Breath of the Dead

Chapter 66: Chief Flag and Championship Ring (please read more)

 Chapter 66 Chief Battle Flag and Championship Ring (please follow up)

In the Sea of ​​Blood Conference Hall of Netherbone Wind Academy, Gu Xi, who had put on new clothes, was sitting and waiting.

Standing next to him was Li Xinghui with an excited face.

While waiting for the graduation ceremony to be prepared alone, Li Xinghui had already reported the matter to the top management of Chaoyang Guild.

Several senior executives of the Chaoyang Rays Guild were unable to come over because of business, but they all sent messages to make Gu Xi feel like home to the Chaoyang Rays Guild.

So ever since the Graduation Ceremony was held in the College's largest Blood Sea Conference Hall, Li Xinghui had been helping Gu Xi, introducing various situations in Bailian City to Gu Xi.

From Li Xinghui's introduction, Gu Xi could tell that this time Minggu Feng planned to publicize his news to a wide range of people.

This time, seven of the top ten guilds in Bailian City came. All the administrative and military systems in Bailian City sent people, and most of the major families in Bailian City also came.

  It can be said that the Nether Bone Wind Academy has used its full strength this time.

However, Gu Xi noticed that among the visitors, some people did not have a very good attitude toward him, and there was a certain amount of hostility in the eyes they looked at him.

“Comrade, who is that?”

When he was free, Gu Xi secretly pointed at the people who were hostile to him.

Li Xinghui laughed when he saw them, "It's okay. They are all members of some small guilds in Bailian City. Some of them are the mortal enemies of our guild. Their looks like that are normal."

 Gu Xi understood what was going on as soon as he heard it.

Facing those hostile looks, Gu Xi simply stared back.

 Such an action made Li Xinghui burst into laughter.

 Soon, the preparations for the Wind of the Bones Academy were completed.

 Dean Lu Yongchang personally took the lead on the stage, followed by several pale-skinned women, who were holding this time's awards in their hands.

 When these women came on stage, Li Xinghui couldn't help but say.

“Good guy, the dean has brought out the vampire guards. I say comrade, you will be honored this time.”

"well enough."

"What's the matter? You don't have any good deeds. These vampires are the treasures of the dean. Normally, I don't want to let them out of the room. I can take them out this time just for your sake."

 While Gu Xi was chatting with Li Xinghui, Lu Yongchang was already standing in the middle of the award podium.

“We have invited you all here today to explain one thing to everyone in Bai Liancheng. This year’s Nether Bone Wind Academy has a dragon. All previous graduation rankings will not be counted and the rankings will be re-ranked.”

As soon as Lu Yongchang finished speaking, everyone below started talking.

 When they came, they actually received some news, but Lu Yongchang did not explain the details.

Now as soon as Lu Yongchang came on stage, he said that the wind of the bones of the underworld came out of the dragon, which attracted the attention of these people.

Looking at the situation below, Lu Yongchang said proudly: "Let me introduce you to you. This is the current chief graduate of our Nether Bone Wind Academy. He has mastered the Breath of the Undead in the Death City at the beginning. "Gu Xi."

Lu Yongchang raised his hand and the light fell on Gu Xi.

Gu Xi also stood up at this time and walked towards the stage.

 When Gu Xi stepped forward, the eyes of those below also fell on him.

 Gu Xi could even hear some of those people's conversations.

 “Looks so thin.”

“He has a pale complexion, and you can tell he has the potential to be a necromancer at a glance.”

“It seems like a good prospect. Which guild has taken him in?”

“Chaoyang Guild, I didn’t expect that they would make money this time.”

 With these words, Gu Xi stepped onto the podium.

At this time, the vampire girl behind Lu Yongchang had already brought up the reward from the Nether Bone Wind Academy. After getting on the podium, a vague city gate appeared behind Gu Xi.

These players present, which is not a hundred battles, and Gu Xi's action, they know what the situation is.

“It’s a big deal to start with a city of death. This is because you are naturally several steps ahead of others.”

 “God is chasing me to feed you.”

“No wonder that old guy Lu Yongchang said that a dragon appeared in their academy. It’s really a big dragon.”

 The noise from the audience did not affect the two people on the stage. As a vampire girl came forward with something in her hands, Lu Yongchang proudly introduced it to Gu Xi.

"This is the chief battle flag. It has the certification of our Netherbone Wind Academy. Now it is yours."

 After speaking, Lu Yongchang took out a war flag from the vampire girl's hand.

 This battle flag is 192 cm long and 128 cm wide. It is a medium-sized flag. The flag is pure white and relatively empty. Only in the lower left corner of the flag is a thumbs-up gesture.

 On the top of the thumb, there are also the words "Class of 2317 of the Wind of the Underworld Academy, may the wind of the underworld always blow around you".

In fact, the chief war flag, that is, the thumbs-up symbol is valuable. After getting the chief war flag, no matter which guild Gu Xi joins in the future and what kind of war flag he uses, he can add such a thumbs up under his logo. , representing one’s identity as chief of a certain term.

At the same time, as long as the Netherbone Wind Academy is still there, the battle flag he raises will always maintain an attribute blessing.

 【Chief Battle Flag of the Wind of the Bones Academy (Blue): The movement speed of all undead troops is permanently increased by 15%】

 Taking over the chief's battle flag, Gu Xi took a deep breath and saluted Lu Yongchang.

 At this time, the second vampire girl also came up holding another tray.

What is placed on this tray is a ring. The surface of the ring is made of silver with the word '1', and there is also a line of words engraved on the inner wall of the ring.

  ‘The 2317th class of the Wind of the Bones Academy, may the blessings of the Bones last forever. ’

This ring is the championship ring exclusive to this term’s chief. Unlike the thumb mark on the chief’s battle flag, a player can only wear two rings regardless of their attributes.

 So the properties of this ring will be better than the chief battle flag.

  【The Wind of the Bones Academy Championship Ring (blue, ring)】

 【Equipment requirements: The first place among the 2317 graduates of the Wind of the Bones Academy】

  【Attributes: All attributes +1】

  【Special: Hard Bones, wearer's health +50, mana +50. 】

  【Explanation: As the chief of the academy, your starting point will be much higher than others. 】

 Taking over the championship ring, Gu Xi immediately put it on his left index finger.

The moment the ring was put on, Gu Xi felt his whole body warm up, and his body seemed to have undergone some changes.

  【Name: Gu Xi

 Game number: 629SHD2S0FXC30

 Occupation: Necromancer

 Level: Level 3 (313/10000)

Talent: Not activated

 Status: Life (460/460), Mana (800/800)

 Attributes: Strength 5.2, Agility 4.3, Constitution 4.1, Intelligence 7.5, Perception 4.7, Charisma 4.6

Professional skills: Spiritualism Level 3 (336/500), Secondary Corpse Explosion Level 2 (199/200), Secondary Bone Shield Level 1 (14/100), Bone Spur Level 1 (32/100), Death City Level 2

 Active skill: Throwing Level 2 (131/200)

 Passive skills: Undead Knowledge Level 4, Undead Contract Level 1, Magic Knowledge Level 5, Basic Science Level 4, Basic Reading Level 2, Basic Scribe Level 2, Undead Dominance Level 1. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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