The red snake straightened up, its two small front paws hanging in the air.

As if trying his paws, it also used its paws to grip back and forth.

It always seems strange.

The red snake looked up at the top of the mountain and saw Zhou Mu and the Spirit Fox King, and excitedly cried out.

This time, its sound is no longer "hissing".

It is a roar that shocks the beasts.

There is also some dragon power.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu and the Spirit Fox King laughed heartily.

The red snake went up the ladder again.

I thought there would be gains, but I stood there for a long time, and I didn't feel the slightest understanding.

On the next step, the same is the case.

"Come up." Zhou Mu said loudly to the red snake.

Today's red snake, the stone steps have stimulated all the potential it can stimulate.

There is no point in going any further.

Hearing this, the red snake stretched out its two paws, pulling the stone steps while swaying vigorously with its tail.

The speed was fast, and it didn't take long to come to Zhou Mu.

Seeing the crawling posture of the red snake, Zhou Mu did not react for a while.

After returning to his senses, he remembered that dragons could not fly.

Looking at this guy who was nearly five meters in front of him.

Zhou Mu did not check its details.

Red Flame Jiao.

It's about fire!

Jiao can turn into a dragon!

The Flame Fire Dragon bloodline that had never found a suitable beast choice might choose it.

It's never too late to read the information then.

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu's eyes flickered.

The red snake lowered its head and hung down in front of Zhou Mu's chest.

Zhou Mu reached out and touched its head, feeling the hard scales.

Zhou Mu smiled and waved his big hand.

The Bloodline Pool platform suspended near the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain extended a suspended stone road and paved to the top of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

The two beasts looked at Zhou Mu's means in surprise.

Without waiting for them to think more, Zhou Mu first said to the Spirit Fox King: "This time I summoned you here, mainly because there is a nine-tailed spirit fox bloodline in the bloodline pool, this bloodline may be suitable for you, and you will enter the bloodline pool in a while."

"Chance, it's all up to your own creation."

Then Zhou Mu said to the red snake again: "You little guy I didn't expect to be able to awaken the bloodline of the Red Flame Jiao." "

There is also a bloodline in the bloodline pool that suits you, and if you are lucky, you may be able to turn into a dragon."

Zhou Mu's words echoed in its ears like a bell that had been rung.

Nine-tailed spirit fox!

The legendary species of the fox tribe really exists!

Moreover, I actually had a chance to get it!

This is also too....

At this moment, the Spirit Fox King felt the mood of the five beast kings of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest.

It is no longer possible to describe its loyalty to Zhou Mu with full blood.

The Spirit Fox King had been sluggish in the eyes of the four-tailed Spirit Fox, and had not heard the dragon transformation that Zhou Mu said.

And the red snake has just been born for more than a month, and the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest has never gone out.

It is even more impossible to know what it means to be a dragon.

"Will it get stronger?" The red snake let out a low roar and asked Zhou Mu.

Zhou Mu smiled and stroked his hand on its head: "Yes, it will become very strong."

Zhou Mu actually wanted to say, "Maybe in the future, the Ten Thousand Beast Forest will still need you to protect it." "

But thinking that the red snake may not be favored by the bloodline pool, and it will not be able to accept the bloodline of the Flame Dragon.

So I didn't talk too much.

Despite this, the light in the eyes of the red snake did not decrease by half a point.

Seeing the two beasts like this, Zhou Mu sighed in his heart.

"If you can get to the point of being able to say something else, don't think about it first!"

Zhou Mu coughed lightly: "Go quickly."

"If the progress is faster, maybe you can still fight a few cultivators in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest."

Hearing this, the two beasts raised into the sky and roared.

Excitedly, he rushed to the levitation path and rushed into the bloodline pool portal.

The two beasts looked red.

When the sight was restored, a huge pool of blood was in sight.

And they are in the middle of the blood pool.

At this time, the blood pool could be overflowed over the ankle of the Spirit Fox King.

They looked around blankly, a little puzzled.

Where is the bloodline?

Isn't this pool just ordinary blood?

At this time, the water level of the blood pool slowly rose.

In the blink of an eye, it spread over the necks of the two beasts.

And as the water level rose, faint power fluctuations also emerged from the blood pool.

The Spirit Fox King looked at the pool of blood that was about to flood his eyes in surprise.

Countless light clusters faintly appeared in the pool of blood.

There is the bloodline of alien beasts, and there is the bloodline of spirit beasts.

But I can't feel the breath of immortal beasts.

"Could it be that the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox is a spirit beast?"

Thinking of this, the Spirit Fox King began to wander in the blood pool, looking for the bloodline light mass that attracted him.

The red snake was also anxiously looking around, but could not find the light mass that satisfied him.

"What to do? Am I going to live up to the owner's expectations? As

the water level of the blood pool continued to rise, the two demon beasts in the blood pool also felt the pressure on their bodies increasing.

There has even been a situation where flesh and blood have been crushed.


As the water level reaches a certain position, three photophores appear on that water level.

Exudes trepidation.

Immortal Beast Bloodline!

The Spirit Fox King supported his broken body and swam upwards with all his might.

Just because one of those three bloodlines seemed to be summoning it.

The closer you get to the top, the greater the pressure around you.

The Spirit Fox King no longer had a complete piece of flesh and blood on his body.

If it weren't for the bones still there, it wouldn't be able to go upstream.

Just thought of this, just listen to the "click".

The bones of the Spirit Fox King were broken, and severe pain instantly infected the brain.

It opened its mouth wide, its body fell slowly, and its eyes were full of unwillingness.

The red snake has been following behind the Spirit Fox King, watching its flesh and blood blur, but unable to do anything.

The Spirit Fox King fell from the red snake and said angrily, "Continue upstream!"

"The strongest bloodline is at the top."

It's a pity, I can't get it.

The red snake glanced at it and hesitated in place.

It has already hurt so badly, if it is not sent out in time, it will be dangerous, right?

And I also obviously feel the pressure increasing.

Do I want strength, or do I save it?

A moment later, a trace of determination flashed in the red snake's eyes.

The upward head was instantly lowered, and after spinning in place, he quickly swam towards the Spirit Fox King.

And the moment the red snake turned around, a certain immortal beast brilliance also rushed down.

At the same time, the blood pool rose, revealing two light masses that exuded the coercion of the divine beast.


Huge waves surged in the pool of blood, and the pressure multiplied.

Rao is a falling red snake, and its body is shattered.

The Spirit Fox King was exhausted and couldn't even open his eyelids.

The body continued to sink, and a huge pressure suddenly appeared to hit it hard again.

"Am I going to die?"

"What a waste!"

"The Spirit Sea Realm is not even as good as a little doll in the Spirit Sea Realm."

At this time, in a hazy perception, it felt a pair of paws holding it up.

It's pushing it forward.

Before it could react, a bright light suddenly appeared.

Rao is that it feels dazzling even when it is closed.

In a trance, it saw a fox with nine tails.

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