Breath of the Dead

Chapter 97: The weird Baixing Lake Village (please subscribe)

 Chapter 97 The strange Baixing Lake Village (please subscribe)

At this time, the lights of Baixing Lake are still twinkling, but the dots of lights always give people a cold and strange feeling.

When Gu Xi's evil coffin entered the surface area of ​​Baixing Lake, Gu Xi clearly felt that there was something chasing him under the ice.

Four ghosts were jumping around Gu Xi, trying to break through the ice and grab things below.

And Gu Xi was also lying on the coffin lid, wrapped in cotton padded clothes, holding the crushing staff, and he had the idea of ​​​​taking action at any time.

Just as Gu Xi was staring at the ice, suddenly a human corpse floated under the ice. The corpse had been soaked under the ice for an unknown length of time. The eyes and most of the skin had been bitten by fish. .

While drifting under the ice, the corpse suddenly opened its eyes, revealing holes without eyeballs.

Gu Xi, who was watching every move on the ice, was startled by this situation. He shook his hand, and the shattering staff hit the ice.

This weapon of the Shattering Staff is actually mainly used to hit shields. The higher the enemy's defense, the stronger the attack effect of the Shattering Staff.

At the same time, this function can also be used on city walls, city gates or mountains, and ice surfaces are also within the scope of the Shattering Staff.

 Gu Xi's careless blow caused a crack in the ice on the spot.

 A thick yin energy rushed toward his face under the ice, startling Gu Xi.

But the next moment, the cold wind blew like this, and the cracked ice surface was frozen again, and the Yin Qi was blown away in the cold wind. If it weren't for the obvious cracks on the ice surface, Gu Xi might have suspected that just now Everything that happened was an illusion.

Just like this, it aroused the spirit of care and interest.

Gu Xi sat up straight, stopped the evil coffin, and sat on the lid of the coffin, staring at the situation on the ice.

“Things are not right down here in the lake.”

After a moment of silence, Gu Xi also discovered the problem. Everything nearby was too quiet. Even if the lake was blocked by ice and snow, the residents of Baixing Lake should come out and move around.

The situation in front of him was obviously not right. Gu Xi did not hesitate and made a decisive judgment, "Go to the nearest hut."

Upon hearing this, Xie Coffin turned in a different direction on the ice. Instead of rushing towards the location with the largest number of water houses in Baixing Lake, he rushed directly towards the location closest to his breath.

Gu Xi, who had been lying on the coffin lid, also sat up a little straighter, wrapped himself in a quilt, and carefully looked at the surrounding situation.

 About a minute or so, the evil coffin stopped in front of a water hut.

As soon as Gu Xi looked at the hut, he knew the situation of the hut in front of him.

This kind of hut is actually a water house built with wood, about one meter away from the water. The wooden planks supported by the wooden frames serve as the floor, and the wooden plank house is built on the floor.

The whole hut is not too big, with a total of eight wooden supports for support, plus the hut of about 20 square meters.

When Gu Xi came over, he could still see a lot of dried fish hanging around the hut, and some firewood piled on the wooden platform.

 The whole cabin is full of life.

 But when Gu Xi arrived at the hut in front of him, he noticed that there were lights in the hut, but there was no sign of people.

 “Go over and have a look.”

Gu Xi waved his hand, and the four ghosts flew towards the hut.

 Behind Gu Xi, the gate of the Death City was slowly appearing.

 Gu Xi was worried about what happened here, so he prepared for battle early.

At this moment, the ghosts who entered the hut flew out again. From their appearance, it could be seen that there was nothing in the hut.

This situation made Gu Xi a little confused. He controlled the evil coffin to approach the hut, then jumped up and landed in front of the door of the hut. At this time, the door of the hut had been pushed open. Gu Xi looked into the hut. He noticed that the hut was filled with all kinds of thick furs, and there were also some things made of bones piled in the corners. Weapons and harpoons.

 The fire in the fireplace of the hut had been extinguished. The light Gu Xi saw before was from an oil lamp hanging from the roof.

This oil lamp is also the only metal product in the hut. The whole oil lamp does not match the style of the hut at all. After hanging there, there is only a little spark the size of a thumb, but when Gu Xi and the others are outside the hut, they can feel like someone is there. At home.

This situation made Gu Xi’s scalp numb.

 This is already somewhat beyond the methods of the undead.

Just when Gu Xi was about to exit, he suddenly felt that his feet were uncontrollable and he was walking towards the oil lamp.

“Hell, it’s psychic power again. Next time you go out, you must find a way to be immune to mind control.”

 Gu Xi kept roaring in his heart, but without any pause in his hand, he held up the smashing staff and pointed at the oil lamp.

 “Bone spur!”

At Gu Xi’s command, a white bone flew towards the oil lamp.

 But just when the bones were about to come into contact with the oil lamp, a walrus-like body with ivory tusks appeared from the oil lamp, blocking the blow for the oil lamp.

Just at this moment, Gu Xi knew what was going on.

The White Star Lake in front of us has been affected by the invading undead.

 There is a big guy here who directly controls the entire village area of ​​Baixing Lake through some means.

The oil lamp in front of you is part of that big guy. He uses a weird method different from the undead. Through the influence of the soul, everyone who sees the light can walk into the oil lamp on their own initiative.

 Their bodies would serve as fuel for the lamps.

As for their souls, after losing their bodies, their souls will naturally become undead. In the end, they may be packed away, or they may be affected by other influences and become part of other plans of this big guy.

Gu Xi was also breaking into a cold sweat when he wanted to understand this.

“Enter Ghost, put out the oil lamp for me.”

At Gu Xi’s order, the four ghosts rushed out quickly.

But before the ghost could get close to the oil lamp, it was blocked by a ball of fire.

 Gu Xi saw the walrus man being burned in the oil lamp. Even though his whole body was burning with flames, he remained motionless. It was obvious that he was already dead when the flames were ignited.

 “Corpse explosion!”

Seeing that the ghost couldn't move forward, Gu Xi quickly changed his fighting style. He pointed at the walrus man's corpse in the oil lamp and used a secondary corpse explosion.

When he took action, Gu Xi actually didn't think too much. His feeling was that the oil lamp used corpses as fuel, so if the corpses were blown up, the oil lamp would naturally be useless.

 But he never expected that this was what the enemy was waiting for.

As the walrus man's body exploded in the oil lamp, the hut also exploded at the same time.

Gu Xi was blown away by the shock wave of the explosion on the spot and hit the ice heavily.

 (End of this chapter)

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