Breath of the Dead

Chapter 69: Society’s experiences (seeking further reading)

 Chapter 69: Guild Observations (please follow up)

 “President, I brought someone here.”

While explaining some situations in the Chaoyang Guild, Li Xinghui brought Gu Xi to the large meeting hall of the guild's residence.

  Before the people inside could respond, the door of the big meeting hall was opened.

Gu Xi noticed that the person who came to open the door was a yellow-skinned ferret wearing a black tuxedo, with a fierce look on his face.

"This is the butler group under the guild leader. The guild leader has learned a lot. Before, he contracted a ferocious weasel named Mr. Huang San as a contracted undead. Now all the housekeepers in the guild are descendants of Mr. Huang San. .

Their abilities are very good, at least much better than those called house elves. If you have anything, just go to them directly. "

While talking, Gu Xi and Li Xinghui came to the small room behind the big meeting hall.

The president of the Chaoyang Guild is sitting in a small room waiting for Gu Xi's arrival.

When he saw the president, Gu Xi was stunned for a moment. When he came here, he had thought about what the president would be like, whether he had a skull head or something non-mainstream.

But Gu Xi never expected that the guild president in front of him would look like an immortal.

 Her white hair was tied into a bun, and an ebony hairpin was tied on top of her head.

He was wearing a white robe, and the robe was still slightly emitting white light.

When he saw Gu Xi, the guild president nodded to Gu Xi.

“He is a good boy. Welcome to join our Chaoyang Guild.”


Gu Xi reached out and shook hands with the guild president, and then there was nothing else for him to do here.

  Li Xinghui no longer accompanied Gu Xi. Instead, he was led by a ferocious weasel steward, who followed Gu Xi through the procedures for joining the guild, arranged dormitories for Gu Xi, and filled out various forms.

Gu Xi also did all of these things when he was in school. Although there were some differences, most of them were the same.

Gu Xi was soon assigned a room of 300 square meters.

The room is located on the 13th floor. Everything has been decorated inside. You don’t even need to carry your bags. You can just walk in and stay.

There is everything in the room, bedroom, dining room, bathroom, game room, study room, anything you can think of can be found here.

And as long as the door to the room is closed, even other people in the guild will not disturb the player's rest.

In addition, there is a ferocious ferret butler following each room. If Gu Xi needs anything, he can just talk to them directly.

 In the guild, except for the various equipment and materials required by players, everything else is free.

 After all, even if a person can eat and use it, how much money will it cost?

  After settling down in the residence, the Fierce Weasel Butler began to measure Gu Xi. The Chaoyang Rays Guild had special battle uniforms and clothes for various occasions, and these were also given free of charge.

 Even if Gu Xi is a newcomer, there is still a gift.

 There are some detailed arrangements later. For example, if Gu Xi reports, he will have an exclusive game channel for Gu Xi to return to Victoria City.

At the same time, there is also a designated teleportation area. If it is not urgent and Gu Xi wants to return to Alidovi City, it is best to go through this area. After all, game security issues still need to be dealt with.

Of course, if there is an emergency, Gu Xi can also enter Alidovi City from his room.

But after you come back, you have to report the situation to your superiors, otherwise others will learn from you, which is not a good thing.

 After explaining everything clearly, Gu Xi got another ten days of vacation. After ten days, he will participate in their first world with the new members of the guild.

 As for which world to go to, it depends on the arrangements for the next few days.

But the Dire Weasel who sent him along said that they would most likely go to one of the three places to conquer the world.

 Gu Xi also understands the situation of the game world. The game world that players can go to mainly starts with temporary worlds and random worlds.

 Temporary worlds are the kind of worlds that may only appear for a short period of time and may disappear immediately after being conquered.

 Generally, it is one or two players, and within three days to three weeks, they disappear after exiting the world.

The random world is the situation of Gu Xi's trial. Even after leaving, this world will still exist, but it has not been discovered by so many people, and there is no fixed channel to enter.

 After joining some forces, players will also be exposed to other more advanced game worlds.

These game worlds are mainly divided into three categories: land reclamation, strategy and garrison.

  Wasteland reclamation is a completely new world, discovered and captured by the city, and assigned to various guilds for processing.

    Often, opening up a world requires a lot of manpower, and it is also relatively dangerous. Only high-level players of this guild will participate.

 The game world is a game world where you have some understanding of the world and the basic rules of the world after opening up the wasteland.

This kind of world is relatively safe because it has some strategies, and it can be joined by most guild players.

 The last type is to garrison the world. This kind of world has been completely taken over by the guild. The entire world belongs to the guild. This kind of game world is basically equivalent to the guild's own back garden.

Every once in a while, just arrange some people to go over and collect the vegetables. You won’t send too many people in at all.

For a newcomer like Gu Xi, no matter how strong he is, he still needs to make some cooperation. On the one hand, he needs to look at his strength and compatibility, and on the other hand, he also needs to look at Gu Xi's fighting style and personality.

It is very common to be assigned to conquer the world. On the contrary, Gu Xi was given ten days of leave, which is relatively rare.

Gu Xi guessed that on the one hand, he had to wait for a team of players whose strength could keep up with his own, and on the other hand, it was also because his death city still needed to be built, and at least the chief's reward needed to be digested.

 Gu Xi understood this, and after deciding on the next time arrangement, Gu Xi came to the teleportation area specially designated for him.

This teleportation area is located some distance away from the landing point. It is a public area. Although it is not usually crowded, it is not empty.

When he came over, Gu Xi saw many members wearing the uniform uniforms of the Chaoyang Guild, and behind them were more or less several undead with different appearances.

However, Gu Xi noticed that no matter what profession these members held or what kind of undead they carried behind them, they always kept themselves clean and tidy, which was completely different from the situation in Victoria City.

 He really likes this place.

Gu Xi raised his head and glanced at the sun in the sky, and with a thought in his mind, he stepped into the city of Alidovi.

 (End of this chapter)

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