Breath of the Dead

Chapter 75: Send troops (seeking for further reading)

Chapter 75: Send out troops (please follow up)

 While Gu Xi was recovering his mana, Gu Xi's troops had also gathered.

Shaya was thinking about things in Victoria City and had already returned to Victoria City through the hearthstone.

 But Luna is still there, she can manage all the undead, and soon all the undead will gather together.

 After the previous additions and the battle with the incarnation of death, the number of skeleton soldiers in the three combat teams has changed somewhat.

[Combat Team 1 (Level 1, unnamed, characteristics: attack +5, defense +1, experience 77/200): Captain (1/1) Level 2 skeleton leader, team members (23/43) Level 3 skeleton soldiers (23 name)】

[Combat Team 2 (Level 2, unnamed, characteristics: attack +4, life +4, experience 42/500): Captain (1/1) Level 2 skeleton boss, team members (31/38) Level 3 skeleton soldiers (31 name)】

 【Combat Team 3 (level 1, unnamed, characteristics: defense +6, experience 184/200): captain (1/1) level 2 skeleton leader, team members (24/49) level 3 skeleton soldiers (24)]

  Adding up the total number, there are a total of 78 skeleton soldiers. In addition to the 50 skeleton shooters that have just been successfully transformed, the number of skeleton troops alone has reached 128.

This finally replenished the troops to a certain level. Otherwise, the number of skeleton soldiers would not exceed a hundred, which would be too embarrassing for the necromancer.

 Six of the other twenty zombies were killed, and only fourteen were left. The ghosts were all still there, waiting at the city gate.

As for Gu Xi’s most important combat force in this battle, the incarnation of death transformed into a bone dragon, is currently flying non-stop in the sky.

When Gu Xi came over, Luna, who was organizing the team, quickly flew over.

"Sir, the team is ready. By the way, sir, I have temporarily selected a skeleton soldier to help you carry the flag. You can see if that works."

Luna pointed towards the team of skeleton soldiers. A significantly taller skeleton soldier was standing there. All the weapons in his hands had been taken off, and he had nothing on him except armor.

 Gu Xi’s current chief battle flag only has a white flag, and it doesn’t even have a pole. It uses an ordinary wooden flagpole, and there is no logo that belongs to Gu Xi.

 Gu Xili has his own battle flag, but there is still a long way to go.

 In fact, if Gu Xi did not get the chief battle flag this time, he would have to wait at least until level 5 if he wanted to have a battle flag of his own.

 For now, it is enough to have a skeleton soldier to help carry the flag. He also wants a bicycle.

After handing the chief battle flag to the skeleton soldier, Gu Xi took out the map and took a look at it, then pointed his hand in the direction of the dock area.

 “Send troops! Target border tower.”

As Gu Xi led his troops out of his home city, a dinging sound rang in his ears.

【Ding! You are entering the dock area. Your actions will trigger a reaction from the dock area guards. Please return quickly! 】

【warn! You are entering the dock area, your actions will cause a war, please return quickly! 】


Gu Xi didn't pay attention to such warnings. He was originally going to attack the dock area, but now he was just letting the enemies in the dock area come out early.

Sure enough, after three warnings, the system gave no new prompts.

But Gu Xi had already heard the sound of the horn coming from the border tower.

At the same time, batch after batch of black shadows came out of the border tower, and they formed battle formations one after another in the open space in front of the tower.

Gu Xi was relatively speechless about the actions of these black shadows.

He thought he was going to attack the city, but he didn't expect that before his troops were in position, they came out on their own.

"What's going on?" "Sir, do you think it's because we can't deploy so many troops in the tower?"

 Gu Xi thought about many reasons, but he couldn't explain the reason why the black shadow came out to fight. After Luna said this, Gu Xi realized it.

 It is really possible.

The place in front of you is just a border tower, not a city wall or a castle where troops can be stationed for battle. The tower is six stories high, and there is no place for the black shadow to spread out and fight.

 Gu Xi came with his troops, and these black shadows had no other choice but to come out and fight.

"It seems that I have overthought it. I am preparing to fight. Death incarnates. You fly first."

Luna, the ghost is under your command. The enemy has two bosses. One is a defensive BOSS. You take the ghost to deal with it, and the other is a magic boss. When he appears, I will let the incarnation of death handle it. "

Gu Xi quickly gave the order, and with a wave of his hand, the skeleton soldiers quickly stepped forward.

Under Gu Xi's arrangement, the skeleton soldiers of Combat Team 3 were at the front, followed by the spear skeleton soldiers of Combat Team 2.

Skeleton soldiers holding two-handed swords are scattered on both sides to prevent enemies from sneak attacks from both sides.

As for the newly transformed skeleton shooters, they have been following at the back, where they are calculating their attack distance.

The effective range of the Skeleton Archer is one hundred meters. Beyond this range, arrows can fly, but their power will decrease with distance.

 Unless someone can get battle equipment like the golden bow, no one can solve this problem.

Even the best elves at shooting have an effective range of only 350 meters, and their power will be weakened further away.

 Gu Xi also knows this, and he also knows where his advantages lie.

Skeleton soldiers are not afraid of death. Anyway, the range is only a little, so just let the skeleton shooter move forward.

 For this reason, the skeleton shooter's position has been following the battle team 2, less than thirty meters away from the battle position.

 At this distance, the skeleton shooter's shooting power and accuracy will be stronger than long-distance attacks.

 Here they can also achieve the effect of rapid fire concentration and burst.

  It can be said that this position is the best combat position for skeleton shooters.

After forming the battle formation, Gu Xi was protected by a group of zombies. Luna had already flown into the air with the ghost one step ahead, pressing against the black shadow troops from the front.

At this time, the troops in the black shadow had also begun to attack. Within their team, four square formations were quickly formed, each with forty people.

From the layout of this square formation, it can be seen that they are composed of ten level 3 shadows and thirty level 2 shadows.

These four square formations are led by a thick shadow and are marching forward in large strides.

 Gu Xi was a little surprised that Guiying only sent out more than half of his troops.

 He felt that these shadows were looking down on him.

 There are only one hundred and twenty people, and only part of the level 3 troops. This is not how to die.

Just when Gu Xi was wondering, something happened at the border tower.

 (End of this chapter)

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