When Zhou Mu took the little mermaid out of the hatchery room, the system prompt suddenly sounded.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for unlocking the site transformation

: mirror sea] [mirror sea: vast and boundless sea, gentle as a mirror-like sea, aquatic creatures living in the mirror sea growth speed and combat effectiveness will be greatly increased. 200,000 points to transform once (requirements: need an aquatic farm with a radius of thousands of miles)]

The little mermaid blinked his eyes and looked around curiously, holding his tender fingers in his mouth and circling around, but did not leave Zhou Mu too far.

Zhou Mu did not care about the mirror sea, now there are no points, not to mention, this mirror sea also needs aquatic farms.

Now he is only two farms, and transforming the mirror sea is still a bit far for him now.

Zhou Mu's eyes moved with the little mermaid, thinking of the talent of the spirit of the sea, and a thought appeared in Zhou Mu's mind.

The mirror sea will not be tailor-made for the spirit of the vicissitudes of the sea, right?


Sensing Zhou Mu's gaze, the little mermaid stopped, tilted its head to look at Zhou Mu, and his eyes flickered and blinked.

"Huh?" Bai Feng stood on the roof of the incubation room, looking at the small things flying around with waves below, and couldn't help but wonder, and also tilted his head to look at Zhou Mu.

The little mermaid heard Bai Feng's voice and suddenly turned his head to look at Bai Feng.

Seeing the white and flawless feathers of the white phoenix, his eyes suddenly lit up.

So white!

"La la la!" The little mermaid stretched out his little finger to point at Bai Feng, and then looked at Zhou Mu with an inquiring look in his eyes.

Big! Can I play with this white guy?

Saying that, the little mermaid kept circling around Zhou Mu's head on the waves, and after two circles, Zhou Mu's hair was wet again.

Zhou Mu raised his hand and wiped a handful on his face, sipping the water off his face.

Then looked at the little mermaid who was still spinning helplessly, quickly waved his hand at it, and said impatiently: "Let's go." Hearing

that Zhou Mu agreed, the little mermaid exclaimed in surprise: "La-la! Then

the waves under the tail suddenly doubled in size and suddenly rushed towards the white phoenix on the roof.

"Ugh!" Bai Feng exclaimed, looking at the splashes scattered behind the little mermaid, the whole bird was not good.

Don't come here!

The little mermaid turned a deaf ear, and his eyes shone brightly towards Bai Feng.

Bai Feng hurriedly took two steps back, and his two huge wings spread out and fluttered back and forth, trying to scare off the little mermaid.

Don't beat Lao Tzu!

Lao Tzu didn't want to let the feathers get wet!

"La la-la!" The little mermaid thought that the white phoenix spread its wings to give it a hug, and a bright smile appeared on its small face.

Big white man, I'm coming!


The little mermaid surrounded by water waves, suddenly accelerated, and swept a large wave towards the white phoenix.

Bai Feng wanted to hide, but it accidentally saw Zhou Mu's slightly threatening eyes, and suddenly became loveless.


The waves pounced on Bai Feng, and the bright feathers instantly wrinkled together.

Especially the feathers on its back, its skin can be faintly seen after the water is wet.

Zhou Muqiang looked at Bai Feng with a smile, and always felt that something could not be held back from it.

"How did this feather fall off so much!"

"Not as much hair as I have." Zhou Mu touched his head and thought to himself.

The little mermaid stretched out his little hand and hugged Bai Feng's neck, and his small face rubbed around its neck.

When the little mermaid opened his eyes again, he saw the white phoenix falling soup chicken-like feathers, wrinkled, and it was just the same as just now.

Suddenly let go of the hand, the tail moved, and the water wave appeared under the tail again.

It crossed its hands at the waist, and its small face was full of disgust and walked away from Bai Feng, and it circled around Bai Feng twice, and the more it looked, the more disgusted it became.

"Ugh!" Bai Feng couldn't stand the little mermaid's eyes, raised his head and let out a long sound, then threw the water on his body away and dried the feathers with aura.

Little thing, you still dare to dislike me?

I don't want to play with you yet!

The feathers became bright again, and the white phoenix spread its wings and was about to fly away immediately, away from this little thing.

The little mermaid saw Bai Feng recover, and the expression on his face recovered, and then it dropped its gaze to Bai Feng's back.

Bai Feng trembled.

No way? Again?

"La la-la!" Who knew that the little mermaid stared at Bai Feng with a serious face.

Don't move!

The childish and soft voice seemed to have magical power, which made Bai Feng involuntarily withdraw his unfolded wings.

This is the biological affinity of the Spirit of the Sea.

Just when Zhou Mu wondered what the little mermaid wanted to do, he saw that it slowly spit out a bubble in its mouth.

Until that bubble reaches the slap size of it.

Then the little mermaid dispersed the water waves under its tail, and its small body lay on the bubble, floating back and forth in the air.

It slowly came to Bai Feng's side and floated to its back under Bai Feng's defenseless eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the little mermaid pouted, and the two small hands rubbed back and forth.

Then a soft glow emerged from its hand.

Light of healing!

The little mermaid turned its hand towards the back of the white phoenix, and the light quickly fell on its back.

On the ground, many new feathers have grown on the back of the white phoenix, which is white and flawless.

The little mermaid clapped his hands and looked at Bai Feng with a smile on his face.

Bai Feng's face was full of disbelief, and it pulled the feathers behind it with its mouth, and after a few confirmations, its eyes flowed.

"Ugh!" It exclaimed, quickly flew up, and flew to Zhou Mu's side.

It turned its back to Zhou Mu and looked back at him, "Farm Master! Look at it! My feathers have grown back!

"It's finally growing back!"

Saying that, Bai Feng's eyes gradually moistened.

The little mermaid saw that Bai Feng left without saying a word, and flew down on the bubble in a huff.


The little mermaid spat out a jet of water from its mouth and washed it onto Bai Feng's body.

Seeing that Bai Feng became a soup chicken again, the little mermaid was discouraged.

However, to Zhou Mu's surprise, this time Bai Feng was not angry, but rubbed towards the little mermaid with an excited face.

Immediately afterwards, looking at the size of the little mermaid, Bai Feng seemed to think of something.

It tilted its neck towards Zhou Mu and said, "Farm master! Pluck the feathers off my neck! Make a dress for the little things! Looking

at Bai Feng's generous face, Zhou Mu smiled.

That's what you said!


Bai Feng's voice of pain spread throughout the top of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

I saw Zhou Mu grabbing a handful of feathers with one hand, and a piece of skin appeared on Bai Feng's neck.

The little mermaid on the side covered his eyes and quietly watched this scene from between his fingers.

Thanks to Zhou Mu, he learned to knit during his previous ten years of wandering.

After a while, a small feather skirt was braided.

He put the hem of his skirt over the little mermaid, just enough to cover half of its tail.

It is worthy of the feathers of the white phoenix, and the true standard of longevity.

The little mermaid looked at the hem of his skirt in surprise, and was overjoyed.

At this moment, Zhou Mu made a headband out of the white phoenix's feathers and put it on its sea-blue hair.

Then Zhou Mu always felt that there was something short, so he took another handful and made a feather coat for the little mermaid to put around his neck.

Looking at the little mermaid in a feather coat, Zhou Mu silently carried Xue Duo's feather in his pocket.

The little mermaid was very happy, going around Bai Feng and Zhou Mu back and forth, and finally stopped beside Bai Feng.

A soft light emerged, and the hair on Bai Feng's neck grew back.

In an instant, Zhou Mu's eyes lit up!

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