
The Wind Wolf King roared softly at Chu Wei, and Chu Wei came back to his senses and looked up at it.

Roar! Roar! Whoosh!

Chu Wei:?

Chu Wei looked dazed, not understanding what it was talking about at all.

After all, it's just a few roars, not even body movements, how to read it!

Seeing this, the Wind Wolf King suddenly reacted.

Not every human being is a farmer and understands what they say.

Sighing secretly in his heart, the Wind Wolf King turned around and walked not far away.

"It was impossible to communicate, alas!"

"Forget it, let's wait a few days and take her to meet the owner!"

With that, the Wind Wolf King and his wife began to cultivate again.

In an instant, surging spiritual energy poured into the bodies of the two beasts, and the spiritual energy fluctuated one after another.

Chu Wei looked at the two beasts in surprise, and then looked at the little wolf beside him.

This family is too strong!

One is the Spirit Abyss Realm, one is the Spirit Sea Realm, and the other is the Spirit Chuan Realm!

"The Spirit Abyss Realm demon beast that fought against those elders should have it." Chu Wei thought to herself.

She was actually not sure, after all, this Ten Thousand Beast Forest trial was too unexpected for her.

No one can say if this forest is only those five spirit realms.

The little wolf saw that his parents had gone to cultivate, and it no longer surrounded Chu Wei, and hurried to cultivate.

It still has to break through the Spirit Sea Realm within five days.

Those who promise the owner must do it.

Seeing this, Chu Wei couldn't help but sigh.

"The monsters and beasts have worked so hard."

Saying that, Chu Wei wanted to summon the Spirit Palace and cultivate with them.

His eyebrows flashed, and the Spirit Palace summoned it.

But then the Spirit Palace seemed to be unable to store the Spiritual Qi, and the Spirit River, which originally condensed one hundred and fifty rivers, lost one in an instant.

Chu Wei looked horrified, and wanted to run the exercises to keep the lost aura.

As a result, it worked in the same way as before, and the exercises did not move.

You can't even feel that there is a spiritual energy entering the body.

Not only that, as soon as you run the exercises, your chest will tingle inexplicably.

I tried it several times.

In just this moment, dozens of rivers have been lost in the Spirit Palace, and only a hundred remain.

And inside the Wind Wolf King's lair, the concentration of spiritual energy suddenly increased.

These lost auras escaped in the air, and then were absorbed by the little wolf family of three.

As if sensing that something was wrong, the Wind Wolf King opened his eyes and looked at Chu Wei, with the same look of horror in his eyes.


"Quickly take back the Spirit Palace!" The Wind Wolf King roared and quickly came to Chu Wei's side.

I originally thought that this woman would understand, but she didn't slow down, seeing that there were eighty rivers left, and the Wind Wolf King was more anxious than her.

Immediately afterwards, the Wind Wolf King grabbed the Spirit Palace above her head with a paw, and abruptly slapped the Spirit Palace into her eyebrows.

This suppresses the loss of aura.

The Wind Wolf King breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Chu Wei had already calmed down, thinking that she would panic.

But on the contrary, Chu Wei's expression suddenly became calm, she thanked softly, and continued to sit on the grass without saying a word.

For her, whether she can cultivate or not is no longer so important.

It doesn't even matter if you're alive or not.

After all, in just a few days, he was put to death many times and miraculously survived, and he no longer valued life and death so much.

She watched the little wolf family cultivate for two days.

Witness the little wolf break through to the Spirit Sea Realm before his eyes.

On this day, Bai Feng seemed to be tired of playing outside, and it flew all the way to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

Seeing that he had reached the stone steps immediately, a burst of aura fluctuations suddenly came from Bai Feng's body.

Bai Feng let out a long roar, and the speed was faster.

It flew past the group of demon beasts that climbed the stone steps.

Scattered white light fell on them.

Finally, when he flew to the top of the mountain, there was a hum from Bai Feng's body.

