The stars and the moon are subtle, and the moon is hidden and the sun rises.

In the blink of an eye, the night passed.

The trial came to the fourth day.

Perhaps it was through yesterday's deterrence of the power of the Heavenly Dao, which caused this night to be extremely quiet for both demon beasts and humans.

Zhou Mu was also happy to see this situation, at least not so many demon beasts died.

The sun was warm and shone on Zhou Mu's face through the window.

Zhou Mu stretched out and got up and walked out of the house.

Now there are only Qingniu and Zhou Mu on the top of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

Without the little beasts running and playing stupidly in the yard, the green bull was very leisurely, lying there all the time sleeping.

Zhou Mu, on the other hand, kept staring at the picture, ready to control the demon beasts in time.

Of course, this was due to the fact that he had just come into contact with the sect trial three days ago, and Zhou Mu had to spend time getting to know these sect disciples and arrange demon beasts.

Now the demon beast arrangement is almost the same, and the disciples of the sect are also dead and injured, and there are few iron-headed guys who cause trouble.

Several elders of the Spirit Abyss Realm could not pose a threat in the first place, and although Chen Ruoxi Zhou Mu was not too at ease with her, he couldn't help it.

After all, except for the green bull, there are no other Xuanling Realm demon beasts in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest.

He could only trust this subordinate of Zhou Li.

And so far, everything Chen Ruoxi has done has not caused harm to the Ten Thousand Beast Forest.

This made Zhou Mu relax all of a sudden.

Only then did he remember that he had been too busy these days and forgot to cultivate.

If it weren't for the beast soul fused by ten thousand beast techniques that would swallow and operate the spiritual energy all the time, then Zhou Mu would really be completely deserted in the past three days.

"It is worthy of the secret of ten thousand beasts."

Zhou Muxiao praised, and then ran the ten thousand beast techniques, summoned the beast soul starry sky, and looked at this group of stars with a pleased face.

After a while, thunder flashed in Zhou Mu's hand.

I saw that the purple thunder was constantly jumping in Zhou Mu's hands, sometimes forming a ball, and sometimes lingering around Zhou Mu.

Today's Zhou Mu can be described as handy in controlling the robbery thunder.

And the thunder robbery also became stronger and stronger with the degree of control of Zhou Mu.

He played with the thunderball while looking at the picture of the system.

The screen is randomly screened, showing the breaking horse.

Zhou Mu raised his eyebrows, and immediately switched the screen.

Just because Zhou Mu was very relieved about it.

After all, the Heaven-Breaking Horse is a divine beast.

Relying on the potential of the divine beast, its cultivation can be described as advancing by leaps and bounds.

It only took more than twenty days to go from the Spiritual Qi Realm to the peak of the Spirit River Realm.

Among these small beasts, its strength is also the strongest.

However, its flaws, like other monsters, lack of actual combat experience.

But this divine beast was a little outrageous, and since the day the system teleported them out, the Heaven-Breaking Horse had not encountered any danger.

Not only that, he also relied on the breath of divine beasts to subdue a group of younger brothers in the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts.

You don't have to fight in person at all!

In this regard, Zhou Mu's evaluation of it is "promising".

But that doesn't compensate for its shortcomings.

You know, in this world, only you can rely on yourself, and your own strength is truly strong.

At this moment, seeing the Broken Heavenly Horse again, Zhou Mu still couldn't resist transmitting a message to it.

"The trial is not for you to find a little brother to enjoy, hurry up and fight! Find me your own flaws by fighting!

"When this trial is over, I will review what you have learned in this trial!"

The first sentence was for the Heaven-Breaking Horse, while the latter sentence was for the rest of the small beasts.

As for the other demon beasts, Zhou Mu didn't have to worry about it at all.

Although the beast seal made them a little more harmonious.

But the laws of nature and the influence of biological chains cannot make them really a family of love.

Usually when there are no foreign enemies, they will still fight and kill, and they will also hunt for some reason.

So bestiality.

However, there were fewer casualties.

It is precisely because of this that they have sufficient combat experience, and at this time, the group of small beasts that have been on the top of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain all day are not comparable.

At this time, in the middle of a pile of demon beasts lay a pony with long scales.

It eats the food sent by the little brothers comfortably, and it is very happy.

At this time, Zhou Mu's voice sounded in its mind, which made it tremble with fright, and the spirit fruit that was bitten into its mouth all fell.

The younger brothers looked at the broken heavenly horse with a puzzled expression, they thought that this spirit fruit had a bad taste, which made the boss angry.

I saw the little brothers flustered for a while, and a low roar was everywhere.

There was also a demon beast that stomped its foot in a hurry, because the spirit fruit that fell on the ground was taken by it, and now the boss doesn't like that spirit fruit, doesn't he like me either!

Just as it was about to step forward, the Heaven-Breaking Horse suddenly stood up and looked at the noisy demon beast with a serious expression.

The heaven-breaking horse raised the sky and roared, and the surroundings fell silent.

"Find me where there are humans, I want to fight!"

The meaning of breaking the sky horse was quickly transmitted to the demon beasts present, and the demon beasts immediately scattered, looking for human traces.

The Heaven-breaking Horse did not stand in place stupidly and waited, it took a few demon beasts to look in one direction.

Along the way, Tianju was extremely irritable.

Two days ago, humans took the initiative to come to the door to find fault, how come today I walked so far and I couldn't even see a human being!

At the same time, the rest of the demon beasts who heard Zhou Mu's voice also walked out of these comfortable demon beast gathering places one after another.

Bid farewell to this gathering place of demon beasts protected by several Lingchuan Realms, and embarked on the road of battle.

Even the weakest chicks walked out with their heads held high and followed Eggman.

It's about to have an exciting battle with humans!

At this moment, there were a few more demon beasts looking for humans in the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts.

Zhou Mu looked at this scene with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Now these sect disciples are all huddles, find one is find a bunch of them, can you handle it?"

When the words fell, several Lingchuan Realm demon beasts in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest began to move towards these small beasts, lurking nearby to ensure safety.

But the Heaven-Breaking Horse has no demon beast protection.

Now it can be said to be the first beast of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest Lingchuan Realm.

Zhou Mu even felt that it could fight with the Spirit Sea Realm.

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu transmitted a message to a Spirit Sea Realm demon beast, asking it to force the Spirit Sea Realm human cultivator it was guarding to the vicinity of the Heaven-breaking Horse.

"The Lingchuan Realm doesn't mean much to you anymore."

"Let's hit the Spirit Sea Realm directly, it just so happens that this group of Spirit Sea Realm cultivators is a little idle."

Zhou Mu looked at the extremely vigorous Heaven-breaking Ju in the picture, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

And the group of sect disciples who had just huddled were doubly confident at this time.

After joining forces to repel several waves of demon beasts, he felt that he could do it again.

Immediately afterwards, because someone fished in troubled waters, there was a gap between the large groups that had just been formed.

The little beasts are also very smart, and when they see these large groups of humans, they directly turn around and leave.

On the contrary, breaking the sky is not an ordinary path.

Seeing those groups of dozens of people is like chicken blood.

I don't know if it's confidence in my own strength, or I don't put this group of humans in my eyes.

At this time, the Skybreaker finally encountered the first wave of enemies.

A group of thirty-five.

There are five Lingchuan Realms in this group.

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