Breath of the Dead

Chapter 94: Situation in the New World (491)

Chapter 94 Situation in the New World (491)

  【Game number ULYUHDDS04CC80 world login is activated, please enter the game number. 】

  【Game number confirmed, player 629SHD2S0FXC30 welcomes you. Since it is your first time to enter the world of ULYUHDDS04CC80, you will appear at the novice birth point in this world, Ice Valley! 】

 【Note: The ULYUHDDS04CC80 world is a garrison world, and there is no main mission in this world. 】

As Gu Xi stepped into the lander, the next moment the biting cold wind hit his face as the notification sounded.

"Come out quickly, don't occupy the landing position, and go south later to get your... Hey, why didn't you bring any troops?"

It was only then that Gu Xi realized what he was talking about. He glanced at the person who was speaking and could tell that he was also a necromancer player, but he was wearing a thick white cotton coat, wrapping himself like a ball.

Behind him stood a three-meter-tall giant beast. This giant beast had white hair all over its body and looked like an enlarged orangutan. Its hands were supported on the ground like pillars, and it had a pair of curved horns on its head.

At the same time, the eyes of this giant beast were ice blue. Gu Xi could tell at a glance that this giant beast had become undead and its strength was about level 7.

 “Oh, my soldiers are in my city.”

After being asked a few more questions, Gu Xi finally realized what he was doing, and he quickly made way out of where he was standing.

"Your city? Don't you know what the situation is now? You put all your troops in the city, so what are you doing here? Do you know that the situation here is quite dangerous and urgent?"

"I know, I came here after taking over the mission. Don't worry, I won't fight an unprepared battle. By the way, your clothes are good. Is it colder outside? Are there any clothes like this?"

"You are overthinking. I made this outfit after collecting snowman fur bit by bit. If you want to have a snowman valley in the north, go there and there will be many snowmen there."

“I’m sorry, I don’t have time now. I want to send the troops to Sanxian Garden. Do you have a more detailed map?”

"The Garden of Immortals?" The necromancer glanced at Gu Xi, "It's just you, you're only a few levels up, and you didn't bring any soldiers with you, so what's the use of going there."

Gu Xi did not explain, he stood up straight, and the shadow of the city gate appeared behind him.

As a necromancer, he knew most of the three divine skills. As soon as he saw Gu Xi's actions, he knew what was going on.

"Use three divine skills to transport troops. It seems that the guild has really spent a lot of money this time. I have the map you want, but you must be careful. There are some problems in this world. The road will not change, but the enemies on the road will not change. But something is different.

 The upper limit in our world is level 5 for players, level 7 for heroes, and level 9 for soldiers.

 If you exceed this level, you will be excluded from the world, your combat experience will be reduced, and your attack power will also be affected.

 But the situation of the enemies that appeared this time was different. There were level 11 soldiers among their soldiers, as well as level 9 heroes and level 10 bosses.

 Now they are wandering in this world, and we have no way of determining where they appear.

 So you must be careful when you leave. If there are any scouts or other troops, be sure to send them out in advance and don't rush into the enemy's base camp. "

“Don’t worry, I’m always very careful when doing things. Is there any place in this world where I can’t run around? What’s the situation with the enemies that appeared this time? Can you tell me in detail?”

“There is nothing that cannot be said. This time the enemy suddenly appeared from the west of the world. There were not many in number at first. We all thought it was a normal Hundred Demons Night Parade.

 It was later discovered that something was wrong, but it was already too late. The level of Hyakki Yakou became the level of Yin soldiers passing through, and food and resources in many places were robbed.

 Our players stationed here sent out all the troops in order to regain resources.

 As a result, things are getting bigger and bigger, and the enemies are getting stronger and stronger. Now, except for a few key cities, the wild territory is out of control. So in the following period, the main battle will be the battle between the players who are coming over and these undead.

 The matter on your side is quite special. The pressure on Sanxian Garden is not too great. If you can really send troops there, it will be good for us. "

 After hearing the current world situation, Gu Xi understood the thoughts of the guild president and others.

 The world in front of us must be taken back.

 When stronger players and heroes cannot enter this world, sending large quantities of them to ordinary players is the best option.

 In order to ensure that ordinary players also have sufficient combat effectiveness, every player who comes in will receive some troop support.

 At the same time, they will also engage in some small battles according to their level.

Don’t underestimate the Necromancer profession. Although they do not receive many supporting troops, as long as the Necromancer can survive on the battlefield, the number of troops under his command will increase.

Existences without corpses like the mysterious shadow that Gu Xi encountered in Aridovi City are relatively rare.

 Gu Xi was assigned a new task solely because he possessed one of the three magical skills, City of Death.

 Otherwise, he would have been killing mobs near the Ice Valley.

 After understanding everything here, I quickly picked up the map and prepared to leave the city.

As for the undead soldiers in the Ice Valley, Gu Xi didn't even think about it.

Those undead people need money, and Gu Xi doesn't have that many resources.

Even though he was very moved when he saw the undead soldiers in front of him, he finally gave up the idea of ​​recruiting another group of soldiers in the Ice Valley.

After releasing the evil coffin, Gu Xi turned over and sat on the evil coffin.

Then a layer of black mist surged around the evil coffin, lifting the evil coffin to about one and a half meters above the ground.

Sitting on the coffin lid, Gu Xi could clearly feel someone knocking on the coffin under his butt.

 Gu Xi was also a little speechless about this situation. This was still called a good mount, and he didn’t know what those people thought.

 While complaining in his heart, Gu Xi tried to pat the coffin lid.

 Soon Gu Xi mastered the method of controlling the movement of the coffin.

If you want the coffin to go to the left, tap it to the left; if you want the coffin to go to the right, tap it to the right.

As for worrying about the coffin hitting something, there is no need to worry at all. When there is no problem in the general direction, the coffin will automatically adjust its direction and will not hit it by itself.

After riding the evil coffin around the Ice Valley, Gu Xi found that he couldn't bear the cold wind while sitting on the coffin, so he bought a thick quilt in the Ice Valley. Wrap yourself up and hang your battle flag in front of the evil coffin.

Just then, he left the Ice Valley in the evil coffin and entered the wilderness of this world.

 (End of this chapter)

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