Breath of the Dead

Chapter 95: First battle (please subscribe)

Chapter 95 The First Battle (please subscribe)

Just after leaving the Ice Valley, Gu Xi felt the biting cold wind blowing against his face. He shrank his body into the quilt, raised his head and glanced in the direction, and let the evil coffin move forward on its own.

He himself wrapped up his whole body and lay half on the evil coffin, hoping that he would not be blown out by the cold wind.

Outside the Ice Valley, the ground is frozen solid. From time to time, thick snow can be seen on the ground. The streams are frozen layer by layer. From time to time, you can see frozen fish jumping on the surface of the streams.

Above the wilderness, there is a slightly conspicuous road, and from time to time on the road, you can see some wild beasts with white fur wandering there.

These beasts seem to be affected by something. As long as they find different movements on the road, they will take the initiative to check, and even follow and attack.

They had seen Gu Xi riding a coffin board like this before. Not long after, a group of wild wolves appeared behind Gu Xi, following behind him furtively.

 An attack may be launched at any time.

 Gu Xi actually noticed the situation behind him as soon as he left the city, but he ignored it.

 Now Gu Xi is alone. The evil coffin moves very fast and does not consume physical energy. He can directly rush forward and hang these wild wolves far behind him.

Let them run a little longer and wait until the number of wild wolves has increased, and then Gu Xi will release his undead troops.

 At that time, there will be a large number of corpses. Whether Gu Xi wants to eat wolf meat, or uses these corpses to play corpse explosions or spiritualism, there will be enough corpses.

If you show your strength now and frighten these wild wolves all at once, you will not gain much benefit.

For this reason, Gu Xi just accelerated his movement speed, making the evil coffin fly faster.

When the wild wolf who was staring at Gu Xi saw this situation, he simply stopped sneaking behind him and jumped out of the field, running non-stop in pursuit.

From time to time, it still howls there, as if it is contacting its companions or preparing to hunt.

If you were an ordinary person, you would have been frightened to death if you encountered something like this.

But whoever travels in this world is not a necromancer. The undead they usually carry around them have no morale and fatigue.

Such a small trick is nothing to a necromancer.

Most of the wild wolves have also learned the lesson, and they will not move out at will when they see the necromancers with them.

Today, wasn't it because they saw that Gu Xi didn't have anyone around him that the wild wolves had the idea of ​​attacking Gu Xi.

It's just that they didn't expect that Gu Xi didn't bring his men, not because he didn't have men, but because he had other means.

Looking at more and more wild wolves behind him, Gu Xi also laughed.

“Just now, there has been a wave of gains. Sure enough, necromancers grow in battles.”

 Gu Xi muttered and looked back at the number of wild wolves behind him.

When the number of wild wolves reached about three hundred, Gu Xi slapped the coffin lid heavily, and the evil coffin turned around, changed direction, and rushed towards the wild wolves.

The wild wolves who were desperately chasing behind were stunned when they saw this situation.

None of them thought that Gu Xi would be so brave that a person would charge towards him head-on. In the past, only professional players called death knights could do this kind of thing.

 But Gu Xi doesn’t look like a death knight at all.

Who is a serious death knight who goes out and wraps himself up in a quilt?

At this moment, a tall city gate appeared behind Gu Xi.

This time Gu Xi did not release the city gate to scare people, the gate of the dead city appeared directly on the battlefield.

At the same time, the skeleton soldiers under the banner of the Bone-cutting Battalion rushed out with swords in both hands.

 Looking at the strength of the Bone-Zhanying Battalion, Gu Xi was half relieved. Luna received his note and arranged all the one hundred skeleton soldiers sent in to the Bone-cutting Battalion.

[Bone-cutting Camp (level 1, characteristics: attack +5, defense +1, experience 77/200): Commander (1/2) Level 2 skeleton leader, team members (123/243) Level 3 skeleton two-handed swordsmen, 123 )】

 Looking at the attributes of the Bone-Zhanying Camp, Gu Xi waved his hand.

 “Kill them!”

The skeleton two-handed swordsmen of the Bone-cutting Camp rushed towards the wild wolf with their weapons raised. As they rushed forward, another group of skeletons came out of the city gate.

This group of skeletons are the skeleton shooters under Gu Xi. Because there is no suitable skeleton leader to lead them, they are still in skirmish mode at this time.

 Beside them is Luna with zombie troops and ghost troops.

As soon as she saw Gu Xi, Luna immediately said: "Sir, I brought someone here."

 “What about Combat Team 1 and Combat Team 2?”

Seeing Luna coming over, Gu Xi also sat up straight.

 “They guard the dock area.”

“What about the more than 5,000 undead sent in before? Do they still obey the arrangements?”

Gu Xi asked again. At this time, the skeleton two-handed swordsmen from the Bone-Zhanying Camp had already rushed in front of the wild wolf. All the skeleton two-handed swordsmen made the same move, raising their swords from bottom to top.

At this time, the wild wolves also made a decision to kill the enemy.

At this time, the wild wolf rushed forward, wanting to pounce on the throat of the skeleton two-handed swordsman and deliver a fatal blow to the opponent.

The two-handed long sword, which was lifted from bottom to top, hit the belly of the wild wolf from bottom to top.

 With one strike of the sword, the wild wolf's abdomen was completely cut open, and its internal organs flowed all over the floor.

At this moment, the sword of the skeleton two-handed swordsman just reached the highest point. They pressed down hard and struck out with a beheading, hitting the wild wolf's head hard.

With just such a confrontation, more than a hundred wild wolves were killed on the spot.

  【Skeleton Swordsman (summoned object) kills the wild wolf (level 2), you get 1 experience point, the bone-cutting battalion gets 1 experience point, and the summoned object gets 8 experience points. 】

  【Skeleton Swordsman (summoned object) kills Steppenwolf (level 2), you get 1 experience point, the Bone-cutting Battalion gets 1 experience point, and the summoned object gets 9 experience points. 】

  【Skeleton Swordsman (summon) kills the Winter Wolf (level 3), you get 1 experience point, the Bone-cutting Battalion gets 1 experience point, and the summons gets 13 experience points. 】


  【The experience of the Bone-cutting Camp has reached the standard, and the level of the Bone-cutting Camp has been improved! 】

[Bone-cutting Camp (level 2, characteristics: attack +5, defense +1, attack speed +20%, experience 2/500): Commander (1/3) level 2 skeleton boss, team members (123/343) level 3 Skeleton two-handed swordsmen 123)]

Just like that, the Bone-cutting Battalion was upgraded?

 Gu Xi was also shocked by the situation in front of him.

But he reacted immediately. This is the greatest characteristic of the necromancer.

 For those killed by the undead troops, in addition to the corresponding experience gained by the soldiers, the necromancer and the unit of the undead soldiers can both receive an experience reward of 1 point.

As long as there are a large number of undead soldiers, the upgrade speed of the necromancer and troops will not be slow.

 Gu Xi, who understood this, ordered decisively without waiting for Lu Nu's reply.

 “The skeleton shooter advances and kills all the wild wolves.”

 (End of this chapter)

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