Breath of the Dead

Chapter 92: Powerful undead army (please subscribe)

 Chapter 92 Powerful Undead Troops (Please subscribe)

 “Okay, come over here.”

 Hearing that Gu Xi was willing to take over this matter, the necromancer finally breathed a sigh of relief.

 As a middle-level member of Chaoyang Guild, he knows very well what happened in the world numbered ULYUHDDS04CC80.

 Mainly there is a problem with the three fortresses responsible for suppressing the world.

 They failed to suppress the dangerous areas of this world, causing chaos in this world with ghosts and ghosts, which is basically the kind of thing like a hundred ghosts walking at night or a natural disaster of the undead.

 The main purpose of recruiting so many players is to quell the chaos of ghosts and monsters.

 But the most critical aspect here is the situation on the other side of the three suppression fortresses.

One of the fortresses is in the best condition. The necromancers and death knights guarding it are still there. The only problem is the strength of the troops.

What Gu Xi has to do is to send this group of troops over.

 As long as this undead army is delivered, the role of this fortress can be fully exerted.

 After explaining the importance of the matter to Gu Xi, the necromancer continued.

“Gu Xi, you are a newcomer. Originally, such an important task was not your turn, but the current situation is unfavorable. Players above level 5 cannot enter this world.

 For players below level 5, if we want to transport these 5,000 soldiers, we must prepare at least 20,000 soldiers, so that we can kill them all the way.

 Only you can secretly send these troops to the designated location.

 The most important thing is that the ranks of these soldiers are somewhat...

  It can be said that you have encountered a good opportunity. Here are the troops you are going to bring in. Take a look. "

The necromancer took Gu Xi to a portal near the square.

This portal does not point to a game world, but is cut out into a small space.

Standing outside the portal and looking inside, Gu Xi found that there were five square formations of different sizes inside.

There are two phalanxes of skeleton soldiers, both with obvious banners. Some of the skeleton soldiers are the most basic skeleton soldiers holding swords and shields, and the other is the skeleton shooter.

  But it can be seen from their equipment that they are much stronger than the skeleton soldiers under Gu Xi.

The zombie army was in a square formation, with 1,500 people standing together. They were holding the thickest shields in their hands and an iron hook with an iron chain in the other hand.

 In the end, it was the ghost with the smallest number who was divided into two different troops. One had about 300 people and was the antique-style black-robed ghost that Gu Xi had obtained before, and the other was a ghost with a translucent body.

However, Gu Xi just took a glance and discovered a problem.

These troops seem to be quite large in number.

“Comrade, isn’t this situation right? Is there too many people?”

"As you can see, there are a total of 5,500 people here for your consumption on the road. After all, there will always be things like this along the way. If you encounter danger, you can take out these troops. use.

 But you must pay attention to one thing. You cannot lose too much. As long as you can send 5,000 people to the fortress, the task will be considered completed. "

Having said this, the necromancer took out another map and handed it to Gu Xi.

"You will appear here. Then go through this road and see the skull mark. Your mission goal is here."

 Gu Xi looked along the location pointed by the map and found that there was a small line of writing on the last location marked by the skull.

 “Sanxian Garden?”

"Yes, this is the name given by the president. There is nothing we can do. It is about five hundred kilometers from the entrance to the world. We will match you with a good horse by then. As long as there is no war, , you can get there in about one day, I’ll give you two days including the time it takes to encounter something on the road.

 As long as you can send these soldiers to Sanxian Garden within two days, you will have completed the mission. "

 “Okay, I understand this task.”

Gu Xi just thought about it and knew what he was going to do. Then he pointed his hand, and the gate of the Death City appeared behind him.

This city gate is much more solid than when Gu Xi used it to scare people before. It can also be seen that Gu Xi installed a gate and a drawbridge in the city gate.

“Is this the legendary three divine skills? It’s really convenient to have your own death city. This is the temporary commander of this army. You can use this to command them to fight for you once.

But you must note that after that, you will not be able to control these undead. "

 The necromancer handed Gu Xi something that looked like a human head.

He also knew very well that as a city master, he would not allow any uneasy factors to enter his city.

 Without handing over the command of this army, these undead troops would not be able to enter Gu Xi's death city at all.

Taking the head, Gu Xi pointed at the undead troops in the space and said, "All of them are here, line up and enter Alidovi City."

These undead soldiers were quite obedient. Under Gu Xi's order, they walked out of the space portal in batches and quickly entered the gate of Alidovi City.

 When they passed in front of Gu Xi, Gu Xi also knew the strength of these undead troops.

  【Temporary troops have joined, please approve! 】

  【Sunshine Bone Regiment, a level 3 unit with 2,000 subordinate skeleton soldiers and an average level of 6. 】

  【Light Shooter Regiment, level 3 unit, with 1,000 subordinate skeleton shooters, average level 7. 】

 【War Shackles Battalion, a level 2 unit with 1,500 heavily armored zombies under its command, with an average level of 7. 】

   【Yinfeng Camp, level 3 unit, 350 subordinate ghosts, average level 7. 】

 【Ghost Battalion, level 4 unit, 150 subordinate ghosts, average level 8. 】

Looking at the information that popped up in front of him, Gu Xi was speechless. Are these troops so strong?

You must know that the Weak Skeleton Dragon only started at level 7. Among the five troops in front of you, four had an average level of level 7, and there were quite a few of them.

 Gu Xi believed that any of their troops could fight a bone dragon of the same level.

 And Gu Xiyou always felt that these zombies in the War Shackles Camp were designed to deal with the Bone Dragon.

Such troops and strength poured cold water on Gu Xi. At first, Gu Xi thought he was invincible.

It seems that he is still very weak now. At least any small guild in Bailian City can come up with such a powerful force. Without any conspiracy, the direct strength can crush everything Gu Xi has.

 As these undead troops entered, another 500 undead also entered the city of Alidovi.

These five hundred undead are equal-proportion reserve troops for these five troops, and their levels are one level weaker than the regular soldiers.

But as the necromancer said before, the extra undead soldiers are for consumption on the road. As long as Gu Xi can send the five thousand soldiers to the Sanxian Garden on time, the extra undead soldiers should not need to be returned.

This is equivalent to sending a group of powerful soldiers to Gu Xi. Faced with such a thing, how could Gu Xi not be moved.

 While sending these five troops into Alidovi City, the Necromancer said again.

"Come, I'll take you to the guild store. I have priority. You can replenish the supplies first and set off immediately."

 (End of this chapter)

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