Looking at Chu Wei's gradually departing figure, Zhou Mu couldn't help sighing.

Such people must be very tired in this world.

"Do you want to leave her behind?"

Zhou Mu thought in his heart and muttered to himself.

But thinking about it instead, the Son of Heaven's Dao must have atmospheric luck to add to it, and leaving her here will probably have a steady stream of trouble.

And Zhou Mu didn't have so much effort to accompany her to save others.

Moreover, what the world is, it has nothing to do with him.

If given the opportunity, he would definitely choose to leave this bad world without hesitation.

"I don't know if this man will survive."

In the end, Zhou Mu slowly shook his head and stopped paying attention to this son of Heavenly Dao.

The little wolf, who remained in place, looked at the strips of cloth tied to his body.

These were all torn off and tied by Chu Wei from the cuffs or corners of her clothes.

The little wolf looked at her deeply, as if he wanted to remember her figure.

After Chu Wei's figure disappeared, the little wolf turned his head and shrugged his nose at the cloth strip on his body.

In the cave, three disciples gathered around Liu Meng, their faces full of anxiety.

At this moment, Liu Meng's face was bloodless, and his brows were locked.

"What to do now, Senior Sister's aura has been exhausted, and the blood can't be stopped." The female disciple squatted beside Liu Meng, her face full of anxiety.

I saw a male disciple touching his chin and thinking, "Or let's use our own aura to stop the bleeding of Senior Sister Liu first, and first hold it like this until Senior Sister Chu returns." Hearing

this, the other two looked at him in disbelief.

"Are you crazy? We don't have much aura, and if we use it here, if there is an accident, we won't even have the confidence to run.

"Besides, Senior Sister Chu has been out for one night and hasn't come back, I'm afraid it's not..." The

woman didn't say anything, but just looked at the two with an ugly face.

She was even more resolute about using her aura to stop Liu Meng's bleeding.

In her eyes, even if the bleeding is stopped, Liu Meng can't continue to fight for a short time, or waste people, wasting their aura in vain.

The other two also heard what the woman meant, and nodded slowly after thinking for a moment.

Chu Wei has not returned yet, there are only two possibilities.

Either died or ran away.

After all, a woman who has never drawn her sword to kill her enemies walks alone at night, still in this dangerous forest of ten thousand beasts.

Even if they die, they are not surprised.

At first, they looked down on the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest like the other disciples.

But several successive demon beast sieges made them put away the contempt in their hearts.

If it weren't for the low IQ of those demon beasts and not knowing how to hunt and kill, they would have died in the mouth of the demon beasts long ago.

In this regard, they could already imagine Chu Wei's tragic situation in their minds.

If she hadn't encountered the demon beasts, Chu Wei might have left alone because she didn't want to be dragged down by them.

Moreover, they also said that to Chu Wei, and they will not return to have anything to do with Chu Wei in the future.

Thinking of this, the two male disciples showed pity in their eyes.

Liu Meng is still conscious, but he doesn't have the strength to speak and run the exercises.

Their words were all heard by Liu Meng, including before they forced Chu Wei to go out to find medicinal herbs.

Hearing their words at this moment, a sense of sadness was born in my heart.

When Chu Wei had the pill, she felt that Chu Wei used a lot, but when the Chu Wei pill was exhausted, she also felt that Chu Wei was a burden.

Otherwise, when they forced Chu Wei before, Liu Meng would not have opened his mouth.

"Or let's leave Senior Sister Liu here." The other male disciple hesitated for a long time and spoke.

Hearing this, Liu Meng laughed at himself in his heart.

"I should have understood that humans have no warmth, but just use each other."

"Chu Wei, I'm sorry!"

"If you were there, you wouldn't have done anything to abandon your companions."

"But I abandoned you."

The three did not find Liu Meng's abnormality, and at the moment they were in a state of heaven and man at war.

"What else do you think, Chu Wei likes to save people so much, are they all gone, don't we leave the Spirit Rain Realm now and stay here to die?"

"We are weak, and we can't help Senior Sister Liu." The male disciple saw that they were silent and said hatefully.

Just as the other two were about to speak, an evil voice came from outside the cave.

"I seem to have heard you say Chu Wei."

Hearing this, the three of them looked towards the entrance of the cave in unison, and their hands involuntarily put on the sword on their waist, extremely vigilant.

Two lines of footsteps overlapped and echoed in the cave.

After a while, Cheng Yue slowly poked his head out to look at the four people, with a kind smile on his face.

Cheng Yue smiled and said, "It turns out that it is still the same door!" That's easy to do. Seeing

that the four people were wearing silver cloud-patterned robes like themselves, their tones were a little excited, as if they were really happy to see the same door.

The three looked surprised, but their vigilance did not let go.

It is not for nothing that the same door kills each other.

"Cheng... Senior Brother Cheng? "The female disciple has long known that there is a handsome genius in their sect, and she has also discussed it with the good sisters.

When Cheng Yue heard a woman calling herself, the smile on her face suddenly widened: "It's me."

"What are you so vigilant for, bring your hands up, if I want to kill you, do you have the ability to resist?"

Cheng Yue walked in front of them with his back hand, followed by a burly man, and then glanced at them and dropped his gaze to Liu Meng behind him.

"Is this an injury?"

Cheng Yue saw that Liu Meng was injured and hurriedly ran straight to her side, his face full of worry.

The three disciples were no longer vigilant after hearing Cheng Yue's words, after all, Cheng Yue's words made sense.

So much so that Cheng Yue wanted to get close to Liu Meng, and they all made way for Cheng Yue.

"I just have medicine here, you can quickly apply it to her." Cheng Yue saw that her injured part was her thigh, and her eyes flickered.

Then he took out a jade bottle and beckoned to the female disciple.

Hearing this, the female disciple quickly took the jade bottle and came to Liu Meng.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Cheng."

The jade bottle was taken, and Cheng Yue turned around and looked at the two male disciples.

The male disciple agreed and walked out of the cave with Cheng Yue.

Seeing this, the female disciple's favorability towards Cheng Yue soared.

"Much more reliable than Chu Wei."

After the two male disciples walked out of the cave, their faces were full of flattery.

"Senior Brother Cheng, thanks to you, otherwise Senior Sister Liu might not be able to go back."

"yes, if you hadn't shown up in time, we wouldn't have known what to do."

"Unlike Senior Sister Chu, seeing Senior Sister Liu like this, she actually found an excuse to escape, and now I don't know if she is alive or dead." The male disciple had some resentment on his face and complained to Cheng Yue.

Cheng Yue paused when he heard this, and the smile on his face suddenly faded.

"It's just a matter of saving people, I heard you say Chu Wei's name before I came over."

"I also want to ask you where Chu Wei is." Cheng Yue waved his hand.

Hearing this, the two men scratched their heads in embarrassment, only then remembering that it was Chu Wei who asked Cheng Yue when he came in.

"I'm sorry, Senior Brother Cheng, Senior Sister Chu went out last night to find herbs for Senior Sister Liu, and we don't know where it is now."

"Is Senior Brother Cheng looking for her for something? If you encounter it later, we can help. The male disciple asked stiffly.

When Cheng Yue heard this, a trace of displeasure flashed under his eyes.

He hates being asked why.

"Hehe, I have loved Chu Wei for a long time, and I want to use this trial to marry Chu Wei."

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