Breath of the Dead

Chapter 76: The power of death (recommendations for further reading)

Chapter 76 The Power of Death (Recommendations for further reading)

Just when Gu Xi's troops were about to collide with the black shadow troops, a huge black eye suddenly appeared on the top of the border tower.

As the black eyes appeared, Gu Xi also noticed the situation on the border tower. The level 5 magical shadow was standing on the top of the border tower, turning himself into flames and pushing the black eyes to rise.

Beside this magic shadow, there are three black shadow legions. At this time, they are constantly injecting a kind of black power into the magic shadow.

 The black eyes rising from the mysterious shadows of the legal system are exactly the result of their efforts.

Although I don’t know what the black eyes are for, no one with a brain would believe that they are a good thing.

"Death incarnation, prepare the death dragon's breath, and destroy all the eyes on the top of the tower and those mysterious shadows."

“Luna, don’t worry about anything else and focus on dealing with those guys in the open space.”

 After taking one look at the current situation, Gu Xi made a decisive decision.

At Gu Xi’s command, the incarnation of death in the form of a bone dragon flew straight out of Gu Xi’s territory.

 Level 11’s aura instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

  The already distorted black face of the magic shadow on the top of the border tower became even more distorted.

 He never thought that he would encounter such a thing.

He just activated the magic cannon on the border tower, why was he targeted?

 Actually, he didn’t understand that the reason why he was targeted was entirely because what he did was too trendy.

With such big eyes, Gu Xi didn't know what the use of this thing was. In addition, it accounted for half of the troops stationed in the station. Who else could Gu Xi target if he didn't target him?

After the incarnation of death flew out of Gu Xi's territory, it opened its mouth wide in the sky, and at the same time, the green breath was concentrated in the bone dragon's mouth, as if a laser cannon was charging.

The magic shadow on the top of the border tower didn't care about anything else. He frantically mobilized his strange power and focused his eyes on the bone dragon flying in the sky.

However, the bone dragon's movement speed is obviously beyond the level of normal people. The most important thing is that the bone dragon's nihilization effect is quite strong. When it flies up, it can fly a long distance in a flash.

 Most people simply cannot keep up with the movement speed of the bone dragon, let alone lock the position of the bone dragon.

 The Bone Dragon flashed in the sky a few times and arrived about a hundred meters away from the border tower.

At this time, the magic shadow above seized the opportunity and locked the position of the bone dragon, but his actions were still a step slower. The bone dragon that flew here opened its mouth and sprayed at the black eyes on the top of the border tower.

 A green beam of light as thick as a person spurted out from the bone dragon's mouth.

 When this beam of light erupted, people nearby seemed to hear countless people wailing a noun.

 ‘A…big melon…’

This sound was layered, and it was impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman.

However, anyone who hears this voice can feel that there is a sense of death in this voice.

 Either kill the enemy or be killed by the enemy.

 The green light beam hit the black eye head-on.

The huge eye exploded on the spot, and the magical shadow standing under the eye was immediately affected and turned into black powder in the explosion.

Then the incarnation of death did not withdraw the beam of light, but flicked his head, and the green beam of light swept across the top of the border tower.

All the black shadows stained by the green light beams were vaporized on the spot and disappeared from everyone's sight.

 【Death Incarnation (spell product) kills the Shadow Boss (level 5), and you gain 455 experience points. ]    【Death Incarnation (spell product) kills Shadow (level 3), you gain 11 experience points. 】

  【Death incarnation...】

 Looking at the series of messages that popped up in front of him, Gu Xi also showed a hint of a smile.

 The Incarnation of Death looks like a huge bone dragon, but in fact it is a product of Gu Xi's magic.

In addition, the level of Death Incarnation itself is closely related to Gu Xi's level. He does not need experience. The situation of enemies killed by Death Incarnation is the same as that of enemies killed by magic such as corpse explosion and bone spurs. The experience is the same. Belongs to interest-seeking.

 So it can be said that Gu Xi made a lot of money this time.

Not to mention other things, all the experience of killing the Shadow Boss belongs to Gu Xi, which increases his experience by a lot.

If it weren’t for the fact that the experience required to upgrade from level 3 to level 4 is quite high, maybe he could be upgraded now.

“Clean up the remaining enemies on the border towers. You don’t have to worry about the rest, Luna. Separate the enemy leaders from their troops. Skeleton soldiers step forward and skeleton shooters shoot.”

Under Gu Xi’s order, the skeleton soldiers that were already about to collide with the black shadow sped up again.

When the skeleton soldiers of Combat Team 3 approached the black shadow, they all raised their shields and prepared to hit the opponent with a shield. But at this moment, a wave of arrows from the skeleton shooter behind them arrived first.

The black shadow was charging towards the skeleton soldiers, and seven or eight of them were shot to death on the spot.

 The rest of his steps were also paused, and he no longer had the same charging momentum as before.

 At this time, the skeleton soldiers of Combat Team 2 took the opportunity to move forward. They raised their spears and stabbed the black shadow.

More than ten black shadows were knocked to the ground and disappeared in front of the skeleton soldiers.


 As soon as he saw such a result, Gu Xi knew that the battle was secure.

The number of black shadows is not as good as that of skeleton soldiers, and their combat effectiveness is not as good as that of skeleton soldiers, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

 So all the skeleton soldiers rushed forward and fought with the black shadow.

 While the two sides were engaged in a melee, the black shadow finally showed its strength.

Like the skeleton soldiers, they are life-threatening existences. When faced with the attack of the skeleton soldiers, they not only did not retreat, but would fight three or four skeleton soldiers together.

  Forcibly use your own life to kill the skeleton soldiers.

 The shadow leader at the head showed agility that was different from that of the heavily armored defensive soldiers.

 He kept moving around the battlefield, attracting the attention of the skeleton soldiers.

And every time he takes action, he can save a black shadow who is about to be killed, and at the same time interrupt the attacks of the skeleton soldiers.

Luna watched this situation from a distance, and wanted to chase him several times, but every time he rushed over with the ghost, the shadow leader would dodge him at a super fast speed.

 Make it impossible for Luna to catch the opponent.

Chasing and escaping like this disrupted the battle of the skeleton soldiers and turned the battle in front of them into a melee.

At this time, Gu Xi also discovered another situation. Other shadows in the dock area also discovered the situation here. They were rushing here in twos and threes and might join the battlefield at any time.

 (End of this chapter)

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