After the Fire Vermilion Beast Soul entered the Beast Soul Starry Sky, it was still a little stupid.

It seems that he wants to make a big fuss inside.

Just as it was about to go on a rampage, three beast souls such as the Void Tribulation Thunder Beast surrounded it in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Fire Suzaku was still not convinced, and immediately became even more irritable, ready to fight with the three divine beasts.

I think I have the name of a holy beast, how can I let the three of you be scared!"

The three stars seemed to sense the thoughts of the fire Suzaku, and the light of the stars skyrocketed, like three blazing suns.

The light will cover the fire Suzaku in the blink of an eye.

When the light dissipated, the brightness of the fire Suzaku was greatly reduced.

At this time, it was like being raped by three big men, and it was loveless to stay among the three beasts.

They dragged the Fire Suzaku away from the fire and found a suitable position in the beast soul starry sky, and then the three beasts slapped it one by one and embedded it in the beast soul starry sky.

In an instant, the soul of the Fire Vermilion Beast condensed, forming a shining dark red star.

It was also at this moment that a dark red light separated from the top of the stars and entered Zhou Mu's body with the help of a yellow-brown phantom.

A red light suddenly flashed in Zhou Mu's eyes, and a faint flame burned in it.

Immediately afterwards, a wave of spiritual energy fluctuations came from Zhou Mu's body.

The aura that escaped from Zhou Mu's body visibly turned dark red, mixed with a fiery aura.

The corners of Zhou Mu's mouth rose, and a piece of information suddenly appeared in his mind.

Off fire!

Zhou Mu raised his right hand and lightly snapped his fingers.


A dark red blazing flame burst out of his hand.

The light of the fire shone on Zhou Mu's face, reflecting his irrepressible smile.

"Now I can play with fire!" Zhou Mu said softly.

Then Zhou Mu opened the personal panel.

[Name] Zhou Mu

[Age] 20

[Gender] Male [Xiuwei] Lingchuan Realm (965 Rivers

) [Race Name] Terran

[Racial Potential] Infinite

[Talent] Shadow Concealment, Thunder Robbery, Fire

[Exercises] Ten Thousand Beast Tips (Dacheng) [

Spiritual Skills] Beast Seal, Day by Day (Perfection), Zhenhai Fist (Perfection), Phantom (Perfection).

[Weapon] Ten Thousand Souls Star Bow, Heaven Robbery Ten Thousand Frontier Rope.

【Farm】Ten Thousand Beast Forest, Yinfeng Valley

[Power Situation] There are about 60,000 ordinary monster beasts, about 80,000 Spiritual Qi Realm monster beasts, about 50,000 Lingyu Realm monster beasts, about 6,000 Lingchuan Realm monster beasts, twenty Linghai Realm monster beasts, and six Lingyuan Realm monster beasts. (Due to the law of nature, the birth and death of monsters will occur at any time in the farm, so the system statistics use approximate numbers, for reference only.)


looked at his information panel, and Zhou Mu sighed in his heart.

Finally not a whole bunch of "nothing".

And there is also a new [power situation].

Although the number of statistics is a bit clever, it is also excusable.

After all, these numbers change once in a while, and an approximate reference range is sufficient.

Zhou Mu let the system accurately measure the situation of the demon beasts a second ago, and the situation that came out made Zhou Mu laugh playfully twice.

There are about 60,000 ordinary demon beasts, but there are actually 64,000; There are about 80,000 in the Reiki Realm, and there are actually 82,000 of them.

The same is true for several other approximations.

The actual number is much higher than the approximate number.

After understanding this, Zhou Mu continued to play with the flame in his hand.

As if he didn't feel happy enough, his left hand summoned thunder again.

Seeing this, the green bull on the side only glanced at it.

Hey, who wouldn't!

Saying that, Qingniu's two eyes suddenly flashed, one eye burst with lightning, and the other eye burned with flames.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu laughed and took back the thunder and flames on his two hands.

Don't show your eyes to people.

"Old cow, teach me?" Zhou Mu said to Qingniu with a smile.

Qingniu glanced up at him, did not refuse, and snorted softly: "Wait until you reach Qianchuan." Hearing

this, Zhou Mu quickly exchanged all the 200,000 points for random intermediate beast souls.

A total of a hundred beast souls were exchanged.

[Obtain the spirit beast Extreme Fire White Sandalwood Rhinoceros Beast Soul. ] 】

【Obtain the spirit beast to seize the heart and forget the orangutan beast soul.】 】


[Obtain the Immortal Beast Ruoda Heavenly Crane Beast Soul. 】

【Obtain the Immortal Beast Zetianjiao Beast Beast Soul.】 】


A series of prompt sounds made Zhou Mu's head loud for a while, and finally he had to let the system cancel the prompt and change it to text display.

In the end, a hundred beast souls opened nineteen immortal beast souls, and the rest were all spirit beast souls.

There was a 30% probability of producing immortal beasts, and as a result, a hundred beast souls did not even come out of twenty immortal beasts.

Probability is amazing.

"In the future, I will put a few more white phoenix hairs on my body."

"How bad my luck was before, with the white phoenix can still be black like this." Zhou Mu sighed in his heart, shook his head, and began to fuse the beast soul.

After a while, two more rays of light appeared on Zhou Mu's body, one blue and one red.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the talent: Scarlet Scythe (each attack causes damage to keep the opponent bleeding). 【

Congratulations to the host for obtaining the talent: Spirit Swallowing (Increases aura, physical recovery speed. Zhou

Mu raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, these two talents came from the fairy beast scarlet scythe and the fairy beast extreme sea devouring spirit fish.

And these two talents are still very useful.

"It's not too bad luck." Zhou Mu muttered.

After Zhou Mu fused all the beast souls, he began to use the Ten Thousand Beast Technique to transmit spiritual energy into the Spirit Palace and open up the river.

At the same time, in the lair of the Wind Wolf King, Chu Wei, who had been in a coma for three days, finally woke up.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at an ordinary cave.

Then she felt a huge aura fluctuation coming from not far from her.

Immediately afterwards, the wind swept by the aura ruffled her hair, and her dress was also blown away.

This huge force made Chu Wei dare not move, and the eyes that had just opened half of them closed again.

Suddenly, the huge force subsided.

Immediately afterwards, a delicate whining sound was heard from my ears.

Then she felt something licking on her face, wet.

As a last resort, Chu Wei had to open her eyes.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the big head of the little wolf.

Seeing this, Chu Wei was overjoyed in her heart and couldn't help laughing.

"So it's you! It's all so strong. Chu Wei said softly, with admiration and a little complexity in her tone.

"Huh?" After hearing Chu Wei's words, the little wolf stopped pounced on her, tilting his head to reveal a puzzled look.

What is strong? We are clearly in a realm!

Just when Chu Wei was puzzled by the little wolf's expression, two huge figures suddenly came to her.

The smile on Chu Wei's face suddenly froze, and she slowly looked up at the two majestic giant wolves.

For some reason, these two wolves did not have killing intent in their eyes, and Chu Wei inexplicably felt some closeness to them in her heart.

At this time, the little wolf happily ran around the two giant wolves twice.

I saw a loving look in the eyes of the two wolves, and they lowered their heads and rubbed the little wolf.

Seeing this, Chu Wei knew what the situation was.

She hugged her knees and curled up on the grass, her beautiful eyes looking around curiously.

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