Breath of the Dead

Chapter 91: Guild tasks (please subscribe)

 Chapter 91 Guild Mission (please subscribe)

"Everyone, please pay attention. I know that calling everyone back at this time will make everyone unhappy, but as a member of Chaoyang Guild, you enjoy the guild's resources. When the guild encounters trouble, you should also stand up. Come out and fight for the guild.

This time it belongs entirely to our garrison game world. The world of game number ULYUHDDS04CC80 has serious problems and encounters garrison rebellion.

If the world of game number ULYUHDDS04CC80 is lost, I can tell you very rudely that the resources allocated to everyone in our guild will be reduced by 30%.

Death knights, look down at the armor on your body and look at the part that flashes blue light. That is the blue crystal produced in this world. If this world is lost, your armor will be the same as that of other guilds from now on. There is no difference between those ordinary death knights.

Necromancers, the guild has three hundred undead for free every year. Where does the opportunity to contract elite undead once a year come from? It is in this world.

 The person who loses this world the most is not our Chaoyang Guild, but you.

Now that you are all leveling up, if you lose these resources, can you level up?

Especially for necromancers, think about it. Killing an enemy by an undead is worth 1 point of experience. If thirty undead and three hundred undead attack at the same time, how can the experience be increased even more? Can't you see?

I won’t say much else now. I’m calling you back this time in order to take back the world that belongs to us.

I promise here that before sending troops, each necromancer will be divided into 100 undead soldiers and the guild resource store will be opened. After the event is completed, all necromancers will be rewarded with fifty elite undead and a piece of blue quality equipment.

 All death knights are assigned a Black Guard attendant and the guild stable is opened. After the completion of the task, all death knights will be rewarded with three Black Guard attendants and a blue quality weapon.


 The leader of the guild was quite straightforward. He listed the disadvantages that would result from losing the garrisoned world, as well as the benefits that could be distributed to the players in this battle.

 He ​​knows very well that no matter what kind of guild culture or care, they are not as good as the actual benefits. Only when they can actually get it can the players want it.

 After laying everything out, the president of the guild raised his right hand and said loudly.

 “How about it, do you want to live a good life?”

 “Think!” All players below should join in.

 “Do you want to become a high-level player?”


"Then let's fight. This time is an opportunity for you. If you want to go, you can sign up now. You can travel alone, or you can form a team or a team by yourself. Sign up for one, and leave one immediately. Get the reward directly before leaving. Never default."


 Seeing the player's morale being mobilized, the guild leader nodded to a man next to him.

The man stood up immediately and said loudly: "Okay, everyone come to my side to report, I will give you login permission, the game number is ULYUHDDS04CC80. Everyone knows what the world is, right? If you don't know, look around Ask your friends.

 When you check in, make it clear about your strength. Tasks will be assigned to you then, so hurry up as time waits for no one. "

While Gu Xi was still wondering who the person above was, a voice sounded from behind Gu Xi.

“That’s the vice president, the commander-in-chief of the first regiment.”

Gu Xi looked back and found Li Xinghui and his comrades standing behind him.

“Comrade, how do you feel after joining the guild?”

"The guild is very good, but there are still many things I don't understand. What is going on this time? Why are you so anxious?"

“Oh, you are new here, and you don’t know many things clearly. Our guild has three garrison worlds, and all the supplies used by guild members, as well as the undead soldiers, are almost all from these three garrison worlds.

 The game number ULYUHDDS04CC80 world is a garrison world that was won early. The style of this world is somewhat biased towards the ice and snow ghost style. This world has the least food production, but has more other resources. In addition to various materials, there are also strong corpses and several special materials.

The dark blue crystal that is most valued by death knights is one of them.

But for us necromancers, the dragon blood crystal and dragon steel produced there are the key.

This is related to whether the Necromancer can reach level 10. "

 Gu Xi nodded. He also understood that there were mandatory requirements for the necromancer to reach level 10. The necromancer must have a bone dragon of his own. ,

Even a weak skeletal dragon pieced together from the bones of a dragon beast will do.

There are countless ways to make a bone dragon, and dragon blood crystal and dragon steel are obstacles that cannot be bypassed.

 Many necromancers have been collecting dragon blood crystals and dragon steel since level 5, but they have not collected enough materials by level 9. It can be seen how difficult it is to obtain this material.

For this reason, Gu Xi finally understood why the guild only mentioned the needs of the death knight.

If all the necromancers knew that the guild store was open for sale, they would rush to complete the tasks no matter how difficult they were.

"How about you, do you want to join a group with us? These are my comrades. These two are my companions who have grown up with me since level 1. You can believe in their strength."

Seeing Gu Xi's obvious reaction, Li Xinghui came up with an idea.

 Gu Xi thought about it, he didn’t know much about the new world, so it would be good for him to have a few old people leading the team.

So Gu Xi was about to agree.

But at this moment, a man shouted loudly nearby: "Gu Xi, the new guy, Gu Xi, is the guy named Breath of the Dead here?"

Gu Xi didn’t understand why he was called, but he responded immediately.

"I'm here."

"It's good that you're here. I have a task for you now." A level 5 necromancer came over. When he saw Li Xinghui, he glanced at Li Xinghui in surprise, and then turned to face him. Looking at Gu Xi, he said.

 “Okay, what is the task?”

“Troop transporter, I see in the data that you have the skill of Death City?”

The necromancer asked with envy.

 “Yes, the city is already at Level 2.”

"Well, the world of game number ULYUHDDS04CC80 has encountered a foreign invasion. Our frontline guard fortress has been cut off by roads and the troops cannot be transported. We need your help now."


Gu Xi was stunned for a moment, then immediately said: "No problem, what do you need me to do?"

"It's very simple. We will prepare five thousand soldiers here, including three thousand skeleton soldiers, one thousand fifteen zombies, and five hundred ghosts. I don't care what method you use, as long as these soldiers are sent to the frontline fortress."

"This is not difficult." Gu Xi agreed decisively, "I will take over this job."

 (End of this chapter)

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