[Individual little wolves who successfully break through the Spirit Sea Realm will be rewarded with five hundred points. 】

【Individual White Phoenix successfully breaks through to the Spirit Sea Realm and rewards five hundred points.

Hearing this, Zhou Mu opened his eyes.

"This White Phoenix has never practiced, has he?"

"This is the Spirit Sea Realm again!"

Just as he was about to complain about Bai Feng, he saw Bai Feng's body emitting white light flying above him.

A white and flawless feather fell off Bai Feng's body and fell right above Zhou Mu's head.

Zhou Mu reached out and took the feather off and stuffed it into his arms.

Then looked at Bai Feng with an expression of "you are quite sensible".

In the end, Bai Feng fell to the roof of the incubation room, seemingly tired, standing on the roof and sticking out his tongue and panting.

All the white light fell into the incubation room.

That's when the system prompt sounds.

[The glittering egg hatched successfully, congratulations to the host for obtaining the divine beast, the spirit of the sea. ] The

corners of Zhou Mu's mouth grinned, as if he had expected it.

After all, so much white light of the white phoenix fell on the incubation room, how much can you get something, right?

It can't be like the [Delicate Egg] that just hatched a few days ago, there are more than forty eggs, and there are only three spirit beasts.

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu quickly stopped urging the Ten Thousand Beast Technique and dispersed the phantom shadow behind him.

After two days of sleepless cultivation, he had already reached Qianchuan.

Zhou Mu trotted to the incubation room.

There were only three glittering eggs left in the entire incubation room, two of which had not hatched.

Zhou Mu quietly walked to the broken egg.

Just about to probe inside, I saw a palm-sized figure flying out on the waves.


An ethereal and childish voice entered Zhou Mu's ears, just like hearing the sound of a babbling stream, pleasant and calm.

I saw a palm-sized little mermaid floating in front of Zhou Mu's eyes.

Ocean blue hair, sea blue eyes, delicate and small facial features are extremely cute.

There is also a pink starfish on one side of the hair.

Its eyebrow is embellished with a crystal like a sapphire, which is very beautiful.

Two small arms were crossed at the waist, tilting their heads, and a puzzled expression appeared on their little faces.

The underbody is a blue fish tail with crystal clear scales.

It was suspended in the air, its tail kept swinging in the water waves, and when I saw Zhou Mu staring at it, its small face spanned, and its tail flicked gently, throwing a few drops of water onto Zhou Mu's face.

"La la la!"

The spirit of the sea was full of smiles, circling around Zhou Mu's head, and the water waves he carried quickly wet Zhou Mu's head.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu grabbed this palm-sized little mermaid.

The water waves under its tail turned into a wisp of spiritual energy and dissipated.

The cute little head came out of Zhou Muhu's mouth, seemingly dissatisfied with Zhou Mu's loss of water waves, and stuck out his tongue at Zhou Mu with a puff.


After sticking out his tongue, he opened his mouth again and laughed.

Zhou Mugang was about to pretend to be angry, but seeing this situation, the smile on his face suddenly couldn't hold back, and he laughed with the spirit of the sea.

"Little one!" Zhou Mu smiled and stretched out his hand to give the spirit of the sea a brain collapse.

Seeing it pitifully covering its head, Zhou Mu was even happier in a mood.


The spirit of the vicissitudes of the sea [gender] female

[cultivation] Lingchuan Realm

[Race Name] The spirit

of the vicissitudes of the sea [Race potential] Divine beast

[Talent] The lord of the vicissitudes of the sea, the guardian of holy water, the wrath of the vicissitudes of the sea, biological affinity, the light of healing, the power of purification

[Introduction] A magical creature who takes the protection of the sea as his duty, loves cleanliness and has a kind heart, but if someone tries to pollute the sea, Then don't blame this cute little doll for being angry!

After reading the introduction, Zhou Mu was satisfied to let go of the spirit of the sea holding his head.

"Come with me! Hearing

this, the spirit of the sea pouted angrily, but still honestly followed behind Zhou Mu.

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