Breath of the Dead

Chapter 79: Capture the dock area (seeking further reading)

Chapter 79: Capture the dock area (please follow up)

 At this time, in the dock area, the incarnation of death was running around like a wild dog that jumped out to let loose.

 Wherever he flew, the black fog would always bring great destructive power, knocking over many of the originally intact houses in the dock area.

Those black shadows hidden in the house were dragged out one by one. Some of them were blended into the black mist, and some were torn into pieces by the black mist.

Gu Xi didn't know what this was all about. He only felt that the incarnation of death was becoming more and more proficient in using this method.

At this time, Gu Xi turned his head and glanced at Luna.

 “I’ll handle it.”

 Luna knew Gu Xi’s thoughts immediately, and she quickly drifted into the dock area.

As Luna entered the dock area, Gu Xi noticed that one house or ruin after another was quickly lit up, and three docks near the river in the distance were also undergoing changes.

This is the land where Luna is integrating the Quayside area.

Gu Xi just took one look and understood the situation immediately.

 At this time, Gu Xi couldn't do anything to help Luna. Alidovi City was under Luna's control. Now that they had captured the dock area, the next thing should actually go smoothly.

Just as Gu Xi was thinking this, a roar suddenly came from a wharf that was changing in the distance.

 The sound of the big explosion startled Gu Xi.

 “Zhangu Camp, go and have a look.”

 Gu Xi waved his hand, and the newly formed troops were released on the spot.

Having an organization is good for this. As long as the barracks are still there, even if the entire legion is wiped out, they can still restore their combat strength through the barracks.

  It will not be like the initial battle team 1. If they are all wiped out, there will be no way to train them back.

As the Bone-Zhanying Battalion rushed into the dock area, Gu Xi also began to lead his men in.

At this time, there are still some strange shadows in the dock area blocking the advance of the undead troops.

Their level is okay, but they do not have a unified fighting style like the shadows in the border tower before. Their situation is very much like skirmishers or civilians. When attacking the undead troops, they all rely on their own instincts.

 Gu Xi was not afraid of them before, but now the combat effectiveness of each of Gu Xi's undead has improved, and their cooperation with each other is better. When facing these shadows, the killing speed is obviously much faster.

Gu Xi, who was following behind, didn't even have a chance to take action. He could only watch the messages flashing in front of him.

  【Skeleton soldier (summon) kills Shadow (level 2), you get 1 experience point, the combat team gets 1 experience point, and the summons gets 8 experience points. 】

  【Skeleton Swordsman (summoned object) kills Shadow (level 2), you get 1 experience point, the Bone-cutting Battalion gets 1 experience point, and the summoned object gets 9 experience points. 】

  【Skeleton Archer (summon) kills Shadow (level 3), you get 1 experience point, and fighting the summons gets 13 experience points. 】


With such a speed of experience growth, Gu Xi didn't know what to say. If this happened on a battlefield, his eyes might be dazzled.

At this moment, another ding came from Gu Xi's ear.

  【The dock area has been occupied. The dock area has been officially integrated into Alidovi City, gaining +5 city experience. 】

  【City name: Aridovi

City direction: Dead city City characteristics: Territory in contention (more than half of the city is uncontrolled area, and the city will be attacked by enemies in the uncontrolled area at any time. If the city is captured, the city territory will be automatically expanded)

 City level: Level 2 (35/50)

 Core buildings (2/2): Assembly Hall (gives 750 negative energy points every day), tavern

 Large buildings (3/6): Evil Church, Bone Evil Temple (regional linkage is in progress), Skeleton Sword Soldier Battalion (Bone-cutting Battalion is stationed)

 Medium-sized buildings (6/10): White Candle Factory, Library, Owl Building, Pier*3 (inactive, in chaos)

 Small buildings (2/11): wells, city gates

 Auxiliary buildings (10/20): street lights*10

 Special buildings: 2 quasi-core plots (limited to the construction of dock warehouses and dock markets), 3 unprocessed laboratories (large plots)

Garrison Heroes: None

Garrison troops: Bone-cutting Battalion]

 Seeing the properties popping up in front of him, Gu Xi's eyes also lit up.

 The size of Alidovi City has obviously increased a lot, and it seems that becoming a level 3 city is just around the corner.

While Gu Xi was thinking about this, the Bone-Zhanying Battalion had also rushed to the vicinity of the dock.

At this time, at the dock where the explosion had just occurred, the incarnation of death was fighting a ship that was completely in tatters.

This ship is obviously a two-masted galenic ship from the fifteenth century, but it has been soaked in water for an unknown number of years, and the deck is completely rotten.

However, there is something wrong with this rotten two-masted Galen ship. It was obvious that the ship had just washed up from the water, but other than the traces left by the sea water, no traces were found on the ship.

 There are things like barnacles that appear after being soaked in sea water for a long time. There is none on this boat.

There is no legendary fishy or earthy smell, just like a ship that has just sunk to the bottom of the sea.

There were no ghost sailors or anything like that on this ship. It was just the incarnation of death that flew to the dock with great destructive power and accidentally blew up the gunpowder magazine that sank to the bottom of the sea along with the ship.

As a result, such an explosion actually blew up the ship.

I don’t know what happened. The ship turned strange in the explosion and actively launched an attack on the incarnation of death.

Although the daily ultimate move has been handed over, Death Incarnation has now fully mastered its own combat effectiveness. Facing the artillery attack of the ship's shadow, Death Incarnation increased its speed again.

 The black mist around him hit the ship again and again, and each time it would take away some parts from the ship.

But this boat is quite resilient. Even if there are no parts, as long as the keel is still there, he can put his boat back together.

 Death was incarnate for a while, and there was nothing he could do about this boat.

  When Gu Xi came with his men, they were still struggling with this matter on the river.

Looking at the battle on the river, Gu Xi didn't know what to do.

 Fortunately, Luna floated out from nearby at this time.

“Sir, this incarnation of death has activated the activation effect of this dock in advance.”

"Ah?" Gu Xi was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately responded, "So that's it. To defeat this ship, can we activate this code? What are the activation requirements?"

 Gu Xi was half relieved when he heard that it was about activating the dock in advance. After all, he had done the task of activating the building several times and the request was not too difficult. He was familiar with this kind of thing.

Luna quickly checked it, but as she flipped through it, Luna said in surprise.

“Sir, something is wrong. These three dock areas have been activated in conjunction.”

 (End of this chapter)

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