Zhou Mu's voice echoed in their minds like an oracle.

When the words fell, the 100,000 demon beasts of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest roared up to the sky together, and the sound was mighty and vast.

The leaves in the forest seemed to be frightened by this formation, and they crackled.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu couldn't help but have a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Then his gaze fell on the five beast kings, and he said in a calm tone: "I know what you are here for.

"No matter what, you are my first subordinates, and I will not abandon you, let alone every demon beast."

"Did you see this massacre?"

"The demon beasts killed by those human cultivators have all mortgaged their lives."

"Their revenants I also placed them in the Ten Thousand Beasts Tomb, and they will always guard the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest and protect us."

"And those demon beasts killed by the Heavenly Dao, one day, I will also want this Heaven-Breaking Dao to repay."

Speaking of this, a fierce anger suddenly rose on Zhou Mu's body.

At this moment, his eyes radiated golden light, and the ten thousand beasts quietly urged.

A yellow-brown phantom figure tens of meters tall appeared behind him, and a simple aura rushed to his face.

At this time, the face of that phantom figure gradually became clearer, and Zhou Mu's face appeared, and even this figure began to gradually solidify.

The eyes of the phantom also emitted golden light, and countless demon beasts could be faintly seen in the golden light.


The beast soul starry sky suddenly appeared behind the phantom, and the phantom seemed to carry a starry sky, mysterious.

The aura fluctuations spread in all directions, and Zhou Mu at this moment was like a god.

The god of all beasts!

The five beast kings and the red snake couldn't help but bow their heads, their hearts full of awe.

On the beast soul starry sky, countless stars began to move rapidly, and the spiritual energy within a radius of hundreds of miles began to condense towards them.

They entered Zhou Mu's body through the phantom.

These stars carried a huge amount of aura, moving back and forth in Zhou Mu's body, but they couldn't find a place to release their aura, so they had to slowly strengthen Zhou Mu's physical body with aura.

At this moment, Zhou Mu's body exuded colorful starlight, and his aura was incomparable.

Feeling the aura that had nowhere to be placed in his body, Zhou Mu's eyebrows flashed and summoned the Spirit Palace.

In an instant, these starlight seemed to have found a place to vent, and all of them rushed to Zhou Mu's eyebrows.

The crystal clear Spirit Palace was instantly filled with all kinds of starlight.

Then the gushing spiritual energy was released in the Spirit Palace, wantonly washing the river in the Spirit Palace.

At this point, Zhou Mu had to seize the time to open up new tributaries to receive these aura.

Seeing this, the five beast kings knew that Zhou Mu was going to hurry up to cultivate.

So he hurriedly stepped back and roared at Zhou Mu, signaling them to go first.

And the red snake, which had just been born for more than a month, did not understand these things, and it looked at the glowing palace above Zhou Mu's head with a curious face.

The beast kings turned and walked down the stone steps.

At this time, Zhou Mu's voice came: "You only need to cultivate to become stronger, and I will leave the rest to me." Zhou

Mu looked at the five beast kings with golden eyes.

A bland sentence is more like a promise.

As long as you don't mess up and are willing to keep climbing up, one day, I can also get the ancestral beast bloodline for you!"

Hearing this, the five beast kings looked radiant, and their steps down the steps were much brisker.

After waiting for the stone steps, the five beasts did not greet, and directly flew to the lair and worked hard to cultivate.

Seeing that the other five beasts were gone, the red snake also took a few steps back and prepared to leave.

Zhou Mu dropped his gaze to its body, his face was grim, and there was some warning in his eyes.

"You are still young, I shouldn't have asked so much from you."

"But since you can successfully fuse the bloodline of the divine beast, it proves that you have enough potential."

"Whether you go to the Silver Peak Valley to find Lingmei or continue to stay in the Ten Thousand Beast Forest, you can't relax because of your bloodline."

"Don't forget what you're striving for power."

"Go, I don't want you to bury the bloodline of the divine beast."

Zhou Mu's words were like a ruler, whipping at the red snake's heart, suppressing its restless heart.

The red snake did not hold a grudge because of Zhou Mu's words, and did not even have the emotions of rebellion.

In its eyes, Zhou Mu at this time was like his late father, although his words were very straightforward, but he was all teaching it sincerely.

The red snake suddenly quieted down, lowered its head, and his eyelids pulled down, like a child who had done something wrong.

It slowly walked down the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, and its eyes became more and more firm.

On the ground, it soared into the air and flew towards the Silver Peak Valley.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu didn't say much, sat down in place and began to dig the tributary river.

And the beasts of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest had been staying in place, waiting for Zhou Mu's next words.

After waiting for a while, he found that Zhou Mu's voice did not sound in his mind again, and some demon beasts scratched their heads in bewilderment.

"This is gone?"

"No reward?"

When the words fell, these monster beasts were slapped on the ground by the claws of the monster beasts around them.

"What reward do you want? Did the owner give us less?

"You're an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf!"

The demon beast's eyes widened angrily, staring at the wolf demon beast with white eyes in front of him, hating it.

When the white-eyed wolf heard that it had dunked such a big hat for itself, he was immediately anxious: "Don't slander me, my loyalty to the owner can be seen!"

"These human cultivators, I killed several."

"Look, I still shed blood for the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts!"

Saying that, the white-eyed wolf stretched out a wound on his front leg that was about to heal, and his righteous spirit was awe-inspiring.

The demon beast glanced at it: "You'd better be, or I'll be the first to slaughter you!" The

white-eyed wolf said dissatisfied: "Hey, why can't you beast oil and salt enter!"

"I just listened to the group of humans talk about rewards and so much, and I said it in passing."

"I won't ask the owner for a reward."

When the words fell, several more automatic feeding devices suddenly appeared in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest.

Immediately afterwards, those huge peas began to spew out some high-grade rations that had been split.

The monsters honestly opened their mouths and waited for the peas to spray their rations into their mouths.

The white-eyed wolf on the side opened his mouth wide.

It was not because it wanted to eat rations, but because it was scared.

The owner actually came to give out the reward?

Is it because you heard what I said?

Am I finished?

It looked at the monsters around it with a sad face.

But I saw those demon beasts eating rations while looking at it with a smile.


A shot of peas sent the white-eyed wolf flying with a premium ration.

A ball of rations was firmly pasted on the face.

The white-eyed wolf smelled the fragrance of the ration and threw it off with tears in his eyes and brought it to his mouth.

"Owner, you listen to my explanation!"

At this time, Zhou Mu had just finished putting in the feeder and high-grade rations, and was looking at the 200,000 points he had left.

He didn't actually hear the white-eyed wolf.

At this time, rations were only distributed because the previous incident made him forget this stubble.

No, I quickly distributed it when I remembered it.

With the reward of 100,000 points, they ate for a while.

The system screen was inadvertently tuned to the white-eyed wolf, and Zhou Mu exclaimed, "Why is this wolf crying and eating at the same time?" Too impressed? "

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