
Bai Feng was frightened by Zhou Mu's eyes, let out a long cry in horror, and flew out without turning his head.

Zhou Mu laughed: "I haven't started yet, what are you running!" The

little mermaid in the feather coat puffed up his cheeks again and looked at the flying white phoenix with a huff.

And so again!


Zhou Mu glanced at the little mermaid helplessly, and spoke: "Okay, you can play casually, as long as it is in this forest, there will be no danger." "

Say, punch a beast seal into the little mermaid's body to help it grow rapidly.

"I don't know if you'll grow up." Looking at the slap-sized spirit of the sea, Zhou Mu asked his own questions.

When the little mermaid heard Zhou Mu's words, he immediately crossed his hands and said, "Of course it will grow up!"

"It will grow so big!" The little mermaid said in his mouth, while gesturing a large circle with his small hand.

"Go play!" Zhou Mu urged.

He was ready to ask Qingniu for advice on robbing thunder and leaving the fire.

Hearing this, the little mermaid lay on the bubble and flew around slowly.

It's not familiar with the top of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain!

Just as Zhou Mu was about to consult the green bull, the Wind Wolf King took Little Wolf and Chu Wei to the top of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

Chu Wei looked blankly at the scene at the top of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

Nothing else, a couple of wooden houses, a cow, a person, and a lovely float.

Then looking around, this was suspended in the bloodline pool and the Ten Thousand Beast Tomb near the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain.

The look of surprise was unabashedly on his face.

The little mermaid looked at the three in surprise, and quickly flew over, circling around them.

When the little wolf saw the little mermaid, he felt an inexplicable sense of closeness in his heart, and his eyes kept following the little mermaid.

"This feather, this breath, turned out to be Boss Bai Feng!"

"This little thing is amazing!"

The Wind Wolf King looked calm after seeing the little mermaid, and he was not surprised at all.

That faint sense of affinity made it feel that this little thing was not ordinary.

I just don't know why I can't feel coercion, and even the Wind Wolf King doesn't want to release coercion on this little thing.

Coming back to his senses, the Wind Wolf King took a deep look at the little mermaid.

It came this time mainly to send Chu Wei, a human being, to the owner, after all, humans and humans are better at communication.

For the problem of Chu Wei Ling Palace, it firmly believed that if the owner was willing, it would definitely be cured!

The little mermaid finally came to Chu Wei's side, it circled twice, and the little nose sniffed at Chu Wei, and then frowned.

It looked at Chu Wei's chest and looked up at the sky again.

After a while, a soft white light appeared from both hands and placed it on Chu Wei's chest.

Feeling the small hands on her chest, Chu Wei didn't know what to do for a while.

And that light is so comfortable!

On the ground, the little mermaid was tired and panting, the white light on his hand slowly dissipated, the bubbles under him "snapped" and burst, and the spirit of the slap-sized sea fell straight down.

Fortunately, Chu Wei's eyes were quick, and she quickly held it in the palm of her hand.

Looking at the weak little mermaid, Chu Wei was a little overwhelmed.

"La la-la!" The little mermaid spoke weakly.

I can't cure her!

Hearing this, Zhou Mu walked over slowly.

He didn't say anything like "remember me?"

According to Chu Wei's personality, she may have helped more people than Bai Feng's previous feathers, how could she remember herself.

And that's exactly what happened.

Chu Wei looked at Zhou Mu at a loss, thinking that the Wind Wolf King and the Little Wolf were respectful to this human being, and his identity was already coming out.

Zhou Mu just glanced at Chu Wei and looked away.

They were all far away before, but this time when I got closer, I found that she was really beautiful, and she looked much more comfortable than the incarnated spirit charm.

Zhou Mu took the little mermaid from Chu Wei's hand, and at this time, the system prompt suddenly sounded.

[Ding, trigger the cultivation task.] 【

Cultivation Mission】Cultivate

Heavenly Dao 【Task Content】Cultivate Chu Wei, the abandoned son of Heavenly Dao, into the next Heavenly Dao, and let him successfully take over the Holy Spirit Realm.

【Mission Reward】Dao Rhyme Lingering Egg*1, Enlightenment Tea Tree, Power of the Holy Spirit Realm, Marked Life Growth Rate +1000%, 10 Million Points.

【Mission Suggestion】Do whatever it takes to repair Chu Wei's Dao seed, seize the power of Heaven's Dao to cultivate Chu Wei.

When the prompt fell, Zhou Mu's heart turned over a terrifying wave, and gradually, his eyes also flashed with madness.

"System, you want to play a big one!"

It's not enough to become the master of all beasts, and I still want to control the First Realm in my own hands.

Can you really do it yourself?

Zhou Mu's eyes flickered, his eyes looked at the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, looked at the busy demon beasts, and smiled gratifyingly.

"How to repair the Dao seed?" Zhou Mu asked the system in his heart.

[The Holy Spirit Realm has also been strong, and there may be a way to repair the Dao Seed in the ruins that have been lost. ]

"You don't know how to fix the Dao seed?"

[I know. Zhou

Mu: ......

"How do you fix that?"

When the words fell, a projection of fruits full of silver lines appeared in front of Zhou Mu's eyes.

[The fruit of the restoration Dao seed that exists in this realm - the Hui Sheng Dao fruit. 【

Can be found in some ruins, please explore by yourself.】 The

words fell, no matter how Zhou Mu asked, the system didn't say a word.

Chu Wei saw Zhou Mu laughing inexplicably, his brows wrinkled slightly, and his face was full of puzzlement.

Zhou Mu slowly retracted his smile, rubbed the little mermaid in his hand, and then looked at Chu Wei: "My name is Zhou Mu, the herdsman who grazes."

Chu Wei was stunned, and quickly replied: "My name is Chu Wei, Rose's Wei."

Zhou Mu snorted, walked to Qingniu, and put the little mermaid on Qingniu.

Seeing this, the little wolf quickly ran over and stared at this little thing curiously.

Seeing this, the Wind Wolf King silently retreated down the mountain.

Zhou Mu looked at Chu Wei again, and the two looked at each other.

For a long time, the two did not say a word.

Due to the awe of Zhou Mu's identity, Chu Wei did not dare to move, so she could only stand there with her head bowed and twisted.

"Sure enough, it's better to get along with people than with little wolves, it's so tiring!" Chu Wei said in her heart.

Zhou Mu's psychological activities at this time were similar to Chu Wei: "Why are you so tired!" What should I say? Contact her relationship first, or tell her directly that she is the son of heaven.

In the end, Zhou Mu gritted his teeth and spoke first.

"You are the son of Heaven's Dao, you know?"

"Huh?" Chu Wei didn't understand for a while, she hadn't heard this word.

"You don't need to know what this means, you just need to tell me whether you are satisfied with the world or not."

Zhou Mu stared straight at her, waiting for her answer.

For a long time, Chu Wei slowly shook her head.

Seeing this, a smile appeared at the corner of Zhou Mu's mouth: "Then do you want to replace this day and create a beautiful world?" Chu

Wei suddenly looked up at Zhou Mu, her eyes full of shock and puzzlement.

Can days be replaced?

Besides, I can't do anything now.

As if sensing Chu Wei's thoughts, Zhou Mu spoke, "I will find a way for you to be able to re-cultivate, you just need to listen to my arrangement."

Immediately after that, Zhou Mu's words changed: "In addition, your life is now in my hands, I will not treat you badly, and I hope you will not betray me." "

Oh yes, we've met before, and you 'saved' me once."

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