, wouldn't this be a slap in the face of the Steel Ghost Claws?

 So the necromancer had an idea and immediately thought of this excuse.

At the same time, he was also proud of his idea, thinking that after Gu Xi's matter was fooled, he would definitely find the deputy leader of the Steel Ghost Claws to brag about his choice and get some benefits from him. Come.

Although Gu Xi didn’t know what the necromancer was thinking, there were some things that would really be gone without a fight.

"I can understand that you can't call people back, but you can't lose anything you should give me."

“I know, the rewards for taking office are all ready, just put them there and you can take them.”

When the necromancer saw that Gu Xi was so talkative, he pointed to the other end of the White Disaster Trial Hall, where the graduation rewards given to students who completed the induction trial were placed.

Gu Xi didn't even look over there, but took a step forward. Behind him, the city gate began to solidify.

 “I mean, I can’t lose any of my things.”

"What do you mean, you don't think you can be proud of yourself just because you have acquired the three magical skills? I tell you that only living geniuses are geniuses, and dead ones are nothing."

Gu Xi smiled when he heard this, "Teacher, it's okay for you to say this to other professions, but we are necromancers, and I will be a necromancer even after I die."

The necromancer in front of me is also a little embarrassed. This is where the necromancer profession is better than others. Even if he dies, he may turn into a necromancer, a skeleton mage, or even a corpse witch or a lich.

 They can still fight for another five hundred years.

With Gu Xi's attitude, it would be somewhat troublesome if he really took this matter to heart.

"What do you think? It's impossible to call the students back anyway. Now the students have started internships. We, the Wind of the Bones Academy, don't have such a big reputation to ask all the guilds in the city to release the students."

The necromancer said to Gu Xi forcefully, but it was obvious that his words no longer had the same momentum as before.

 He could no longer withstand the pressure of Gu Xi.

"I don't want those that are useless. I'll just say, see if you can do it. If you can do it, it will be over. If you can't do it, I don't believe that I can't find it if I open the gate of the city of death. Go somewhere and reason."

 Listening to Gu Xi's words, the necromancer finally became afraid. He is very aware of the status of the three undead skills among necromancers.

As long as Gu Xi shows it to the outside world, this matter will become a big deal, and the reputation of the Wind of the Bones Academy will be thrown into the sewer and trampled on countless times.

No matter whether the academy and Gu Xi will reach an agreement in the end, he won't get anything good anyway.

“This classmate, I made it very clear to you...”

Of course the necromancer still wanted to struggle, and he also wanted to persuade Gu Xi.

"If you can't make the decision, then you should talk to someone who can." Gu Xi interrupted him directly and turned to look at Li Xinghui, "Comrade, can you help me contact the dean of the college?"

Li Xinghui has been watching the excitement here. He didn't expect that he waited until the end and thought he just got a waste, but he didn't expect to get a champion.

 This is a big bargain.

  There are some things that he doesn’t need to ask at all, he can make his own decision.

“Don’t worry, just because I call you comrade-in-arms, our Chao Yangguang Guild will take care of this matter.”

As he spoke, some crows emitting a faint blue light appeared behind Li Xinghui. He whispered a few words to these crows, and they flew away quickly.

After doing all this, Li Xinghui proudly said to Gu Xi: "This is the Storm Raven, a messenger raised internally by the guild. After you join the guild, I will give you a few of them."

Gu Xi smiled and said nothing, just watching the necromancer's every move.

 Now that he hasn't got what he wants, he can't let his momentum weaken.

 After a while, the door of the White Disaster Trial Hall was pushed open.

 A gorgeously dressed necromancer strode in.

He was holding a magic wand made of white jade bone in his hand. When walking forward, you could still see green liquid flowing under his magic robe.

 Gu Xi has met this person. He is the dean of the Nether Bone Wind Academy, a level 15 necromancer named Lu Yongchang.

When Lu Yongchang opened the door and walked in, he said loudly: "Didn't it say that a dragon appeared in our college? Where are the people? Hey, this is a city of death. You are a student who has just participated in the graduation trial.

  Is the Necromancer level 3?

 Hahahahaha, the dragon has indeed appeared, and our Nether Bone Wind Academy will become famous all over the world.

How about it? If there is a guild that doesn’t accept me, why don’t I reject that guild and study in the college for two more years? "

Looking at the enthusiastic Lu Yongchang, Gu Xi looked at Li Xinghui helplessly.

Li Xinghui smiled and said to Gu Xi: "I told the dean of the college that a big dragon was produced in this graduation trial. He wants to promote the Nether Bone Wind Academy, so he must come here quickly, or I can take you with him. If he leaves, he won’t be able to take advantage of the publicity.”

 At this point, Li Xinghui winked at Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi understood what Li Xinghui meant at a glance. If Li Xinghui had told everything about everything here, Lu Yong would not have grown up so quickly.

On the contrary, Lu Yongchang thought that this matter would be beneficial to the wind of the underworld, and then he would come as fast as the wind.

 (End of this chapter)

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