Breath of the Dead

Chapter 77: Take down the border tower (seeking for further reading)

Chapter 77: Capture the border tower (please follow up)

  In the dock area, the appearance of a black shadow directly attracted Gu Xi's attention.

 Gu Xi did not want them to rush into his battle at any time. He glanced at the incarnation of death who was chasing the remaining enemies in the border tower and gave a decisive order.

 “Death incarnate strikes, stop them!”

Upon hearing this, the incarnation of death raised his head and glanced in the direction pointed by Gu Xi. As soon as he lowered his head, it turned into black smoke and rushed towards the enemy.

Gu Xi was also a little helpless about the way the Death Incarnation moved. In many places, the Death Incarnation looked like a bone dragon. It turned into black smoke like this, and its destructive way of movement was unique.

Every time I see it, I always feel that wherever the incarnation of death flies by, everything will be destroyed.

To the point that every time Gu Xi saw the incarnation of death flying, he wanted to remind him not to have his territory bombed.

 Fortunately, the incarnation of death can control this power. Every time it flies, it does not cause much damage, even when it hits the enemy, which makes Gu Xi feel relieved.

 When I look at the incarnation of death again, I just feel helpless that the bone dragon is not like the bone dragon.

But Gu Xi didn't expect that when the incarnation of death rushed in front of the black shadow, he actually changed his previous style, retracted his wings that didn't have much skin, shrank his body into a ball, and rushed forward like a peregrine falcon. With.

At the place where the incarnation of death rushed, the body of the black shadow was actually sucked up, turned into black smoke and was inhaled into the body of the incarnation of death.

 Such a situation shocked Gu Xi.

 He did not expect that the incarnation of death would have such ability.

So Gu Xi quickly called the incarnation of death back.

“What happened just now? Can you absorb the power of the shadow?”

 The incarnation of death understood Gu Xi’s words, but the problem was that he had no way to answer Gu Xi’s question.

After all, the incarnation of death doesn’t know what changed. His language system is incomplete. He can only passively accept orders, but has no way to communicate.

Facing such a thing, Gu Xi felt helpless.

At this time, another batch of black shadows rushed out from the dock area. Gu Xi could only wave his hand and let the incarnation of death go to stop them.

With the incarnation of death resisting the ordinary black shadows rushing out of the dock area, the battle on Luna's side became much easier.

Although she was unable to catch up with the enemy's leader, the enemy's leader also had no way to stop and direct the battle, which made it easy for the skeleton soldiers to fight against these militarized black shadows.

Four different fighting styles of skeleton soldiers actually cooperated with each other. The shield skeleton soldiers of Combat Team 3 no longer defended, and they rushed forward directly.

As long as they saw the black shadow rushing towards them, they would step forward and strike. Regardless of whether the enemy launched an attack or not, they would use the shield attack first to knock the enemy back and knock them down.

Then came the battle team 2. These skeleton soldiers have the strongest melee attack power among all the skeleton soldiers. Their team itself is one level higher than other battle teams. Not to mention, the weapons in their hands have also been tested many times. Reinforced.

 In the previous battles, they had experienced many battles, and all the skeleton soldiers had sufficient experience.

 In addition, they also require the least space between them, unlike those holding two-handed swords. If they don't give up a little position, they may cut down their own people.

 Four or five of them gather together and shoot their guns at the same time, and they can all hit the same target accurately.

As long as they are targeted, no one can escape their attack. Often, it only takes four or five people to strike at once, and the shadows will be killed on the spot. The mysterious shadow that rushed from behind couldn't break through the defense of the shield-wielding skeleton soldiers, so it was just a second attack.

After doing this three times, the number of black shadows rushing towards him became less and less, and the range in which the shadow leader could move became smaller and smaller.

Finally, the Shadow Leader was blocked in a corner by Luna. At this time, the Shadow Leader finally showed his strong defense. After he was surrounded, he had no way to escape, so he simply put his hands together and his body became fully hard. .

The original shadow looked like black mist, but the leader of the shadow in front of him turned around and turned into a black crystal.

 The defense here is much stronger.

 The ghost's attack fell on the shadow leader and had almost no effect.

 But the Shadow Leader never thought that there were more than just ghosts here.

 There is also Luna here. Luna has the best experience in attacking crystals.

 There were enemies who turned into crystals before and died under Luna's banshee wail.

The same thing happened this time. As soon as the Shadow Boss turned into crystal, Luna screamed on the spot.

The sound goes from low to high, and finally locks on a frequency.

 At first, the Shadow Leader didn't feel much, but as Luna's screams continued, the Shadow Leader realized that something was wrong.

 He wanted to stop Luna's scream, but it was already too late. Cracks appeared one after another on his body.

The Shadow Leader was frightened when he saw this situation. He quickly wanted to transform his body into the black mist state, but at this time the ghost had already rushed in front of the Shadow Leader. They reached out to grab the black mist leader. The shadow boss transformed by the fog.

 The attack power of a ghost against such a half-aura body is much stronger.

Under the attack of the ghosts, the body of the Shadow Leader was quickly torn apart.

This forced the Shadow Leader to turn his body back into a crystal and continue to be attacked by Luna.

At this time, the skeleton soldiers of Combat Team 1 have also rushed over. On the other side of the normal shadows, their existence has no meaning. The number of normal shadows is already very small.

 The remaining ones were no longer in a battle formation, so the skeleton soldiers of Combat Team 1 rushed over.

 They rushed in front of the Shadow Leader, raised their swords to chop down, and activated their killing skills.

 For the skeleton soldiers in Combat Team 1, the killing skills are used at this time. If the killing is not successful, forget it.

 If the kill is successful, no matter how strong the enemy is, he will still be defeated in seconds.

With so many skeleton soldiers passing by one after another, even if the success rate of killing is not high, it is enough.

As each skeleton soldier raised his sword and stepped forward, and one after another retreated to the rear to prepare again, the leader of the Shadow Shadow finally couldn't withstand it any longer.

When the Shadow Leader was killed for the twenty-first time, Gu Xi heard a ding in his ear.

 (End of this chapter)

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