The red snake used its small claws to support the broken body of the Spirit Fox King, and was trying to push towards the portal at the entrance.

Feeling the powerful bloodline coercion behind him, the longing under the red snake's eyes was fleeting.

It gritted its teeth and struggled to push the Spirit Fox King.

Since there is a first chance, there must be a second time!

Even if there is no chance, the bloodline is very strong now.

Compared to exploring the ethereal dragon, saving the Spirit Fox King is the most important thing.

The owner definitely doesn't want the Spirit Fox King to die here!

The red snake's eyes flowed, and the huge pressure exploded its flesh and blood.

But after the blood flows out of the body, it merges with the blood pool.

The blood pool quietly purifies and copies those bloods.

Then a new bloodline was reconstituted.

At this point, there is one more Red Flame Jiao bloodline and one more Spirit Fox bloodline in the bloodline pool.

At this time, a blinding light came from behind the red snake.

Along with this, there was overwhelming immortal beast coercion.

The red snake was horrified, not understanding what was going to happen.

Faintly, nine tail-shaped shadows shrouded it.

It turned its head in horror and saw only a glowing blood ball.

It was also at this time that the blood cell reappeared like the nine tails, separated into nine pillars of qi and blood, and meandered in the blood pool.

"What's going on?" The red snake looked at the scene in surprise.

Although the bloodline coercion is still there, there is no hostility in these pillars of qi and blood that come directly to the Spirit Fox King.

The red snake was stunned in place, and a column of qi and blood passed by it, as if it felt that it was a little in the way, and suddenly pulled it and pushed the red snake aside.

Then the pillar of qi and blood rushed straight towards the Spirit Fox King.

The red snake was a little dazed for a while.

But seeing that the body of the Spirit Fox King was slowly repairing with the influx of qi and blood pillars, the red snake relaxed his heart.

"This is the fusion bloodline." Feeling that part of the breath of the bloodline of the immortal beast was gradually appearing on the Spirit Fox King, the red snake whispered enviously.

Since the Spirit Fox King was almost crushed all over his body before, the pain was already a little numb for it now.

Therefore, it does not feel much pain when receiving the bloodline fusion.

Instead, I feel the comfort of my body being repaired little by little, and the joy of my breath constantly rising.

Seeing this, the red snake no longer worried, it found a place with the least pressure at the bottom, and slowly recovered from its injuries.

From time to time, it looks up at the top two blood balls.

"Hualong Hua Long, are you guys?" The red snake muttered softly.

When it lowered its head again and recovered, one of the two blood cells flashed.

I don't know how long it took, the blood ball that fused with the Spirit Fox King had all been integrated into its body.

The Spirit Fox King opened his eyes, and there was a faint golden light flowing in his eyes.

And behind it, three tails quietly grow.

There are also faint forks on these three tails.

The Spirit Fox King stretched his tail in front of his eyes, his eyes full of surprise.

"It's really the nine-tailed spirit fox."

"But it seems that because of strength, there are only three tails now."

Thinking of this, the Spirit Fox King couldn't help but look forward to the future.

It looked around, looking for the red snake.

It knew that the little claw was a red snake, and if it weren't for the red snake pushing it away and getting out of the huge pressure in time, it would have fallen long ago, let alone been selected by the bloodline of the nine-tailed spirit fox.

Looking around, it saw the red snake lying on its stomach at the bottom.

At this time, the red snake also sensed that the Spirit Fox King was awake and was looking at it.

"Thank you." Spirit Fox King Road.

Hearing this, the red snake smiled: "It's good if you're okay." "

I don't want to see any more beasts die in front of me.

The second half of the sentence red snake silently recited in his heart, and his eyes flickered.

When it looked up at the Spirit Fox King, its eyes still couldn't stop glancing at the bloodlines of the two divine beasts.

The Spirit Fox King noticed its gaze, and also looked up at the two bloodlines and said, "Want to fight?" The

red snake nodded slightly, and its lying body straightened, and its head resembling a dragon's head was raised towards the two bloodlines.

"I'll help you." The Spirit Fox King smiled quietly.

Saying that, the three tails behind him suddenly stretched out and burst out.

A furry tail rolled up the red snake and jerked it upwards.

The other two tails were guarding on the left and right, trying their best to resist the pressure of the blood pool.

The tail carries the red snake all the way up.

A moment later, the tail had extended a hundred meters, and it came to the spirit beast bloodline area with the red snake.

And as the pressure increased, the two tails of the guards on both sides gradually cracked, and they were covered in blood.

The Spirit Fox King's brows furrowed slightly, but the movements on his tail did not pause at all.

The red snake looked at the three big tails in disbelief, his eyes were full of emotion, and then a resolute color appeared on his face.

And as the tail reached the location of the bloodline of the immortal beast, the two tails that had been bruised all the way were finally overwhelmed.

