As the two broke more and more trees, they also noticed that something was wrong.

Why do these dryads only block the way and can't attack?

It's not as good as the previous batch, but they will stick out vines and whip.

And those small animals are also in vain, croaking their teeth as if they are really fierce, but they have never bitten them.

Cat Linger also noticed their abnormal expressions and sighed hatefully.

Then the pupil bursts red again.

Red Pupil Illusion, come!

This time, there was no discomfort between the two.

However, the two turned to face each other and were immediately startled.

I saw that the other party had become an upright walking orc in his eyes, the head of the beast was a person, and there was a pile of hair on his body.

And the head of the beast is also extremely ugly, like a catfish, with a big mouth and small eyes, and two beards around its mouth.

However, this time the two were not as flustered as before.

After all, he was still a companion just now, and in a blink of an eye, he became a strange species, and it was difficult not to wonder if he had fallen into the fantasy realm.

After all, there are many people who use this kind of thing.

But there are only a few who are as real as today, and if it weren't for the strange creatures conjured, they really wouldn't have found it.

The two looked at each other, decisively bit the tip of their tongues, and the smell of blood covered their mouths and noses in an instant, and the illusion in their eyes disappeared.

The two spit out the blood in their mouths and grinned, "If you don't know the illusion, don't throw your cat here." The

two looked up and laughed at Mao Linger, not remembering standing in place and swinging their swords into the air just now.

Cat Linger was surprised when she saw this.

What's going on? How did you react so quickly?

Could it be that the orcs I made are not realistic enough?

Impossible! The ones I know best are orcs!

Just when Cat Ling'er was helpless and doubting his level of illusion, Zhou Mu's voice entered his mind.

"There are no orcs in the Southern Spirit Domain."

"These people may have never been out of this place in their entire lives, and their knowledge is limited, and they think that your orcs are fake."

Just now, Zhou Mu inquired about the information through the system, and once again increased his knowledge.

It turns out that the species of orcs exists in the Northern Spirit Domain!

No wonder Cat Ling'er uses orcs in the fantasy realm.

It turns out that the most familiar person I have come into contact with before is the orc!

Hehe, I don't know if there is a beast-eared lady in the Northern Spirit Domain.

If it's all like the big catfish that Cat Linger conjured, then forget it!

"The system only said that there were orcs, and did not say whether there were beast-eared women, and you had to ask Cat Linger when you had time."

Zhou Mu held his chin and his eyes flickered.

Cat Linger also suddenly realized after hearing Zhou Mu's reminder.

Immediately, he also thought that he had never known about the Southern Spirit Domain before.

"So it is!"

Cat Ling'er lowered her head and muttered, not caring at all about the two Lingchuan Realm cultivators who were about to rush up.

It has already achieved its purpose of sharpening.

At least knowing that using the Orc Illusion Realm in the Southern Spirit Domain would not work.

With this small progress, it is not in vain to fight this one.

"Stupid cat! Got you! The man's eyes were grim, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, his feet were on the trunk of the tree, and he jumped up in two or three steps.

Then he stretched out a big hand and grabbed the cat Linger directly.


At this time, there was a roar around him, and the sound boomed for several miles.

Hearing the sound, the faces of the two changed drastically.

Lingchuan Realm!


The monk who was about to grab Cat Ling'er quickly stopped his hand, jumped up sharply through the trunk, and shuttled through the tree.

As for the monk who was still on the ground.

It's all this time, who cares about him!

Ask for your own blessings!

In an instant, six Lingchuan Realm demon beasts suddenly burst out, and two flying demon beasts shuttled through the jungle, directly taking the fleeing cultivator.

The rest of the demon beasts tore the cultivator to pieces that he didn't have time to escape.

Not long after, the two flying demon beasts returned with mouthfuls full of blood.

They glanced at each other, and then regardless of whether the cat Linger wanted it or not, they took it and left.

By this time the sun had set and night had fallen.

Zhou Mu, who had not rested for three days, was now lying in bed.

Before he was either standing or sitting, it almost made him unbearable to death.

This time he's going to lie down!

Despite this, he did not sleep, his eyes still fixed on the screen of the system.

After watching the battle of Cat Linger, I couldn't help but think.

"Cat Ling'er is not suitable for fighting, this illusion is better to assist."

"Try to avoid it going head-on in the future."

Saying that, Zhou Mu looked at the number of demon beast deaths counted by the system.


If it weren't for today's Heaven-Breaking Dao suddenly going crazy and descending the heavenly thunder, and slashing him to death more than 6,000 demon beasts at once, he would not have been able to break 6,000 demon beasts in the past five days!

"Hey, kill my demon beast?"

"I have killed all people, I don't know what kind of creature you are in this Heavenly Dao."

For some reason, Zhou Mu looked at the unexpected performance of the demon beasts in the past few days, and his confidence in them was also doubled.

Plus Zhou Li's mysterious identity.

He always felt that he shouldn't just raise these monsters.

"By the way, we have to collect those corpses into the Ten Thousand Beast Tomb."

The system only shielded the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, and the bloodline pool and Ten Thousand Beast Tomb surrounding the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain were still there.

However, since these things can only be seen by creatures with beast seals, those humans have never found them.

Zhou Mu suddenly thought of this, and then selected five hundred from the remaining two thousand Lingchuan Realm demon beasts and asked them to quietly send the demon beast corpses into the Ten Thousand Beast Tomb.

In this way, the power of the guardian soul is increased, and the spiritual growth rate of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest is increased.

On this night, the sudden appearance of five hundred Lingchuan Realm demon beasts made this group of trial disciples dare not go out at will.

They witnessed the death of their fellow doormates and tried to give up many times, but no one came to answer them.

There is no way, they have given up dividing the territory, and the goal is to survive.

The five Spirit Sea Realm cultivators who were stared at by Chen Ruoxi went out, and the rest of the Spirit Sea Realm cultivators were stared at by the Spirit Sea Realm demon beasts hidden by Zhou Mu.

As long as they leave, these monster beasts will attack them.

And that group of half-hanging Spirit Sea Realm cultivators adhered to the principle that dead disciples did not die themselves, and after fighting with the demon beast twice, they decided to shrink and not go out.

Although they were shocked by the strength of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest, it was now to no avail.

They have already contacted each other with transmission notes, and each of them has a Spirit Sea Realm demon beast by their side, and their strength is not bad.

And the five people who went to confront the Beast King before had been crippled and pressed to the ground by the Beast King at this time.

Even the notes can't be played.

This is not the most desperate, the most desperate thing is that they can't contact the sect's Spirit Abyss Realm elders!

Listening to the roars of beasts in the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts, this group of Spirit Sea Realm cultivators leaned against the tree with their eyes blank.

They understand more, so they also feel despair.

Unlike that group of disciples, they just thought that they didn't want to save them, and felt that they just wanted to stay up until the end of the trial.

And they saw the hidden crisis under the forest of ten thousand beasts.

Feeling the aura of the Spirit Sea Realm demon beast not far away, they couldn't help sighing: "Can you survive?" "

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