Breath of the Dead

Chapter 80: Dock mutation (seeking for further reading)

 Chapter 80 Pier Mutation (please follow up)

"What did you say?"

Gu Xi was startled by Luna's words. At this time, Luna also sent over the request to activate the three docks.

  【Dock (not activated): Activate after investing 30 units of wood and 15 units of stone. After activation, it can be upgraded to a commercial dock, and a temporary caravan will appear at the dock every week. 】

  【Note: If there is a dock warehouse, the materials carried by the caravan will be doubled. If there is a dock market, the number of caravans appearing at the same time will be +1. 】

  【Note: The caravan can randomly bring five different resources or equipment for trade. 】

[Dock (not activated): Activate after investing 30 units of wood and 15 units of metal. After activation, it can be upgraded to an armed dock, which can dock an armed warship (level 5). 】

  【Note: If there is a dock warehouse, the level of the armed battleship will be +1. If there is a dock market, the number of weapons that the armed battleship can equip will be +1. 】

【Note: Armed warships can be dispatched to participate in an armed mission once a week, ranging from 1 to 3 days. Corresponding rewards can be obtained after returning. 】

 【Dock (not activated): Activate after investing 30 units of wood and 15 units of food. After activation, it can be upgraded to an adventure dock, which can dock an adventure ship (level 5). 】

【Note: If there is a dock warehouse, the adventure ship level will be +1. If there is a dock market, the adventure ship's sailing time will be +50%. 】

 【Note: The adventure ship can be sent out to participate in an adventure mission once a week, ranging from 1 to 3 days. You can get corresponding rewards after returning. 】

  【Warning: The dock area is activated in advance! 】

  【Warning: The dock area is destroyed, regional linkage is activated, strange ships appear, the activation method of the dock area is changed, and all docks mutate! 】


Looking at the explanations in front of him, Gu Xi finally understood the situation in front of him.

 The explosion just now caused chaos in the three docks. The activation that could have been easily accomplished has now become uncertain.

At this time, Gu Xi continued to look.

  【Dock area linkage activation method: conquer the strange ships. 】


Gu Xi raised his head and glanced at the incarnation of death rushing towards the ship, and was also shocked.

 “Go back…”

But everything was already a step too late, and the incarnation of death crashed into the middle of the strange ship.

With this collision, the strange ship was overturned on the spot and hit the water heavily.

 “Forget it, get rid of it.”

At a glance, Gu Xi saw that there was no need to rescue this strange ship, and he would not put the incarnation of death in danger. The dock was here anyway. If he missed this activation, there would be another opportunity to activate it.

 The worst case scenario is to reactivate it.

When Gu Xi changed his mind, the incarnation of death in the sky was confused for a moment, but he still obeyed the order. As soon as Gu Xi didn't stop him, he turned into black mist again and rushed on the river.

 As the black mist moved along, the sailboat that had overturned on the river was also dragged to the other end of the river bank, and hit the river embankment heavily.

With a bang, Gu Xi saw the tattered-looking sailboat falling apart on the embankment, unable to put it back together.

 When the incarnation of death destroyed the strange sailing ship and returned to Gu Xi, Gu Xi also sighed.

"Luna, check if there are any new activation tasks. Luna, what's wrong with you?" Gu Xi, who was arranging for Luna to check the situation at the dock, noticed that Luna's expression was a little off at this time.

Her face showed an expression that she didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

When asked by Gu Xi, Luna raised her head and said, "Sir, the regional linkage activation task has been completed."

"It's done. This is impossible. Didn't you say you want to conquer the strange ships?"

“Yes, it shows it’s completed here.” Luna nodded affirmatively.

 Gu Xi was also a little surprised by this situation. You must know that the previous mission required conquering. If it is broken, is it called conquering?

 “Bring out the situation and let me take a look.”

 Luna immediately shared the information she could mobilize with Gu Xi.

 【Destroy the strange ship, the joint mission in the dock area is completed, the activation effect is being transformed...】

  【The activation effect is completed, three piers are activated, and the activation directions are Weird Pier, Haunted Pier, and Evil Pier. 】

  【The dock area linkage effect is generated, forming a ghost dock area. 】

Looking at the activation directions of the three docks, Gu Xi didn't know what to say.

  Is this an activation direction that normal people can think of?

 Gu Xi shook his head helplessly and checked the conditions of the three piers.

As soon as he checked, Gu Xi's eyes widened.

 【Building name: Weird Pier

 Level: Level 1 (can be upgraded)


 A strange ship will appear at the dock every week (level 5)

After the strange ship appears, 5 to 30 weirdos with a level no higher than level 5 will be killed, attack and occupy the dock, and leave after three days. During the dock occupation period, 10% of the material output will be plundered from Alidovi City every day.

 Kill all the weird ones, in addition to recovering the plundered materials, you will also get a lot of experience and materials. There is a 10% chance of opening the weird treasure chest and getting special equipment.

 Note 1: The characteristics of weirdness are ever-changing, and their combat power may be weak or strong. Please pay attention to your own combat strength when attacking weirdness.

NOTE 2: As the level of the dock increases, the level of the strange ships will also increase accordingly. Please pay attention to controlling the level of the ships. 】

  【Building name: Haunted Pier

 Level: Level 1 (can be upgraded)


 A ghost ship will appear at the dock every week (level 5)

After the ghost ship appears, it will stay at the dock for three days. During these three days, you can communicate with the ghost ship sailor or ghost ship captain. If you get the approval of the ghost ship captain or sailor within three days, they will come back three days later. Show up and bring you some belongings.

NOTE 1: Ghost sailors are also considered a type of undead. As long as you communicate well, communication will be smoother.

NOTE 2: The thinking of ghost sailors or ghost captains is always different from that of normal people, and they may sometimes lose money on the things they bring back. 】

  【Building name: Evil Pier

 Level: Level 1 (can be upgraded)


An evil ship will appear at the dock every week (level 5, ships include but are not limited to smuggling ships, slave ships, and pirate ships.)

 After an evil ship appears, you can communicate and trade based on the characteristics of the ship. Of course, you can also actively attack the evil ship, but every choice you make will affect the style of the evil ship that appears in the next week.

 It may even affect the attitude of some groups or forces towards you. If you do not intend to contact or conflict with them, please do not communicate with evil ships. 】

It can be seen that the changes in the three docks in front of us are quite obvious. Without the fixed weekly income from the previous adventure dock, commercial dock and armed dock, everything has become strange and uncertain.

Gu Xi was not sure whether the changes this time were good or bad. He could only be sure of one thing. Troops would be stationed near the dock to keep an eye on it.

 (End of this chapter)

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