Breath of the Dead

Chapter 98: Undead under the ice (693)

Chapter 98 The Undead Under the Ice (693)

 The average order has increased again, and it is now 934. I’m happy, and I’m trying my best to hit the mark! —

“Hahahaha, they are right, the necromancers are just a group of brainless skeletons, they didn’t even see such a simple trap!”

Before Gu Xi even climbed up from the ice, a crazy laughter came from the middle of Baixing Lake.

 Then another voice sounded.

“Let me just say, as long as you leave some clues, the necromancers themselves will free you.”

When the sound sounded, Gu Xi's evil coffin had already rushed in front of Gu Xi and protected Gu Xi with his body.

Taking this opportunity, Gu Xi happened to look in the direction of the sound.

At this time, Gu Xi discovered that in the middle of Baixing Lake, where the lights were the densest, there was a man wearing a white baboon skin standing.

This man is the size of a normal human being. He wears no clothes under the white baboon skin. The exposed skin is covered with undead patterns of various colors.

At the same time, in his left hand, he held a strange oil lamp. The oil lamp was shaped like a pink brain flower, and an iron mesh made of thin iron chains was wrapped around the brain flower.

At every junction of the iron net, there are small bells or tiny sparks hanging.

Hold a dark red rusty sickle in his right hand.

While speaking, he did not pay attention to the direction of his breathing, but looked under the ice of Baixing Lake.

 Under the ice, there was a huge corpse over nine meters in length slowly opening its eyes.

This huge corpse was a little fat, and its body was like an enlarged walrus. A pair of four-meter-long white fangs grew out of the corpse's mouth.

At the same time, there were about four to five hundred severed ivory tusks stuck on the corpse.

This corpse has smooth skin, and from the outside, it doesn’t look like the corpse of a walrus at all.

 In fact, this corpse was not originally like this. He was actually the spirit body transformed from the Walrus Man's cemetery.

At the beginning, White Star Lake was the secret cemetery of the Walrus people. Its status was somewhat similar to the elephant's grave. When every Walrus person felt that they were about to die, they would come to White Star Lake, close their eyes and sink into the water. Go to the bottom of the lake and return to the Walrus Man's graveyard.

 This is the best way for the Walrus people to protect their remains. After all, no one would have thought that the Walrus people's cemetery would be in a freshwater lake.

 But the Walrus people never expected that this world would be discovered by the Chaoyang Guild and quickly occupied.

  After Chaoyang Guild occupied this world, the world's environment changed a lot. White Star Lake was also affected, and the connection with the sea was interrupted by the cold wind.

At the same time, some **** people who were attached to the land reclamation team of Chaoyang Sunshine Guild also settled in Baixing Lake.

Their entry was met with full resistance by the walrus people. The person in front of them was transformed from the spirit body of the walrus cemetery, and her status was equivalent to Luna of Alidovari.

The necromancers of Chaoyang Guild are the best at dealing with such spirits.

 They just used some means to kill the spirit body and sealed the Walrus Cemetery so that no more powerful spirits would appear here.

Since then, the walrus people and the **** people have been "peacefully coexisting" in White Star Lake, jointly developing everything in the frozen lake in front of them.

The thick yin energy that Gu Xi felt when he accidentally shattered the lake surface before was the power that the Walrus Man Cemetery had not dissipated.

The cold wind that quickly froze everything was a seal against the spirit body of the Walrus Cemetery.

However, the spirit body of the walrus cemetery that was killed did not give up all opportunities to resist.

This time the man wearing a white baboon skin came over and said this, and the spirit body of the Walrus Cemetery had an idea.

He was the one who laughed crazily just now. The reason why he was laughing was because Gu Xi's corpse explosion really blew up the sealing walrus cemetery.

Although Gu Xi didn’t know all this, he had eyes.

The obvious anomaly over there was not invisible to him.

At this time, Gu Xi turned over and climbed onto the lid of the evil coffin. He held the shattering staff and stared at everything in front of him seriously. Behind him, the gate of the death city has opened, and the bone-cutting battalion, skeleton shooters and ghost troops have also come out one after another.

“Hey, I didn’t expect someone with a bad temper to show up.”

The man covered in white baboon skin looked at the opened gate of the Death City with a disdainful smile in his eyes.

“With this little strength, you still want to come out and die. Baixing Lake, you have been sealed for so long, don’t you want revenge?”


 As soon as he finished speaking, the ice cracked under his feet, and a thick arm stretched out from under the ice.

“I told you, my name is Walrus Tomb, White Star Lake is not my name.”

 After saying that, the giant walrus man's corpse crawled out from under the ice.

While climbing up, he didn't forget to ask.

“Is this guy included in the deal with me?”

"How is it possible? A little guy at level 3, with only two hundred troops at his side, I can easily take care of everything with my action. Letting you take action is just to let you vent your anger.

 Lest your spirit be affected by anger.

 You still want to be included in your transaction with me, do you really think that my transaction is so easy to deal with? "

 “I knew you guys had bad intentions.”

  Walrus Mound said with some annoyance.

 Neither of them paid any attention to Gu Xi.

Although the city gate behind Gu Xi was continuously releasing troops, neither of them took Gu Xi seriously in terms of their strength.

The guy with the white baboon skin has reached level 9, exceeding the upper limit of the hero level in this world.

As for Walrus Tomb, despite his size, he is actually a soldier, and his strength is exactly level 10.

In their eyes, Gu Xi, who is only level 3, is like a small bug on the roadside, not worth mentioning at all.

 At most, the soldiers under Gu Xi are a bit interesting, but it does not affect their arrangements.

That's why the guy with the white baboon skin said to let the Walrus Mound vent his anger.

 Otherwise, their subsequent transactions would not be so easy.

Although Walrus Tomb also knew what this guy was thinking, the deal had been reached and he couldn't change anything. He could only snort heavily at this guy, reach out and grab a seven-meter stick on the ice where he climbed out. After a while, an anchor made of ice appeared in his hand.

 Walrus Tomb took a big step forward, and his whole body flew towards Gu Xi like a cannonball.

 “Spread out, the skeleton shooter attacks!”

Gu Xi, who was standing on the lid of the coffin, immediately issued the order. At the same time, the evil coffin also dragged him out of the place where the Walrus Tomb fell.

Xie Coffin had just rushed out a certain distance when he heard a clicking sound behind him.

Gu Xi looked back and saw that the Walrus Tomb had hit the spot where he was standing just now.

As he hit the ice, he was directly broken into pieces. At the same time, at least twenty skeleton swordsmen within ten meters were killed on the spot during the impact.

 But Walrus Tomb turned to look at Gu Xi as if nothing was wrong.

 “Want to run? No way!”

 (End of this chapter)

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