This light immediately attracted Zhou Mu's attention, and he stared curiously at the glowing Spirit Fox King.

I saw that milky white light slowly changing.

The three tails are constantly swaying, and the body more than two meters tall gradually contracts.

Not long after, a slim, bumpy silhouette appeared.

Zhou Mu was stunned for a moment, looking at the milky white silhouette in front of him that was nearly one meter and seven meters tall, and he was horrified in his heart.

Is there really a metamorphosis?

Isn't it a moe version of the transfiguration?

"Now it's really a vixen." Zhou Mu muttered to himself, and for a while he did not slow down from his surprise.

His heart was stunned, but he still looked at the Spirit Fox King intently.

Vaguely, Zhou Mu saw the Spirit Fox King looking up at him.


The milky white figure let out a numbing moan.

There was a hint of laughter and pride in his voice.

Zhou Mu was full of excitement, came back to his senses, and subconsciously swallowed.

The red snake beside him looked at the Spirit Fox King with bright eyes, his eyes flowing, and his gentleness was even stronger.

It ran over excitedly, and its seven- or eight-meter-long body circled around the Spirit Fox King.

Fortunately, its body is not too thick, and you can still see the Spirit Fox King surrounded by it.

I saw that the Lingmei Fox King Jade waved his hand, and the milky white light on his body dissipated, revealing his skin as white as jade.

Her white hair fell to her waist, like a silver snowflake, white and flawless.

The chin is delicate, and the lips are delicate like rose petals.

A pair of eyes hooking people's hearts, beautiful facial features, and a smile exudes a charming atmosphere.

Zhou Mu of the Spirit Fox Dynasty threw a wink, which scared Zhou Mu and couldn't help but take a step back.

I saw that the Lingmei Fox King reached out and patted the red snake, and the red snake immediately stopped spinning in a circle, and looked at the with gentle eyes.

The Lingmei Fox King did not pay attention to its gaze, and walked towards Zhou Mu with slender beautiful legs.

"Farm owner~ How do you see the slave family now?" Walking in front of Zhou Mu, the Spirit Fox King bowed slightly, pointed his finger on Zhou Mu's chest, and said coquettishly.

Its three tails are still wagging behind it, and a pair of fox ears on its head move from time to time.

Zhou Mu calmly started from its ears and looked at it.

"Well, it's good, it's pretty good."

With that, Zhou Mu took another step back and let his hand move away from his chest.

Man and beast have different paths!

It's not completely human! And ears and tail!

The Lingmei Fox King seemed to be dissatisfied with Zhou Mu's answer, stepped forward again, pinched Zhou Mu's chin with one hand, frowned and looked up at Zhou Mu.

"Is it bad where is the slave family? Why did you react like this! Owner~"

Ah! Wrong! "

It's the master~"

The Spirit Fox King had silky eyes, a sly smile on the corner of his mouth, and he also looked at his bumpy body, feeling that it was more perfect than any human woman it had ever seen.

Hearing this bone-chilling sound, Zhou Mu couldn't bear it all of a sudden.

I want to cry without tears.

"How is this a female? How can this incarnation still turn into a beast-eared maiden!

"You have to hurry up and get rid of it, otherwise you will continue to cultivate in the future!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu pulled out a stiff smile on his face, squinted his eyes as much as possible, and looked less at the front.

He quickly turned around and walked quickly to Qingniu's side.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Mu and Qingniu disappeared together, leaving the Red Snake and the Spirit Fox Dull King on the top of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

The Spirit Fox King froze in place, his hand still dangling.

It frowned and thought, looking back and forth at its perfect body, and even condensed a mirror of aura, looking at its appearance.

"No problem!"

"It shouldn't be!"

"How is it different from what you imagined!"

Thinking of this, the Lingmei Fox King turned to look at the red snake and asked, "Does it look good?" The

red snake nodded quickly, and the huge head was still on its body, and the hard scales made the white and tender skin of the Spirit Fox King red.

Seeing this, the Spirit Fox King was even more puzzled.

Snakes think I'm beautiful, how can a human be not interested in himself at all.

Shouldn't he have a problem?

While thinking, Zhou Mu and Qingniu returned to the top of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

Zhou Mu held a blood-stained Sect woman's uniform in his hand, and walked straight towards the naked Spirit Fox King.

The Lingmei Fox King originally thought that Zhou Mu had come to bring him clothes, but he actually said coldly: "Can you change back?" The

Spirit Fox King clenched his silver teeth and said hatefully: "Yes." Before

Zhou Mu could react, the Spirit Fox King snatched the clothes over, and the Spiritual Qi shook off the blood stains on it, and in a blink of an eye, he put the clothes on his body, covering his white and tender body.

"But I just don't go back." The Lingmei Fox King snorted and stared at Zhou Mu with his hands on his chest.

Zhou Mu shrugged helplessly: "If you don't want to change back, forget it." "

Saying that, call up the information of the Spirit Fox King.

[Name] Lingmei [Gender] Female

[Cultivation] Early stage of Lingmei Realm [Race Name] Lingmei Fox [Current Bloodline] Nine-tailed Spirit

Fox [Current Potential] Immortal Beast

[Talent] Xiangrui, Demon Fox Fire, Enchantment Demon Art, Soul Raid, Thousand Changes [

Introduction] The Lingmei

Fox, known for its charm, fuses the bloodline of the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox


the beast of Xiangrui, perfectly integrating the two talents into one.

After seeing the information, Zhou Mu was a little unbelievable.

Auspicious sign?

Don't be too outrageous, okay!

You say that a calamity is more reliable than Xiangrui!

"You also got the bloodline, hurry back and get acquainted with the new power." Zhou Mu waved his hand at it, urging it to leave quickly.

Seeing that Zhou Mu was so decisive to drive himself away, the Lingmei Fox King couldn't help but say, "Is it that I don't look good?" Or do you have a problem? Why aren't you curious about me at all?

Hearing this, Zhou Mu replied expressionlessly: "Because of reproductive isolation." With

a stronger bloodline, the Spirit Fox King's intelligence was also unprecedentedly strengthened, and he suddenly understood the meaning of these words, his face turned slightly red, and he spoke: "Isn't this better?" Zhou

Mu looked at it with a strange face, fortunately he didn't drink water, or he was sure to spray it.

Zhou Muzheng didn't know if he was serious, anyway, this fox was not very serious.

And there should also be reproductive isolation in this world, otherwise the monster beasts under his hands must be some monster beasts with mixed bloodlines.

But maybe the strength is strong enough to ignore reproductive isolation?

Even so, Zhou Mu did not intend to touch these demon beasts.

Their incarnations are indeed much more beautiful than ordinary women, but Zhou Mu still can't pass the psychological barrier after all.

After all, they are still beasts.

What if I suddenly turn into a beast body when I do it?

And with the first incarnation, there will definitely be more incarnation monsters in the future.

There will be more beautiful monsters.

Do you really want to sink inside?

Some things are only zero and countless times

, and they can't be pioneered.

Moreover, Zhou Mu did not intend to think about this aspect at all.

Zhou Mu could force them to remain beastly, but the human form seemed to be the form with the highest potential.

Sooner or later, they will have to face the enemy in human form.

And Zhou Mu's feelings for these monster beasts are also pure.

What he wants is to become stronger with the monsters.

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