[Shielding is complete, please continue the demon beast trial.] The

system's dull prompt sounded, and the sky over the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest regained its previous clear sky.

Even the turbulent aura that had just fallen on the black heavenly thunder was calmed down.

If it weren't for the thousands of demon beast corpses still lying on the ground, the Ten Thousand Beast Forest at this moment didn't seem to have experienced that heavenly thunder at all.

The Heavenly Dao descended the heavenly thunder with great momentum, and was silently shielded by the system.

Seeing this, many strong people who set their eyes on this also became puzzled in their hearts.

Why did you come and go?

Is it already killed?

Anyone who can make this movement should not be killed by a heavenly thunder!

The four holy lords also had different faces.

However, they are now paying a little attention to this small place in the Southern Spirit Domain.

The aura of the heavenly thunder dissipated, and Zhou Mu began to check the area where the heavenly thunder landed.

After seeing the person in the picture, Zhou Mu's brows furrowed.

"Damn, it has something to do with you?"

Seeing Chu Wei, the son of the Heavenly Dao, in this area, Zhou Mu couldn't help but think of her Heavenly Dao power.

Coupled with this unbearable scene, Zhou Mu had already thought of what had happened before.

No wonder Heavenly Dao was angry, this person actually stretched out his hand to the Son of Heavenly Dao.

However, Zhou Mu's guess was wrong.

The power of Heaven's Dao did not want to kill Cheng Yue.

In the black light mask, Chu Wei trembled.

"Why kill me!"

"I just don't want to help him! I didn't do anything wrong!

"Why punish me!"

From the moment the clouds were overcast, a voice had been lingering in Chu Wei's ears.

Forced her to help the creatures of the Holy Spirit.

If she didn't do it, Heavenly Thunder would punish her.

That heavenly thunder shattered the mountain, and finally landed on this black light mask, which was offset by the light mask.

But the light mask was also damaged, which forced Cheng Yue to temporarily withdraw the black qi and use his strength to maintain the light mask.

As the system shielded the power of the Heavenly Dao from the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, Cheng Yue also maintained the light mask and was making the final finish.

And the voice that lingered in her ears also disappeared from Chu Wei's ears.

At this moment, Chu Wei felt that her heart was unprecedentedly peaceful.

"I don't have to help him now." Chu Wei said carefully.

After feeling that there was no such sound, she stood up trembling and looked at Cheng Yue with a look of disgust.

Not good at fighting, she knew that she was not Cheng Yue's opponent, and she immediately took this opportunity to leave.

Cheng Yue looked at the sky with a shocked face, and had not yet recovered from the Tianwei just now.

After he passed his senses, he laughed shamefully: "Heavenly thunder is just like this, isn't it still not broken the shield."

With that, he withdrew the hand that maintained the shield and turned to look at Chu Wei.

He was about to start, but let this thunder interrupt, and now he is on fire!

As a result, he turned his head and saw Chu Wei running.

Cheng Yue gritted his teeth angrily, both of them are Lingchuan realms, the speed is not much different, Chu Wei wants to run, he also has to take some time to catch up.

"Hey, Chu Wei, are you sure you want to go?"

"If you leave, I will give one copy of this thing to the male disciples in the sect."

"At that time, the sect will no longer have a place for you."

Cheng Yue was holding a shadow stone in his hand, and the spiritual energy was pouring into the shadow stone.

Chu Wei subconsciously turned back when she heard this.

As a result, the picture in the shadow stone just appeared, Chu Wei's eyes widened, and her eyes were full of dazed and puzzled.

In the picture, "Chu Wei" is lying on the ground, her eyes are scratching her head in front of the two male disciples, and there are only a few pieces of fabric covering several parts on her body.

Chu Wei could see at a glance that the person in the picture was not her.

"That's not me!" Chu Wei slowly stopped in her steps and frowned at Cheng Yue.

When Cheng Yue heard this, he seemed to have heard some joke and laughed.

"It's really not you."

"But it's enough for someone to believe it's you!"

Cheng Yue's face was full of defiance and arrogance.

Hearing this, Chu Wei's face changed, and her silver teeth clenched.

At this moment, her head is very clear, and she does not have the previous brainless impulse to save people.

In just a few moments, she recalled the style of the sect disciples.

Although she has helped most people before, there are still people who do not like her, and if this thing falls into their hands, they will definitely be vilified.

What to do.

"Chu Wei, you don't seem to have any other choice now than to go with me."

Cheng Yue played with the photo stone in his hand, admired the carcass of the woman inside, and said with a playful smile.

As he spoke, endless black qi gushed out behind him.

These black qi were like big hands, quickly reaching towards Chu Wei.

Seeing this, Chu Wei hurriedly retreated, and glanced up inadvertently, just in time to see Cheng Yue's smile like a trick.

"Have you forgotten that we are two people?"

A rough voice came from behind Chu Wei.

This voice was none other than the burly man.

Before Chu Wei could react, the burly man smashed his fist into Chu Wei's back.

With a punch, Chu Wei snorted in pain, and the whole person flew out upside down and flew straight to the big black qi hand stretched out.

The smile on Cheng Yue's face became wider and wider, and he couldn't wait to take Chu Wei away.

Just when he thought he had the victory in hand, a sudden change occurred.

Only listen to a wolf howl in the distance.

Then a blue figure rushed out of the jungle thousands of meters away.

In an instant, a fierce wind swept around.

The invisible hurricane was attached to the little wolf's aura and turned blue-white.

The aura shook, and the furious hurricane was harnessed by the little wolf.

The figures flickered one after another, fast as lightning.

Every stay in one place leaves a small hurricane in place.

I saw the spiritual energy condensed in the mouth of the little wolf, and the hurricanes around him instantly formed wind blades, which burst out one after another with the little wolf's thoughts.

As the little wolf continued to run wildly, a pale phantom appeared on it again, and its speed increased again.

The blade of the wind in the sky rushed straight at Cheng Yue and the burly man.

"Where did the mad dog come from!"

Cheng Yue roared angrily, and the black qi behind him immediately dispersed a part to resist the wind blade.

And the black gas that was originally going to catch Chu Wei slowed down due to insufficient supply.

The little wolf seized the opportunity and divided a few wind blades to directly slash at the black qi big hand.

Then a flash came to Chu Wei.

In an instant, the endless wind once again condensed around the little wolf.

Then the fierce wind stirred, involving Chu Wei.

The little wolf didn't even look at them, and ran away with Chu Wei, who was stunned by the roll.

A wolf disappeared into the jungle in the blink of an eye, without a trace.

The little wolf who ran for a while seemed to feel that this was not good for Chu Wei, so he dispersed the wind and humped the dizzy Chu Wei on his body.


Cheng Yue scolded angrily, his face fierce.

The duck that was about to reach the mouth actually flew!

"Chu Wei, you're finished!"

With that, Cheng Yue came to the burly man's side.

Looking at the several scars on his body that were scratched by the wind blade, his eyes narrowed.

Then he threw the photo stone to the burly man.

"Here you go, this woman you can watch and play."

The burly man took the photo stone with a confused look.

After raising his head, he found that Cheng Yue had long disappeared.

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