Breath of the Dead

Chapter 65: Publicity and Response (Qiu Zhui Reading)

Chapter 65 Propaganda and Response (seeking further reading)

Lu Yongchang circled around Gu Xi and kept talking about the advantages of the Nether Bone Wind. It was clear that he wanted Gu Xi to stay in the Nether Bone Wind Academy, even if he was just a graduate student.

 It’s just that Gu Xi is unwilling to do this now.

When Lu Yongchang stopped, Gu Xi said directly: "Dean, I am a student who came out of the Nether Bone Wind. I originally belong to the Nether Bone Wind. No matter where I go in the future, I will always be the same. A student named Nether Bone Wind came to ask for his own.”

"Okay, as expected, he is a good student of the Wind of the Underworld. Who is that? By the way, Man Xuebo, right? Get ready. We are going to have a graduation and awards ceremony to publicize the release of the Wind of the Underworld. big dragon."

Lu Yongchang pointed at the necromancer before and gave the order directly.

At this time, the necromancer's face was stiff, "Dean, that..."

 “What’s wrong, can’t you do it?”

“No, it’s just the dean. Most of the students of this year have already joined various guilds. It will be very troublesome to invite them back to participate in the ceremony and to re-rank them.”

"What's the trouble? Just tell them directly that we have used three magic skills this time and ask them if they are willing to change."

 Lu Yongchang said quite domineeringly.

At this time, Gu Xi also hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Dean, there is no need to be so troublesome. I delayed coming out for so long, and my classmates were eager to get their diplomas and didn't wait for me. This is normal.

However, I have to admit that my comrades in Chaoyang Guild are willing to wait for me, so I don’t want to change guilds. Dean, just help me change my ranking and give me the reward.

 When it comes time to publicize it to the outside world, I think it won’t be a problem for me to get the top spot with my results. "

“Of course, if you can’t become the chief with the three magical skills, what else can become the chief? Don’t worry, you will be the chief this time.

You are going to get this year’s chief award..."

Lu Yongchang, who pointed at Man Xuebo and spoke, thought for a moment, "This year's chief reward has been handed out, right? It's not appropriate to bring it back now, but the chief cannot be worse than the second place.

In this way, when you get the reward, it will be one level higher than the chief reward issued. In addition, let the administration bring the chief battle flag and championship ring, and the ones sent out before will be cancelled.

 Inform each guild again that the students they take away will be ranked by one.

 We will give alone…”

Gu Xi knew that the dean still didn’t recognize him, so he immediately introduced himself: “My name is Gu Xi.”

"Gu Xi, a good name, you can promote it like this, the soul of the dead... the breath of the dead, right, it's called the breath of the dead."

Lu Yongchang was proud of his idea, "That's it, I will arrange for the administration to conduct a special publicity later, you..."

Having said this, Lu Yongchang paused again and turned to Li Xinghui, "By the way, your Chao Yangguang Guild also participated. You got a big deal this time."

 “Where, where, that’s our luck.”

Gu Xi and the three of them were smiling politely, while Man Xuebo beside them was sweating.

 He is immediately stuck on this matter.

 Where can he go to find a reward that is higher than the previous chief?

You must know that the previous chief’s reward was partially provided by the vice-president of the Steel Ghost Claw Guild.

 Then the reward originally awarded to the chief was given to the second, so that the son of the vice president got the greatest benefit.

 Where can he go to find higher-level rewards now?

Not to mention that he had to inform the vice president. He had planned for several months and finally made his son the chief. However, he only sat in this position for a month before he was told, I'm sorry, your son's The ranking is wrong and your son is only in second place. You don’t need to look at it, any scholar can imagine the look on the vice-president’s face.

 But what can we do if we don’t do it?

The Netherbone Wind Academy wants to promote Gu Xi. One of the three divine skills is not the leader. Instead, a late-stage skill is used as the leader. Isn’t this a slap in the face of all necromancers?

Once the publicity spreads, is it still necessary for their Nether Bone Wind Academy to exist?

 Man Xuebo was quite helpless.

 At this time, Lu Yongchang looked at Man Xuebo again, "What are you still doing here?"

“Oh, I just want to ask, does Gu Xi have any needs in terms of rewards?”

"It will be useful in the city of death. By the way, in addition to the normal rewards, I also want an invisibility cloak." Gu Xi thought about it and spoke decisively of his needs.

“You made a good choice. You got the Death City skill, which means you should strengthen the Death City, and the invisibility cloak can protect you on the battlefield. This is a good choice. Haven’t you heard yet? Hurry up and do it.”

Lu Yongchang glared at Man Xuebo and went to praise Gu Xi again.

Seeing that Lu Yongchang didn't care about him, Man Xuebo gritted his teeth and quickly retreated.

Of course he did not go looking for a suitable reward, but went to notify the vice-president of Steel Ghost Claw.

 Gu Xi didn’t care much about this. What he wanted was actually his own portion of the reward, as well as the chief battle flag and championship ring issued by the academy.

 These two things are not only proof of identity, but also have different functions. They also represent the status and potential of students when they graduate.

 It can be said that if you wear a championship ring when you go out, others will look at you highly.

 Gu Xi knew the meaning of chief very well. If he had not obtained one of the three divine skills before, he would definitely not force anything.

But after obtaining the three divine skills, Gu Xi had a different ambition in his heart. He was determined to be the chief of the Nether Bone Wind Academy.

Man Xuebo was out for nearly three hours. The administrator of Netherbone Wind College had arranged the graduation and award ceremony, and then he hurried back.

At this time, there was a hint of smile on the faces of everyone in the academy.

 The gaze he looked at Gu Xi also changed. At this time, there was a look of pity in his eyes.

 “Manxuebo, where have you gone?”

"Dean, I am doing something for the college. You see that the college has such a big dragon. We must give some good rewards. When the time comes to publicize it, we can also say that we are doing this for Mr. Gu Xi." In this matter, the college has also made great efforts, right?

 So I took out a few goodies.

This is the invisibility cloak that classmate Gu Xi requested. It is blue quality. Although it has some special requirements, the effect is definitely the best among blue quality.

In addition, didn’t Gu Xi master the Death City among the three divine skills?

 So I changed the most critical reward. Originally, if the Necromancer successfully took office, he would be rewarded with a combat team.

Gu Xi is also the leader of the Three Divine Skills, so I brought a piece of land that can be integrated into it. As long as it is integrated into the city of death, I can directly add one large plot, three medium-sized plots and seven small-sized plots. plot.

 This is definitely a good thing to upgrade the level of the dead city. "

 (End of this chapter)

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