Fortunately, the Spirit Fox King quickly took it back and avoided secondary trauma.

As the tail that resisted the pressure suddenly disappeared, the red snake that was wrapped up in the tail sank in his heart.

Then I felt as if I was carrying several mountains, and I was extremely heavy.

And the foxtail on its body also rose a few meters further and instantly cracked.

"Let go, I'll do the rest myself."

The red snake's eyes were shining, and he was not afraid in the face of that mountain-like coercion, and there was only expectation in his eyes.

The Spirit Fox King clenched his silver teeth, and then his tail flicked suddenly, throwing the red snake up several meters away.

Then quickly retract the tail.

At this time, the tail that the Spirit Fox King had just grown became bloody and blurry again, and the fur on it was piece by piece.

It didn't care too much about its tail, because the bloodline of the immortal beast was very strong, and it wouldn't be long before these injuries should automatically recover.

It looked at the red snake in the sky with a worried expression.

At this time, the red snake only swam a few meters, and its entire body had already collapsed.

It stubbornly advanced towards a certain light mass, ignoring its injuries.

The scales on the body fell off piece by piece.

The red snake was also getting closer and closer to the light mass.

Faintly, it heard a call.

"Come on, touch me!"

The voice is old and distant, like the morning bell of the twilight drum, which makes the red snake's consciousness clearer.

Seeing that there were only ten meters left from the light mass, the red snake suddenly roared.

Then his body swayed violently, and with the last of his strength, he suddenly rushed towards the blood ball.


The body of the red snake was crushed, and at this moment it could no longer feel the existence of the body.

Now it has only one head left, rushing towards the blood cell with obsession.

The body of the red snake floated freely behind it like waste paper, and its head gradually approached the light mass.

On the ground, the light in the eyes of the red snake was about to dissipate.

And its sharp angle is only a centimeter away from the photophore.

"It's over!"

The red snake said in his heart, and then his consciousness gradually dissipated.

The body stays here for a short time, and then it will fall down.

At this time, a sigh came from nowhere, shaking the blood pool.

Then that brilliance actually moved forward by a centimeter and touched the sharp horn of the red snake.

In an instant, a crimson dragon shadow flew out from the bloodline.

The dragon shadow seemed to have an invisible fire on it, and it wandered in a circle in the bloodline pool.

Stirring the blood pool, the waves surged, and the crimson flame burned in the blood pool, covering the entire upper end of the blood pool.

The mighty and domineering dragon shadow constantly wandered at the upper end, seemingly releasing his suppressed emotions.

At the same time, that cluster of brilliance did not forget to fuse with the red snake.

I saw that Guanghua stretched out several pillars of qi and blood, injecting his own bloodline into the red snake little by little.

The sound of the dragon's groan could be faintly heard on the pillar of qi and blood.

The Spirit Fox King below looked at this scene blankly.

Originally, they thought that the red snake was going to die, but they didn't expect that this bloodline actually moved twice by itself.

Is this a two-way street?

Really touched fox!

Oh! My bloodline also goes both ways!


Seeing that the bloodline was gradually fusing into the body of the red snake, the Spirit Fox King was no longer worried about it.

According to his own experience, after the bloodline is fused, the red snake cannot die.

It raised its eyes to look above the blood pool, feeling the majestic momentum and mighty dragon shadow, and an inexplicable awe rose in its heart.

"It's too strong." The Spirit Fox King muttered.

At this time, the red snake's scattered gaze gradually recovered.

The broken body also gradually regained consciousness.

The red snake felt his changes in surprise, and then saw a mighty dragon shadow circling around him.

The red snake stretched out its small claws and grabbed the invisible flame in the pool of blood.

In an instant, the flames seemed to obey its orders, and instantly fell on its claws.

It's a wonderful feeling, as if it can command all fires.

But before it could rejoice for a while, severe pain came from its body.

Dragon's blood is about to transform its body!

I saw that the single sharp horn on the top of its head had fallen off at some point, replaced by two immature soft horns.

Originally, there were only two claws under the two bodies, but now two more claws have grown.

Long dragon whiskers grew on the side of the mouth, and the scales throughout the body were hard and shiny.

On the ground, the Flame Dragon bloodline fusion was completed.

The red snake let out a long roar.

In an instant, except for the bloody unicorn bloodline, the rest of the bloodlines instantly retreated.

Immediately afterwards, the mighty dragon shadow also gradually shrunk, becoming as big as the body of the red snake and gradually fused in.

The dragon shadow disappeared, and the aura of the red snake skyrocketed.

Xiu Wei was like riding a rocket, and he actually came directly from the early stage of the Lingchuan Realm to the peak of the Lingchuan Realm.

And because of the suppression of the bloodline pool, the spiritual energy around the red snake was boiling, and it seemed that it wanted to break through.

The red snake's eyes were wide and majestic.

The joy deep under the eyes could not be suppressed.

