Breath of the Dead

Chapter 67: Other rewards (seeking for further reading)

Chapter 67 Other Rewards (please follow up)

 Chief battle flag and championship ring, these two things are must-haves.

After collecting these two things, the third vampire girl behind Lu Yongchang came out holding a tray.

 On this tray is something like a parchment scroll.

“Gu Xi, your skill is Death City, so as a reward this time, we are going to give you a piece of land that can be integrated to expand your Death City.

This is the title deed of the land. As long as you open it in your death city, one large plot, three medium plots and seven small plots will be automatically added to your city.

You should accept this first. "

As soon as Gu Xi heard this, he knew that Lu Yongchang had worked hard to prepare the reward. He quickly stepped forward and took the sheepskin scroll with both hands.

The moment he received the parchment scroll, there was a tingling sound in Gu Xi's ear.

  【Obtain the title deed of the old city ruins】

[The ruins of the old city cover an area of ​​0.85 square kilometers and have no population. After occupying it, you can obtain 3 abandoned laboratories (large buildings, temporary copies, requiring combat, high danger level), 1 large plot, and 3 medium plots. , 7 small plots]

 Looking at the message that popped up in front of him, Gu Xi couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

 The rest is easy to say, just what would happen if the laboratory was abandoned?

  Why are there three places, and they are also marked with dangers.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to be stunned, the vampire girl behind Lu Yongchang held up another thing.

At this time, Gu Xi couldn't care about anything else. He put away the title deed to the ruins of the old city and turned his attention to the newly delivered item.

This newly delivered item is a silver cloak. When it was placed on the tray, there was even light flowing on the surface of the cloak.

“The Necromancer is the player who fights at the back, so you take this invisibility cloak first.

Because time is tight and I can’t find a good one, this one has some flaws, but the grade has been improved, so you can use it first, and I will find a good one for you when you come back next time. "

Hearing this, Gu Xi also laughed and temporarily put all the doubts behind his mind.

This invisibility cloak is very important to Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi is still very clear about the big difference between one three-god skill and two three-god skill.

 “Thank you, Dean.”

After Gu Xi thanked him, he took the invisibility cloak.

 The moment he took on the invisibility cloak, Gu Xi's brows couldn't help but frown.

This invisibility cloak also has problems.

  【Obtain the Silver Dragon's Invisibility Cloak】

  【Silver Dragon Invisibility Cloak (Purple): An invisibility cloak made of silver dragon skin. The invisibility effect is equivalent to a level 5 stealth effect. Because it is made of silver dragon skin, it is not very friendly to undead professions or creatures. 】

 Looking at this explanation, Gu Xi would be stupid if he didn't know that he was being targeted.

 This is because someone doesn’t want to get the reward properly.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi smiled instead.

It is not difficult to guess that this kind of thing was either done by Man Xuebo or it was the idea of ​​Vice-President Steel Ghost Claw.

 Don't worry, he is blocking someone's way.

 “Thank you, Dean.”

“It’s okay, I thought you wouldn’t like it. In fact, we have never been able to find a good invisibility cloak. We can only find this one in a short time.”

 “It’s okay, I’ll like whatever the academy gives me.”

 Gu Xi was still very polite to Lu Yongchang.

“Okay, then here’s the recruitment order. With this, you can recruit 50 skeletons, 20 zombies, and 10 ghosts in the academy, all of which are official troops.”

Upon hearing this, Gu Xi asked with some doubts.

“Dean, is there too much?”

"Not many. According to normal standards, the chief can recruit 40 skeleton soldiers, 15 zombies, and 5 ghosts. However, the previous recruitment order has been given, and I can't let them return the undead they took away. Even if they can, , you may not dare to accept it, right?

 So I’ll just give you a grade and assign it according to the standards of a teaching assistant.

 Take it, don’t worry, you deserve it. "

"Okay." As soon as Gu Xi heard this situation, he responded decisively.

However, he also understands that even if he recruits, he will only be given the most common skeleton soldiers, zombies and ghosts. Those at the boss and warrior levels are definitely out of the question. As for mutant professions or mutant routes, it is even less likely to exist. .

Even so, this greatly relieved the pressure of Gu Xi's lack of troops on hand.

 At least he can deal with matters in the dock area.

Gu Xi didn’t know that under the medal podium, a young man about his own age was staring at him with gritted teeth.

 “Song Sheng, relax and don’t show too many expressions.”

 “Dad, I don’t accept it, I’m obviously the one...”

"Okay, he's just a chief. Don't worry, he won't live for long. A dead genius is no longer a genius."

After hearing his father's words, the young man named Song Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes no longer looked at Gu Xi with such hatred.

In just a few hours, his father, the vice president of Steel Ghost Claw, had already arranged a plan against Gu Xi.

 Isn’t it the city of death that Gu Xi controls?

 Then let someone give you a land deed that can expand the city's scope.

 It's just that there are some problems in this title deed. At first, this title deed was not called the old city ruins title deed, but the old city title deed.

 The reason why it was turned into ruins was entirely because their people entered those three laboratories and exposed the existence inside the laboratories.

Isn’t Gu Xi proud of having a city? He’s still the chief.

 Then let him know the consequences of opening all three laboratory doors.

As for the invisibility cloak and recruitment order at the back, their hands and feet are also in it.

The invisibility cloak carries the aura of the silver dragon. It can make you invisible, but it will make the necromancer uncomfortable and may accidentally reveal flaws on the battlefield.

 The recruitment process is even simpler.

If you don’t give Gu Xi enough soldiers, how can you arouse Gu Xi’s interest and let him take the initiative to open the three laboratories?

 Only by letting Gu Xi come into contact with the laboratory can Gu Xi be destroyed.

Of course it doesn’t matter if Gu Xi is a cautious person, they will have many ways to deal with Gu Xi next.

As his father said, a dead genius is nothing.

 Gu Xi didn't know this at this time.

 After putting away the recruitment order, the last vampire girl also walked up.

 On the tray in her hand was a white jade-like skull.

When he saw this skull, Gu Xi felt the same as when he first saw the Owl House.

"I think you recognize this. This is a small gift I gave you personally, the design of the evil temple. You are now considered the lord of a city, and you must have your own troops in the city."

We necromancers, no matter what route we take, we always need some skeleton soldiers. This evil temple design has some interesting things in it, you can just use it. "

Gu Xi took the white jade-like skull and heard another ding in his ears.

  【Obtain the design drawing of the White Bone Temple (large scale)】

 【White Bone Temple (large): Use 1500 resources, 10 units of stone, and 10 units of wood to build a White Bone Temple (large building) in the city.

 After completion, 30 skeleton soldiers can be trained every week.

 If there are other evil temples, regional linkage can be generated, and the training speed of skeleton soldiers will be increased by 50%. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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