Chu Wei turned around and walked out of the cave in the eyes of the three without waves.

After walking not far away, Chu Wei stopped and looked up at the sky.

The moonlight is bright and starry.

The dense foliage overlaps each other, casting shadows on the ground.

The surroundings were extremely silent, and Chu Wei quietly bathed in the moonlight, and her mind was a little relaxed.

Chu Wei stretched out her hand, let the moonlight sprinkle in the palm of her hand, and muttered, "Why is it suddenly much easier to leave them."

"Maybe I should be alone?"

Chu Wei's heart shook, and this moment was extremely happy.

But in an instant, it seemed that an inexplicable force descended on Chu Wei.

"Ah! What am I thinking, Liu Meng is still waiting for me to save it.

"I have to hurry up and find medicinal herbs." Chu Wei withdrew her hand and tapped her face twice to sober herself up.

The previous cheerfulness was swept away, replaced by a sense of urgency.

She no longer admired the moonlight, nor did she feel the silence around her.

Hurriedly walked through the forest in search of herbs.

It was also from the moment she stepped that the roar of the demon beasts resounded in the originally lonely forest.

Chu Wei looked all the way in a certain direction, her heart was extremely anxious, and her eyebrows were a little tired, but she never stopped.

Blame me.

If I had changed some healing pills, Liu Meng would not have been in this situation.

From beginning to end, Chu Wei did not feel that he was wrong to save the people of the enemy sect.

In her eyes, life does not distinguish between importance and preciousness, as long as it is life, she subconsciously wants to save.

The moon moves quietly, and the east gradually turns fishy white.

Chu Wei, who had been busy all night, did not find many herbs, after all, the vision was limited at night, and it was difficult to distinguish.

But now that the sky is dawning, herbs are much easier to find.

At the same time, the little wolf has regained its combat ability after recovering overnight and has the ability to protect himself.

Although it has not reached its heyday, it is no longer a problem to deal with a Lingchuan Realm.

Looking at the six big brothers who guarded him for the night, the little wolf's eyes were full of emotion.


Go get busy, I'll do the rest myself.

They have long noticed the movement of the little wolf.

Although they knew what the little wolf meant, they did not make any movement and still stayed by the little wolf's side.

They only listen to the owner, but not to others.

If the owners do not let go, then their task is not completed.

Do you let go? Where is the main face of that scene?

The little wolf also reacted, laughed twice, and lowered his head in shame.

Secretly, he contacted Zhou Mu through the beast seal.

"Owner, you let them go, I'm almost recovered now, don't let them delay anything else because of me."

Zhou Mu was stunned when he received the voice of the little wolf.

Then turn the screen to Little Wolf.

After seeing the specific physical condition of the little wolf, he nodded slightly.

"This little wolf is quite sensible."

Although Zhou Mu did not lack those six demon beasts, the little wolf had his own ideas, so let's fulfill it.

Anyway, there is still a spirit sea realm hidden in this area.

"It just so happens that the cat Linger over there has now turned into a tree to hide from humans, let them go and support."

Saying that, Zhou Mu gave instructions to the six demon beasts and asked them to go to the target point.

The order was given, and the monsters got up one after another, said goodbye to the little wolf and left.

Seeing that they were all gone, the little wolf spun around in place, trying to see that the wound shadows on his body that had not yet recovered did not affect his strength.

After the little wolf finished the test, the group of demon beasts also walked away.

Wounds that have not fully recovered can still feel hot pain after strenuous exercise.

Seeing this, the little wolf found a shade to lie down below and rest.

Zhou Mu couldn't help but laugh when he looked at the little wolf.

Oh, grown up.

Just as Zhou Mu was about to switch the screen, the grass directly in front of the little wolf suddenly made a crackling sound.

The little wolf, who was about to take a break, also stood up in an instant and stared at the grass.

A pair of tender hands as white as jade pulled through the grass, revealing a beautiful woman who thought she was wearing a silver moire long dress.

Chu Wei slowly walked out of the grass and stood ten meters away from the little wolf.

"You're hurt, right?" Chu Wei looked at the scars on the little wolf's limbs and couldn't help but whisper.

Her voice at this time was as gentle as a spring breeze, which made the vigilant little wolves stunned for a moment.

Seeing this, Chu Wei showed a kind smile and quietly took off the burden on her shoulders.

Unwrapped and filled with herbs.

"Don't be nervous, shall I bandage you?"

Chu Wei leaned down slightly, making her head as high as the little wolf.

Before someone followed, she couldn't help the demon beast, which made her uncomfortable for a long time.

Since you ran into it this time, please help if you can.

The little wolf looked at the human with a puzzled face.

For some reason, the little wolf can obviously be hostile to any human being.

But in the face of the woman in front of him, no matter what, he can't raise hostility.

Even that only vigilance collapsed in Chu Wei's gentle words.

"You must be in pain right now, right?"

"Hold on, it won't hurt when I bandage you."

"Well-behaved, obedient."


In this way, the little wolf was inexplicably approached by Chu Wei, and then bandaged by her.

When it came back to its senses, Chu Wei had already bandaged it.

There was also an unused ointment in front of it.

Obviously, she made it now.

"Well, that's fine." Chu Wei pulled a piece of fabric from her cuff to tie the last wound and said softly.

"You must pay attention to safety in the future!"

With a smile on her face, Chu Wei got up and left after caressing the little wolf's head twice.

The little wolf looked at Chu Wei's figure sluggishly, and then looked at the bandaging on his body.

"Whoosh!" The little wolf howled at Chu Wei.

Hearing the sound, Chu Wei glanced back at it, smiled, and did not speak.

It's really a different feeling, few people save people like this!

Chu Wei said secretly in her heart.

And Zhou Mu, who witnessed everything, had a ghostly expression.

How is this woman again?

And what's going on with the little wolf?

Why was he still vigilant just now, and he was honestly lying there in the blink of an eye?

Zhou Mu had long been puzzled by this woman.

It is really rare that there is such a Virgin in this world.

So, Zhou Mu couldn't help but stare at Chu Wei, and then an information panel appeared in front of him.

[Name] Chu Wei

[Gender] Female

[Xiuwei] Lingchuan Realm

[Race] Terran

[Race Potential] Infinite [Talent]

The Power of Heavenly Dao (Incomplete), the Power of Nature.

【Introduction】The current son of the Heavenly Dao in the Holy Spirit Realm, who is the next Heavenly Dao through trials, is destined to accumulate virtue and do good in his life under the influence of the power of the Heavenly Dao, and tolerate the life of the Holy Spirit Realm.

After seeing Chu Wei's information, Zhou Mu opened his mouth in shock.

Rubbing his eyes, he thought he might have seen it wrong.

Children of Heaven's Way?

Shouldn't this thing be the system holder?

How did it run on others?

No wonder she has been helping others, it turns out that she is influenced by the Dao of Heaven!

But looking at her dumbfounded appearance, she shouldn't know that she is the son of Heaven's Dao, right?

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