Breath of the Dead

Chapter 68: Chaoyang Guild (seeking further reading)

Chapter 68 Chaoyang Guild (please follow up)

The Wind of the Bone Academy does not give many rewards to the chief. In addition to the chief's battle flag and championship ring, there are usually two academy rewards and one principal's personal reward.

However, this time the awards and graduation ceremony took more than four hours.

 It wasn’t until it got dark that the Nether Bone Wind Academy ended the ceremony and sent all the invited guests out of the academy gate.

Just when Gu Xi was about to leave with Li Xinghui, the necromancer Man Xuebo also came over.

“Student Gu Xi, I’m sorry before, but I also think about the college. This is a small gift, which can be regarded as compensation for you.”

Man Xuebo took out a small gift bag as he spoke.

Man Xuebo didn't care at all about the things given out. In fact, they were also given by the vice president of the Steel Ghost Claw Guild.

 He wanted to add another layer of insurance against Gu Xi.

Gu Xi glanced at Man Xuebo, then looked back at Li Xinghui, and finally put the thing away.

But at this time, Gu Xi didn't look to see what was inside. He just put the gift bag into his pocket and followed Li Xinghui out.

 Out of the gate of Netherbone Wind Academy, Li Xinghui summoned a bone carriage.

“Get in the car, I’ll take you to the guild first, and then I’ll see how I can arrange it for you when I meet the guild president.”

"Okay." Gu Xi smiled and got on the carriage. When he got on the carriage, he found that the door of the carriage had a sign of the sun rising from behind the mountain.

"This is…"

“Oh, this is our guild’s carriage. Unexpectedly, even though our guild’s ranking is not high, our guild’s strength is actually quite good.

It just so happens that I have nothing to do on the road. Let me tell you about the situation in the guild.

Our guild has a total of seven exclusive game worlds, including three garrisoned worlds, three worlds that are being conquered, and one that has just been captured and is preparing to open up wasteland.

In addition, the guild has eleven dungeon gates, and there are as many as six with requirements below level 5. If you want to improve yourself, you can apply to participate in the dungeon battle.

Our guild president is level 12, and both vice presidents are at level 11, which is considered a good level in Bailian City.

Generally speaking, when newcomers come in, they will first join the novice group. After level 3, they will be assigned to several groups for internship according to the newcomer's profession. However, your current level is already level 3, and you also master the three divine skills. The president may You will be directly assigned to the team for internship.

 At that time, you must perform well and strive to join the Lieyang Mage Group. "

 “The Lieyang Mage Group?”

Gu Xi asked curiously.

“Oh, there is the 1st regiment of necromancers, which is personally managed by the president. They are all the elite necromancers in the guild. There is also a 1st regiment of death knights, which is also personally managed by the president, called the Knights of the Burning Sun.”

Gu Xi raised his head and looked at the gloomy sky outside the window. Because Bailian City mainly has two professions: necromancers and death knights, supplemented by other professions related to ghosts and ghosts, the whole city is gloomy. There are three hundred and sixty-five days in a year, and the sun is not visible for 366 days.

 As a small guild, wouldn’t it be a bit excessive to give such a name to your war group?

Li Xinghui saw Gu Xi's expression, a glint of pride flashed in his eyes, and he quickly changed the topic with an "I know what you're thinking, but I just won't tell you" expression.

Such an atmosphere made Gu Xi let go of the burden in his heart, and the relationship with Li Xinghui became harmonious.

The carriage walked for about thirty minutes before turning from the street into a small road. After passing several gates, Gu Xi found that the sky seemed to become brighter.

At this time, Li Xinghui on the carriage said proudly. “I didn’t expect it, the president got it accidentally when he challenged the new world.”

 Gu Xi looked at the sky with some surprise. He found that there was a sun hanging in the sky. He stretched out his hand from the carriage window. The sunlight fell on his hand, and there was an obvious feeling of warmth.

But Gu Xi soon felt that there was a hint of coldness underneath the warmth. The sun in the sky must not be that normal.

 “It is indeed the chief, he discovered it so quickly.”

Seeing Gu Xi's reaction, Li Xinghui also laughed, "Let me tell you, the sun we will grow is not an easy one. He randomly came to the golden game world once. You must have heard of "Journey to the West".

Even the little demon patrolling the mountain there is level 15.

The president could not defeat anyone, but he did not waste this opportunity. He went to Zhuoqianquan and dug directly, and dug out the body of the dead Jinwu.

 After bringing it back, he completed many tasks before turning Jinwu's body into his contracted undead.

Now the Golden Crow has been flying in the sky. In the entire Bailian City, I dare say that only our Zhaoyang Guild's residence has sunshine. "

 During Li Xinghui’s introduction, Gu Xi also jumped off the carriage.

 He looked around and found that he was in a large square.

 The buildings in the square are strangely divided into two parts.

 On one side are pools and gates of various styles, and on the other side are buildings and villas of different heights.

“The pool here is the entrance to the guild’s exclusive world. You can enter as long as you apply.

Those gates are dungeon gates, and you can enter after successfully applying. However, you'd better form a team and don't run in by yourself.

Over there is the dormitory arranged by the guild. Newbies and interns live in high-rise buildings. Those who have joined the battle group will be arranged into corresponding villas.

Each community corresponds to a battle group, and there are various supporting living facilities in it.

By the way, if you have a private world passage, an independent copy key, or want to apply for a random game world, you only need to report the time, but you must not open it in the dormitory area. "

Listening to Li Xinghui's warning, Gu Xi nodded affirmatively.

 He is well aware of the taboos that open up the game world.

 Although which game you enter is a relatively personal matter, it cannot be played in your own home.

 Because no one can guarantee that every player can come back safely and alive.

It would be fine if you just died in the game, but no one knows what will be in the game. It would be different if you were possessed or controlled by someone.

 In history, it is not uncommon for game characters to possess players and eventually cause chaos.

 So in the end there was a rule that entering and exiting the game must be in a place where others can see it.

 You are not allowed to enter or leave the game in a private room.

"By the way, when I came out this time, I established an anchor point and opened the game channel. I need to apply for a separate private channel."

“That’s no problem. After I help you go through the formalities for joining the group, someone will help you make arrangements.”

 (End of this chapter)

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