Breath of the Dead

Chapter 90: Guild Urgent Mission(274)

Chapter 90 Guild Urgent Mission (274)

  【Rat wine (white): A kind of wine soaked in rats. It is full of poison and is not suitable for drinking by living people. After the undead drinks it, it will have the effect of plague within two hours. 】

Looking at the rat wine served by the White-bone Wine Lady, Gu Xi finally believed the situation of the rat wine. He pushed the glass of wine with a mouse head in front of Luna and began to communicate with the White-bone Wine Lady.

“Drunk Girl, I haven’t seen you for a few days, why do you feel like you have become more beautiful?”

 “Really, I feel the same way.”

Upon hearing this, the White Bone Wine Lady quickly covered her mouth with a handkerchief and laughed happily.

 But as soon as she covered her mouth, the whole situation changed. She was not so beautiful without a nose in an instant.

Gu Xi pressed his eyebrows speechlessly, "Drunkard, if you are free recently, help me check the intelligence of the two nearby areas. By the way, if you can, also check the intelligence of Alidovita for me. ”

“No problem, we have been collecting corresponding intelligence and information during this period, especially the nearby areas, which are the focus of our attention.”

While talking to the Bone Wine Lady, the skeleton maid in the tavern also brought various kinds of food.

“You are competing against owls, right? Forget roasted owls, this is fried owls, owl pie?”

"No, it's just that we don't have guests here now, so it's not a problem to be idle every day, so we did more research. Next time if other ingredients appear in the city, we will definitely find a way to make some new food."

Regarding Gu Xi’s question, Bai Gu Liquor Lady still smiled casually.

But these are all made by the White Bone Wine Girls in their free time. The really effective food is roasted owls.

 Gu Xi only dares to trust the systematic judgment when eating roasted owl. As for the owl pie, Gu Xi is not willing to believe in this kind of thing.

Of course it’s not that he doesn’t believe in the wine lady’s craftsmanship, he just doesn’t quite believe that his stomach can withstand such food.

 So no matter how many dishes were served, Gu Xi would only eat roasted owl and drink Green Ghost wine.

While eating and drinking, Gu Xi would also communicate with the wine girl and ask about the current situation in the tavern.

Now that the tavern is full of people, as long as the number of drinks reaches five types, it will be automatically upgraded.

 After reaching level 2, the tavern can provide some new services for Gu Xi.

As for what kind of service it was, Gu Xi just glanced at the skeleton maid and didn't ask any more questions.

 At any rate, these services are of no use to him.

 After Gu Xi's mana was fully recovered, Gu Xi, who was a little tipsy, finally stood up and prepared to leave the tavern.

At this moment, Gu Xi suddenly heard the sound of birds fighting in the distance.

 “Luna, what happened?”

 Gu Xi looked in the direction of the sound, and Luna rushed out immediately.

 After a while, Luna flew in holding a black raven.

“Sir, this raven should be here to deliver a letter, but we have built an owl building. When the raven delivers a letter, it will land at the owl building.

 In the end, I was beaten by the owl inside. If I hadn't rushed over, it might have been driven out. "

After hearing this, Gu Xi also burst out laughing.

After laughing, Gu Xi then remembered what Li Xinghui said. The members of Chaoyang Guild used raven to communicate with each other.

On their way to the Chaoyang Guild, Li Xinghui also said that he would help Gu Xi choose a better raven.

 “What letter did he send?”

Gu Xi asked curiously. Luna stretched out her hand, and a red letter appeared in her hand.

"This is?"

 Taking the letter, Gu Xi opened it and found that it actually read:

 An accident occurred in the game number ULYUHDDS04CC80 world (stationed). All players are now required to put down their tasks and gather urgently to jointly deal with this world problem.

All players who have received this letter are asked to exit the current game quickly and gather at the Guild Square.

 In addition to this part of the content, there is also the logo of Chaoyang Guild on it.

Gu Xi knew the letter was true as soon as he saw it.

He thought for a while and said to Luna: "It seems that I can't stay here any longer. The guild will ask me to go back if there is something to do. I will leave the construction of Alidovi City to you."

"Sir, please don't worry, I'll be fine with you here."

"Also, please pay more attention to Shaya. She is more dangerous. If there is any problem, just call her back."


After explaining everything, Gu Xi no longer stayed any longer. He just took a step forward and left Alidovi City on the spot.

Just as Gu Xi was leaving, the White Bone Wine Lady came up with freshly prepared wine and dishes.

Seeing Gu Xi leaving, the White Bone Wine Lady said with some dissatisfaction.

 “It’s really boring. I just run away after eating and drinking. Men are like this.”

 Gu Xi didn’t care about his reputation in Alidovi at all. After leaving Alidovi City, Gu Xi immediately saw a large number of necromancers coming out of the apartment building and heading towards the main square of Chaoyang Guild.

 At the same time, some players also quickly quit the game. They did not even bother to tidy up their belongings, and did not even think about going back to take a rest. They just waited in the main square.

Gu Xi glanced around and finally found Li Xinghui's figure in a combat team.

 He thought for a while and said hello to Li Xinghui from a distance, and then waited in the corner of the main square.

 Because he still didn’t know much about the operation mode of Chaoyang Guild, nor did he know which team he would be assigned to, so he stood alone, waiting for the final arrangements.

  After ten minutes of such commotion, the players in the main square finally calmed down.

Gu Xi noticed that in Chaoyang Guild, necromancers accounted for 60% of the number, and among the remaining people, 30% were death knights, and 10% were from some weird undead professions.

 But not everyone is gathered together according to professional classification. When players are gathered together, they should be classified according to squads.

Most teams are composed of three to five people. In addition, there are two types of large teams: twenty-man groups and forty-man groups.

When the others were almost there, the two players, who looked strong, began to take a roster and call their names.

Gu Xi listened there casually.

 While listening, Gu Xi discovered a situation. The players who were called back urgently this time were not all the players of Chaoyang Guild, but players whose strength ranged from level 3 to level 6.

 They can be regarded as the cornerstone of the Chaoyang Guild.

After confirming the number and levels of players, the president of Chaoyang Guild also stood up.

 (End of this chapter)

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