The Lingmei Fox King saw the deep meaning under Zhou Mu's eyes, and his eyebrows were slightly raised, a little surprised.

Then I took it for granted.

How could the owner, a god-like being, covet this desire?

Thinking of this, the Lingmei Fox King put away his charming posture, straightened his attitude and said softly: "Then I'll go."

"Thank you to the master for the grace of reinvention."

Zhou Mu nodded: "If you are grateful, you can quickly raise Xiu Wei, stop being a mascot." The

corner of Lingmei Fox King's mouth twitched, and he looked depressed.

It walked to the stone steps, lightly bare feet, and the whole person was suspended in the air.

Then he glanced at the red snake inadvertently, and then quickly left.

Seeing this, the red snake raised its head and looked in the direction where the Spirit Fox King left.

It looked at Zhou Mu with a blank eye.

Zhou Mu's eyelids jumped wildly, and his face was strange.

Does this still help out of feelings?

And this bloodline has even passed down the dragon nature?

Zhou Mu nodded casually and signaled that it could go.

Seeing this, the red snake let out a long roar, soared into the air, and went straight after the Spirit Fox King.

Zhou Mu sighed helplessly: "Just after talking about reproductive isolation, this is a slap in the face." Saying

that, he called up the monitoring map and looked at the distribution of humans and monsters inside.

Sure enough, there are now only green dots on the map, and no red dots.

In just one morning, all the cultivators in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest were solved.

And it was a one-sided solution, no monsters died.

"It's not a problem to face a small sect now." Zhou Mu looked into the distance.

Before that, an old man of the Spirit Sea Realm who guarded the soul card at the Silver Dao Gate was sitting leisurely on a chair.

He had several broken soul cards in his hand.

It was the soul cards of several Spirit Sea Realm sects in the Spirit Sea Realm Sect.

The old man was not too surprised by this.

"Most likely, he was killed by the people of those sects."

"Hmph, it's fighting again, I don't know how much territory the sect can occupy this time."

The old man had always believed this in his heart, until this morning, a relatively large soul card suddenly shattered, causing him to panic.

The old man trembled and held up the Spirit Abyss Realm Soul Card, and his heart was beating wildly.

"Elder Mu, dead?!"

Only then did he remember that the few Broken Spirit Sea Realm soul cards were all cultivators who participated in the trial.

"Both... He's dead? The

old man sensed that something was wrong, held a bunch of broken soul cards, and quickly ran to the main hall of the sect.

"Sect Master, something has happened!" The old man bowed and saluted the man above.

The man who was closing his eyes and nurturing his mind slowly opened his eyes, a trace of displeasure flashed under his eyes, and he wanted to ask what happened.

But after seeing the soul card in the old man's hand, his eyes suddenly widened, his chest continued to rise and fall, and his anger was about to spurt out.

That's the Spirit Abyss Realm!

A small sect like theirs, the Spirit Abyss Realm is only a handful, and now it has actually been damaged!

How can this not be angry!

"Whose soul card?"

"Elder Mu Fang."

"Was there a summons before death?"


After a brief exchange, the man asked the old man to step down.

He held those broken Spirit Sea Realm soul cards in his hand, and with a fierce grip, the soul cards turned into powder and dissipated, leaving only the Spirit Abyss Realm soul cards.

"Okay! You four guys actually wiped out my entire Silver Dao Gate!" This is acting or not acting, directly tearing the face, right? The man snorted coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes.


There was a loud noise outside the sect, and the aura fluctuations spread throughout the Silver Dao Gate.

Then a majestic voice came.

"Liu Gang, you are so daring, are you going to join forces with them to destroy my Huanglongshan?"

Liu Gang appeared outside the main hall in a flash, and then soared into the air, standing with his hands in his hands, his eyes looking coldly at the fluctuations of spiritual energy.

"I haven't gone to you to settle the score, but you came to the mad dog to bite first?" Liu Gang said in an icy tone.

In the distance, a burly man landed on the martial arts practice field in front of the main hall with a bang, and roared angrily: "You fart, kill me a Spirit Abyss Realm elder, I will kill your silver knife gate today!" "

After killing your Silver Dao Gate, go and kill the other three!"

Hearing this, Liu Gang frowned: "My sect also died a Spirit Abyss Realm elder. Saying

that, Liu Gang took out the broken soul card and suspended it in his hand.

The burly man looked at this scene in surprise, and the newly raised anger did not know whether to release it or not.

"What's going on?" The burly man asked.

"I don't know, maybe we should ask the other three sects." Liu Gang looked calm and looked in one direction.

The words fell, and the two flew in a certain direction at the same time.

And after a "visit", the sect masters of the five sects gathered together.

They looked solemn, and no one spoke for a while.

"I have been here for so many years, and the strength of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest is very clear."

"There must be other meddling in this matter."

"And we have all lost a large number of disciples." A green-robed man was the first to speak and said his guess.

"The disciple is small, but the Lingyuan realm is big."

As soon as the words fell, the faces of the five suddenly changed drastically.

Just because just now there was a sudden explosion in their sect.

The five people couldn't help but return to the sect and came to the explosion site.

The explosion was not large, and no one was injured.

But the black aura that emanated made the five people stand in place, and they did not dare to step forward.

The five people in different places sighed in unison, took a step back and left, and did not go to gather with the others.


Zhou Mu in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest had no idea about these things.

He felt that he had done it clean enough, and even those who escaped halfway sent demon beasts to hunt them down.

Among the entire cultivators who participated in the trial, it seemed that only Chu Wei, the son of Heaven's Dao, survived.

It was still for the sake of the little wolf that she was so rare that he didn't kill her.

There were too many people, and Zhou Mu didn't remember it clearly.

At this time, the five beast kings flew to the bottom of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain and were climbing the stone steps step by step to meet Zhou Mu.

There was also a red dragon dragged behind them.

I saw the red snake sticking out its tongue, gasping for breath, exhausted.

When it saw Zhou Mu, it lowered its head in shame.

"Owner, Sister Lingmei is running too fast, I can't catch up."

The five Beast Kings were not surprised, they already knew who that Lingmei was.

And they also met each other halfway through.

If it weren't for the ears and tail, they would have thought there were human monks who slipped through the net.

Unexpectedly, the Silver Peak Valley that was pierced by them had a demon beast that could transform into shape.

The five beasts sighed in their hearts, and then looked at Zhou Mu in unison.

"Owner, is there any way for us to transform too?"

"What are you going to take shape?"

"We want to be closer to you, at least physically."

Hearing this, there was a vicious chill behind Zhou Mu, what happened to these monster beasts today?

To rebel?

"No, no, cultivate hard, sooner or later there will be a day of incarnation."

"Where are there so many shortcuts for you?"

After speaking, without waiting for the beast kings to speak, a message was transmitted to the minds of every demon beast in the Ten Thousand Beast Forest through the beast seal.

"This trial has ended, your performance is still satisfactory to me, but the strength is far from enough."

"Those two Xuanling Realm cultivators who appeared halfway can kill you all, this is not what I want to see."

"The end of the trial is only the beginning of the next stage, I hope you will learn your lessons, improve yourself, and continue on the road to becoming stronger."

"I join you!"

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