As the black mist continued to pour in, Chu Wei's body became more and more strange, soft and a little hot.

Looking at Cheng Yue's gradually approaching face, there was a little despair in his confused eyes.

I saw Cheng Yue smiling lewdly and said, "Of course I know that you saved me, otherwise I wouldn't have come to you specifically!"

"Seeing those two girls behind you, oh no, it's a woman now."

"I haven't touched them for you!"

Saying that, Cheng Yue's other hand slowly lifted Chu Wei's chin, wantonly admiring her confused expression full of lust.

Cheng Yue shook his head slightly, and a sighing sound came out of his mouth.


Chu Wei's brows furrowed, and it seemed that he didn't even have the strength to speak, and softly exhaled a blue breath, which blew on Cheng Yue's face.

Looking at the flushed beauty in front of him, Cheng Yue laughed heartily.

Then he suddenly hugged Chu Wei and sniffed the fragrance on her body.


Chu Wei exclaimed, but because of the black qi, it caused a lack of qi, but there was some gasp.

Hearing this coquettish sound, Cheng Yue, who was gnawing on Chu Wei's jade neck, had a feverish look in his eyes.

For Chu Wei's sake, he hadn't tasted fishy for three days!

Cheng Yue's hands hugged Chu Wei, his cheeks were tightly pressed, and he could clearly feel the heat coming out of the other party's mouth.

Chu Wei's silver teeth clenched, obviously her hands were not restrained, but she couldn't use a little strength.

She tried hard to control herself not to hold Cheng Yue's neck, and her heart was extremely sad.


I have obviously been helping others, why is this!

Daddy, mom! You said that good people are rewarded!

But where is my good reward!

"Nobody, don't resist, obey me."

"Come, help me!"

Cheng Yue said with a lewd smile, loosened Chu Wei, and began to untie his belt.

And Chu Wei suddenly trembled at this time, and her brain buzzed.

It seemed that some voice was guiding her.

Help him!

Help him!

This voice seemed to have some magical power, and Chu Wei's psychological defense instantly collapsed in half, and the previously locked brows finally stretched out at this time.

He needs help... I... I should help him....

"That's right." Cheng Yue looked at Chu Wei's gradually yielding expression with a satisfied expression, and was very satisfied.

Cheng Yue's lewd laughter instantly brought Chu Wei back to her senses like a devil's whisper.

Chu Wei was hesitant for a while, and fear and puzzlement appeared in her heart.

Help him?

Why help him?

He's going to destroy me!"

I don't want to help him! I don't want to help him!

Who are you!

Why do this to me!

I'm not going to help others anymore, can you let me go?

Is it okay to let me go!?

There are only a few people who think about doing good all their lives and are grateful to themselves.

Now in order to save people in the trial, he exchanged the points he planned to use for cultivation with healing pills, but after the pills ran out, this same door immediately changed his appearance.

What is his own kindness for!

Chu Wei kept wailing in her heart, and two lines of tears flowed from her confused eyes, Chu Chu was pitiful.

Help him! Help him! Help him!!

That voice seemed to feel Chu Wei's psychological changes, and his thoughts were even stronger, and he could even feel his anger.


"Don't! I don't want to help him! "

Let me go!" Chu Wei suddenly collapsed to the ground, holding her head in her hands and curled up into a ball.

Cheng Yue, who had just untied his clothes, was stunned when he saw this.

What's going on?

I don't remember this happening.

Between thoughts, a supreme power swept through this forest.


The power was too strong, and just a glance made the aura in the Ten Thousand Beast Forest shake.

In the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, Zhou Mu, Qingniu, and all the Spirit Abyss Realm cultivators were shocked.

Those cultivators and demon beasts under the Spirit Sea Realm had their brains blank at this moment, and a thought of surrender appeared in their hearts.

Immediately afterwards, I saw many monks kneeling to the ground with a bang.

The demon beasts, on the other hand, benefited from the beast seal, their eyebrows emitted a faint golden light, stayed in place, and did not kneel.

In an instant, the sky changed and the aura rioted.

The sky above the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts was originally a clear sky, but it was covered by clouds in the blink of an eye.

The clouds condensed, forming a vortex center that penetrated the heart above the cave where Chu Wei was.

Rolling thunder surged in the clouds, the momentum was huge, and the air covered the world.

The forces near the Ten Thousand Beast Forest looked in this direction in horror at this moment.

The holy lords of the four holy lands of the Southern Spirit Domain opened their eyes at the same time, their gaze piercing through the space, looking at this small forest in the suburbs.

"Oh? What the hell would make it all so angry. "

Interesting, huh."

Wuji Sword Pavilion, a bearded old man holding a fishing rod, sitting by the river, a fish basket beside him containing sword-shaped fish emitting golden light.

"Can you make this move, abandon the Heavenly Sect?"

"This movement is much more than stealing the law!"

At the Thousand Peaks Holy Gate, a burly man with a shirtless body stood on the top of the mountain, looking into the distance.

"Once ten years ago, now again."

"What's going to happen again?"

Hehuan Shengzong, a handsome man sits on the bed with one hand on his cheek, and behind him are three beautiful women with beautiful postures and incomparable charm.

"Gee, I haven't seen you so angry when I steal the rules, what are you for?"

"I didn't expect that after so many years, you still have so much spare power to manage here."

Ice Cloud Holy Palace, in an ice room, a sat on an ice bed, and a mysterious blue light flashed under her eyes, full of disdain.

In the forest of ten thousand beasts, the clouds spread across tens of thousands of miles, and the rolling thunder kept changing from the initial white, and finally turned into black thunder of the same color as the clouds.

The sky is thunderous, and the sound booms in all directions.

Cheng Yue in the cave trembled after feeling this breath, and his heart became afraid for no reason.

It's not that he hasn't seen heavenly thunder.

It's just that this time the thunder is too big.

And he didn't do anything!

How come this day thunder is above his head!

Looking at the black jade he threw, he suddenly had some bottom in his heart.

In an instant, a fierce wind blew in the forest of ten thousand beasts, and the thunder in the sky became brighter and brighter, and its power became more and more powerful.


I saw black thunder suddenly bloom and smashed straight above the cave.

In an instant, the top of the mountain collapsed, and the huge force flattened the surroundings, and the mountain rock collapsed, leaving only Cheng Yue and the others in the black aperture.

At this moment, the number of demon beast deaths in Zhou Mu instantly skyrocketed to eight thousand!

Zhou Mu's eyes were torn and he looked directly at the mighty heavenly power in the sky.

What's going on with this broken thing? How did it suddenly descend to the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest!

He also died a Spirit Sea Realm demon beast!

【Ding! It was detected that other forces were interfering with the demon beast trial, and the system was shielded...]

The system prompt sounded, and I saw that the clouds in the sky were visible and shrunk with the naked eye.

No matter how the thunder surged that day, the speed at which the clouds dissipated did not decrease in the slightest.

You can even see that the space above the sky dome is somewhat distorted.

But in the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts, I could no longer feel a bit of supreme power.

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