It slowly came to the Spirit Fox King and glanced at it with a gentle expression.

The Spirit Fox King was originally happy for it, but this sudden gentleness suddenly made its scalp tingle.

I don't know why, I always feel that something is wrong.

Finally, the two beasts walked out of the portal together.

Zhou Mu was waiting outside the portal at this time, and when he saw the two beasts coming out, he yawned.

Then he looked at it, and his face was even more joyful.

The bloodline of the divine beast is finally useful!

Looking at the red snake's now mighty figure, open eyes, and the most representative dragon horn.

Zhou Mu's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Is this the legendary dragon?" Zhou Mu whispered, pretending to calmly walk around the red snake.

Also knocked on its crimson dragon scales.

"Can it fly?" Zhou Mu suddenly asked.

The huge body of the red snake fell slightly, and its head was lowered, as if to let Zhou Mu go up.

However, seeing that the dragon horn had not yet grown, Zhou Mu gave up.

"If you can fly, I'll take a look."

When the words fell, the red snake suddenly stepped forward two steps, and then its winding body shook at will, and its entire body soared into the air.

The red snake soared into the sky.

"System! Hurry up and shield the breath! When

the words fell, the red snake roared, and the dragon's groan spread throughout the forest of ten thousand beasts.

Many demon beasts actually bowed their heads and surrendered.

And the other demon beasts if they were not assisted by the beast seal, they would now bow their heads and surrender.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Mu sighed in his heart: "It is worthy of a dragon!" The

crimson red snake hovered in the sky, and many cultivators who were not yet dead saw this scene.

They were terrified, briefly lost their concentration, and then instantly engulfed by the demon beast.

The five beast kings stood on the solid ice platform, looking at the red divine dragon in the sky, and their eyes couldn't help but flicker.

The Flame Lion King roared angrily and tore the Spirit Abyss Realm cultivator in front of him to pieces, his eyes full of unwillingness.

The five beasts looked at each other, and they could see their thoughts from each other's eyes.

The Ten Thousand Beast Forest is developing too fast!

They hadn't been properly familiar with the bloodline of immortal beasts, and divine beasts had already appeared one after another.

At present, they are the high-end combat power of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest.

But if they are proud, they will definitely be caught up by other demon beasts in the end.

The bloodline of immortal beasts may be given to them if the owner has no beasts available, and in the future, if they don't want to forge ahead, will the owner still care about them?

Thinking of this, the five beasts nodded to each other, and then took off into the air and flew towards the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

The mission has been completed, they have to go back and report, and at the same time, they are anxious to make themselves stronger.

In this way, I can always stand at the left and right of the owner!

At this time, the aura that the red snake had been suppressing also burst out instantly.

Its cultivation suddenly broke through the Lingchuan Realm and stepped into the Spirit Sea Realm.

At this time, Zhou Mu smiled.

It's good that the breath is shielded in time.


Snake [Gender] Male

[Xiuwei] Middle Spirit Sea Realm

[Race Name] Knife Tail Flame Snake

[Current Bloodline] Flame Fire

Dragon [Current Potential] Divine Beast [Talent]

Dragon Power, Dragon Power, Red Flame Storm, Flame Body, Divine Fire Yangyan, Extinguish Fire Rain.

【Introduction】The Knife Tail Flame Snake, which has great potential, successfully awakened the Red Flame Dragon bloodline after climbing the stone steps, and then obtained the opportunity to fuse the Flame Dragon bloodline and become a flame controller.

Zhou Mu opened the information introduction and nodded with satisfaction.

One more Spirit Sea Realm, and one more Spirit Sea Realm, the main quest is completed.

After the breakthrough, the red snake fell from the sky and came to Zhou Mu.

Zhou Mu was also overjoyed, and he kept groping on it.

Who made him have no resistance to creatures like Shenlong!

The Spirit Fox King on the side swayed his three tails and looked at Zhou Mu in disbelief.

Since stepping out of the portal, Zhou Mu's gaze and attention have been on the red snake.

Not even a glance at it!

Oh, man!

"Wait for me to break through, let you see my new talent!"

Saying that, the spiritual energy around the Spirit Fox King surged.

Feeling this breath, Zhou Mu remembered that there was also a nine-tailed spirit fox bloodline that he had ignored!

The heart silently slapped himself.

"I'm so damn biased!"

I saw the stirring spiritual energy blowing the fox king's white hair like snow, swaying continuously, and it was extremely beautiful.

A little red mark on the center of the eyebrow makes it more charming.

Despite being a beast, this charm has crossed races.

I saw that the aura of the Spirit Fox King skyrocketed, and he successfully stepped into the Spirit Abyss Realm.

Just as Zhou Mu was about to check its new information, a milky white light suddenly emanated from the Spirit Fox King.

It is not dazzling, but you can see the gradually changing silhouette.

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